‘I want my girlfriend to be made a judge.’ ‘Thanks for nominating me EU Commissioner.’ ‘I’m grateful you called me a new soldier of steel.’

Published: May 26, 2014 at 1:04am

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6 Comments Comment

  1. observer says:

    A collective hotch-potch by three wise men!

  2. Gorg Callus says:

    Wise words fellows.

  3. ic-challie says:

    Ara veru dawn it-tlett persuni m’ghandhomx x’jaghmlu. Zewg periti u mbecilli ta’ that l-art

  4. Silverbug says:

    Reminds me of “four legs good, two legs baaaaaaad!”

  5. gaetano pace says:

    D they know, really know what the two entities and what are the differeces between the two ? I have more than three doubts.

  6. J. Borg says:

    All I can say is ‘Jaqq’.

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