‘How the other half lives’: David Cameron and Boris Johnson travel home after a day on the hustings

Published: May 24, 2014 at 11:58pm

No big limos, police outriders, flashing blue lights or ‘get out of my way, subjects’ wailing sirens – yes, staged it might well be, but the staging itself tells you what the expected standards of behaviour are.


11 Comments Comment

  1. kev says:

    Impressive. What an act.

  2. Joe Fenech says:

    You are right in pointing out the Maltese pompousness and arrogance. On the other hand. this is a staged photo with two not very good politicians.Johnson will act like the funny bloke at the pub but is in reality a dangerous, opinionated, arrogant person who has drawn oligarchs to London while progressively pushing out many locals who can’t afford living in the capital any more, has taken on the bankers’ bonuses cause, has never been candid about his position vis a vis the EU, and so forth.

    [Daphne – Boris Johnson’s policies are not the point of this post, and are irrelevant to that point.]

    • Matthew S says:

      London attracts the most wealthy because it is such a great city. They go there for the businesses, shops, restaurants, schools, restaurants, houses and places of entertainment. They wouldn’t bother if it was awful and there was nothing to do.

      Boris Johnson must be doing something right.

      As for the photo, I love it. Only bonkers Boris can get away with sitting like that.

      • Joe Fenech says:

        If you think that is really the case, then say “thank you” to the Chinese when they take over. Oligarchs go to places where they can live away from scrutiny and where fiscal laws favour them.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Joe Fenech is of the Continental persuasion. He thinks the sun shines out of Robespierre’s arse. He’ll never understand.

  3. A VELLA says:

    I’m sure that most will agree that the Maltese idiom that fits these people best is: Min qatt ma ra laħam, sorm ommu ħasbu xaħam.

  4. This picture, the one of Cameron on the two pallets (not EUR pallets, funnily enough) and Muscat’s podium are one and the same thing expressed in a “culture-appropriate” way.

  5. observer says:

    Nahseb li lanqas Duminku ma kien jaghti lil siehbu kafe’ mit-Thermos tieghu – kif donnu ghamel David Cameron.

  6. anthony says:

    Only yesterday I was watching the Pope’s welcome at the Royal Palace in Amman on the Vatican website.

    After his guest had left, King Abdullah jumped into the driver’s seat of his car with his queen on the front passenger seat, put his seat belt on and drove off to his private residence.

    The accompanying security detail was inevitable considering he is one of the world’s top terrorist targets.

  7. daffid says:

    Police outriders are essential in a banana republic; look at Mugabe.

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