Knock me out again, Edward. That’s just amazing.

Published: May 31, 2014 at 5:03pm

The Tourism Minister has tweeted his vision for Gozo.

Edward ZLewis

22 Comments Comment

  1. Alexander Ball says:

    OMG he’s gonna ethnically cleanse us of Gozitans.

  2. Claude says:

    Are we therefore doing away with Eco Gozo?

  3. Mark Vassallo says:

    As a non-native speaker of English, he should stick to Maltese. That is, if he’s literate in Maltese.

  4. C. Calleja says:

    Wow, that must have been a long day!

  5. canon says:

    The best tourists for the Gozitans are the Maltese.

    • Pacikk says:

      Bloody right….and it’s that market that the people who live in Gozo should really pamper.

      • J. Borg says:

        The Gozitans do pamper the Maltese tourist and probably the Maltese are charged less than a non-Maltese tourist, which is not fair either. Nevertheless the Maltese keep on complaining because it’s in their nature to complain, and yet they keep on coming to Gozo.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        I’ve never been to Gozo. Is it a beautiful country?

  6. il-hsieb tar-ronnie says:

    You will not achieve that by a cruise passenger terminal.

  7. cikku says:

    Mur obsor x’vizjoni dik! Idea brillanti! L-ewwel darba li qed nismaghha . Ara veru m’ghandux x’jaghmel.

  8. Angus Black says:

    The brilliance of such a profound statement is blinding – to Lejber elves.

  9. Xejn Sew says:

    No shit, Sherlock.

  10. watchful eye says:


  11. bob-a-job says:

    Has Edward been smoking on the roundabouts?

  12. S. Cuschieri says:

    Wow…. very impressive indeed!

  13. PWG says:

    You have to bulldoze Xlendi and Marsalforn first. The Borg Olivier administration in the sixties had an upmarket tourist agenda for Gozo: witness the Ta’ Cenc development, the turning of the Mgarr harbour into an all-weather port and the building of a new general hospital.

    That was before the barbarian Mr. Mintoff put a stop to the project and his cronies went on to massacre Xlendi and Marsalforn for good.

    Unfortunately the Nationalist administrations that followed made a bad situation worse.

  14. Roy says:

    Who helped him achieve this vision? Franco Mercieca?

  15. Chris Briffa says:

    A true visionary. We are blessed.

  16. il-Ginger says:

    With this vision you PN can warm the opposition benches for the next 10 years. duurrrr

  17. Socrates says:

    Zammit Lewis is another PL visionary. It’s a pity it all stops just there .

  18. J. Borg says:

    Gozo needs a permanent link to Malta not lousy dreams from politicians!

  19. Lalala says:

    That must be big news for the Gozitans.

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