January last year, and The Telegraph reports: “Chinese spin doctors urged to spread ‘positive energy’ online
May 7, 2014 at 3:03pm
Chinese spin-doctors have been instructed to step-up their online activities and tap into the social-media revolution to spread “positive energy” across the internet.
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Well at least Mrs. Mizzi is dong something. This is one of the long awaited results.
And I thought the slogan, albeit ridiculous, was original. These people plagiarise everybody – Obama’s campaign, Thatcher’s speech, One TV logo from BBC One, and now inspired by China, which seems to have taken over the Labour Party completely. Don’t these people have a brain of their own? Stupid question, really!
These people are only capable of what I call THE CUT,COPY AND PASTE crowd.
They might have also been given a direct order to do same with anyone who is Maltese. I have been recieving emails with the topic of ‘energija pozittiva’, asking if i need anything and I have never subscribed to anything of the sort or anything else from the PL.
Positive energy is so last year
That’s what dictatorships do. Nothing new really.
When Chinese marry a foreign partner and reside abroad, they drop their Chinese passport at the first available opportunity.
Such is the mental conditioning however, that even when abroad, with a new passport, with human right guarantees and under a functional democracy, they will refrain from criticism of the Chinese administration.
There is a polite giggle/chuckle they give which is indicative of an “I obviously don’t agree but I don’t talk about these things” situation.
They can spin to their heart’s content.
Any patch is perforce a temporary solution with an expiry date.
Any damn with fissures and sub-optimal maintenance will one day give.
We should just cut the crap and invade them.
Illum kelli hafna giri bil-karozza. Nqbadt f’ hafna traffiku fl-Imsida, Birkirkara u tas-Sliema.
Nikkalkula li hraqt xi zewg euros petrol zejda, jew biex inkun aktar preciz MITT darba is-suppost rohs li habbar b’ tant pompa l-PM.
Dan ghaliex Joe Mizzi kecca lil Arriva u h*** t-trasport pubbliku bil-konsegwenza li zdied it-traffiku, zdiedet il-kongestjoni, zdied il-hela ta’ hin u zdied il-hela ta’ petrol.
Nistaqsi jekk u meta il-PM ser jaghmel konfernza stampa, bil-bravu Ministru Joe Mizzi magenbu, ha jghidilna kif ser itejjeb it-trasport pubbliku, izid l-uzu tieghu u jnaqqas t-traffiku fit-toroq, biex nies bhali li juzaw il-karozza spiss ma jkomplux jaharqu petrol u hin.
Bilhaqq, hadd ma jsemmi kemm gholew il-licenzji tal-karozzi?
There is no more moaning. no Write ups and comments in The Times of Malta now. The system at present is in shambles. long waiting times. dangerous over crowding on buses
no A/C and some rude and sullen bus drivers. Under Labour however people do not complain. Sad that people are only thinking of their pockets. to the extent that having. 2 cents price decrease in petrol is a big deal.
You could easily visualise Joseph Muscat in the role of a sect guru a la David Koresh having sex with his followers to pass on his positive energy.
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