Joseph’s Steel Armata: a new battalion for his family friend Brigadier Jeffrey Curmi

Published: May 2, 2014 at 6:11pm
It was a little difficult to find soldiers of steel, so we’ll have to make do with the copper version. They won’t rust either.

It was a little difficult to find soldiers of steel, so we’ll have to make do with the copper version. They won’t rust either.

And here's a version a reader sent in, though I'm a little hesitant about uploading it as this is supposed to be a U-rated website.

And here’s a version a reader sent in, though I’m a little hesitant about uploading it as this is supposed to be a U-rated website.

19 Comments Comment

  1. TROY says:

    You’re getting Michelle all excited now.

  2. Silvio loporto says:

    Hope you are not trying to turn your blog into a porno website.

    Troy, I don’t think it’s only Michelle who might be getting excited. How about the men?

  3. Coronado says:

    [Daphne – Malta’s situation is highly complex because of the absence of abortion. Seriously ill babies are born, only to die after birth, in situations where the pregnancy would have been terminated elsewhere. The multiple foetuses implanted during IVF procedures are also left to grow, whereas elsewhere it is routine to ‘cull’ them, leaving just the one or two – the result is a heavy burden on the Special Care Bay Unit. Statistics like these are therefore hugely unfair: Malta’s hospital/medical care for babies is actually excellent – and it has to cope with babies who wouldn’t even have been born in other member states.]

    • ken il malti says:

      Your second sentence is true to life unfortunately, to my young distant relatives in Malta.

      This couple’s brainwashing by the Catholic Church played a big part in doing what you mentioned in that sentence.

      It is a sad situation no matter how one looks at it though.

    • White coat says:

      Malta could become a leading medical centre for the care of new-born babies, due to our anti-abortion policies which I uphold, not on Christian belief but on scientific and human rights basis.

      This on the same lines that Israel is the world’s leader in the treatment of bombing traumas due to the high incidence of Arab terrorist bombing attacks on Jews that mostly include innocent people, babies included.

      Necessity is the mother of invention.

    • Meddoc says:

      Just a small note: Multiple pregnancies are mainly due to fertility treatment i.e. the pumping of the mother with hormones so as to increase her chances to conceive naturally as opposed to IVF.

      In IVF, the maximum number of implants was always around 3 or 4 (even before the IVF legislation) and out of these, if one is lucky, one would implant or at the most two – this can be confirmed from statistics that are published regularly.

      As you correctly stated, the major reason for the high, perinatal mortality is the lack of termination in cases of severe physical problems.

      But as an answer to ken il malti, my personal experience (and my line of work brings me in regular contact with these scenarios) is that actually most mothers would not accept termination of pregnancy but would accept embryo screening – this shows that it is not actually a religious belief but more an early bonding with the unborn child.

  4. canon says:

    Labour has added for of those in the picture above: JPO, Franco Debono, John Dalli and Jesmond Mugliett.

  5. bob-a-job says:

    Suldati tal-ażżard more likely.

    Their favourite game of chance? Craps, naturally.

  6. Dr.Cosman says:

    One of the funniest things I have seen on this website…Suldati tal-azzar!

  7. ciccio says:

    The “suldati tal-azzar” in the second picture don’t have any balls. Definitely the sort of “suldati tal-azzar” that Joseph would want.

  8. kev says:

    No comparison. The silver statuettes of the old lady in the bob haircut are from a rare Pjer Kamill collection going at 800 euros a pair.

  9. winston psaila says:

    Don Quixote rallying his troops. What is it, exactly, he is doing here? Regurgitating a new dawn of Socialist violence? Somehow, I think that that era is over – hopefully..

    • michael seychell says:

      Winston, I have written comments on Times of Malta’s and The Malta Independent’s internet editions more then once that I will not be surprised if Labour reverts to the methods of old, and this could also mean the return to political violence.

      Those who heard the screaming by our Prime Minister urging his followers to become once more ‘Suldati Ta’ L-Azzar’ must have felt shivers down their spine – at least I felt them.

      I pray God that this will not be the case.

      • Gahan says:

        Mike, int mixuf, u għalhekk tibza’, niggarantilek jien li beżżiegħ daqs Joseph qatt ma rajt.

        Tinsiex li dan irid jimita lil-beżżiegħ ieħor ta’ qabblu, li kien jippoża li ma jibża’ minn ħadd.

        L-akbar biza’ tiegħu hi li jaqla’ xi damdima elettorali mingħand Simon Busuttil li qisu pespus, pulit, li qatt ma tpastaż u li dejjem kien dekoruż u rispettabbli fi kliemu u għemilu.

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