In just a few months, two prominent members of the Labour Party have been convicted of criminal harassment
Ignatius k/a Natius Farrugia, the mayor of Zurrieq and one of the most prominent faces of the Labour Party (the government even approved his inclusion in the Malta delegation to the Eurovision Song Contest, though he has nothing to do with it) was convicted a few months ago of criminal harassment against me. He was fined Eur2,500 and bound over not to approach me for a year. His friends and fellow agitators were each fined Eur2,500 and bound over similarly.
Now Cyrus Engerer, an aide in the deputy prime minister’s private secretariat and the ‘civil rights’ face of the Labour Party, has been convicted of harassing his ex boyfriend. He has received a two-year prison sentence suspended for two years.
The fact that both of them are gay men is just a coincidence.
It is their personality that’s the real problem, and their inability to understand boundaries and the norms of basic decency.
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Is it actually correct to state that Engerer has been “convicted of criminal harassment”?
Paragraphs (a) to (g) of the Court of Appeal sentence against Cyrus Engerer specify in detail his charges, and those charges do not include criminal harassment.
[Daphne – They do indeed: it’s ‘g’- ]
[Yes, but it is to be stated that the first court’s sentence is concluded as follows:
“Ghal dawn il-motivi l-Qorti tiddikjara lill-imputat mhux hati
tal-imputazzjonijiet immarkati minn ‘a’ sa ‘f’ u konsegwentement tilliberah minnhom. Stante li l-parti civili
Marvic Camilleri rrinunzja ghall-azzjoni kriminali filkonfronti
tal-imputat il-Qorti tiddikjara l-procediment ezawrit in kwantu jirrigwarda l-imputazzjoni mmarkata bhala ‘g’ u konsegwentement tastjeni milli tiehu konjizzjoni
ulterjuri taghha.”
It is to be stated also that the second paragraph from last of the Court of Appeal sentence states:
“Ghal dawn il-motivi l-Qorti taqta’ u tiddeciedi illi tilqa’ l-appell, tirriforma ssentenza appellata billi tikkonferma l-procediment ezawrit fil-konfront tal-akkuza
immarkata “G”, filwaqt illi tirrevoka l-bqija,…”]
[Daphne – Not ‘g’ then. It’s the reference to vilifying a man.]
The last time a member of the judiciary was attacked by a member of the Labour Party’s leadership, he was forced to resign.
Shouldn’t we expect the same now?
There is something wrong with those two.
Not something. everything.
This is not the end and there is more to come.
Perfect fit for Labour’s skip.
Malta ended up being taken over by a live soap opera featuring gay drama queens.
This is what puts people off gay men – the way that the most conspicuous among them really live up to the Maltese connotation “pufti”.