Kollegament minn Bormla (you just have to love some aspects of citizen journalism)

Published: May 2, 2014 at 6:32pm

Some amateur videos are worth so much more in news terms than anything that’s been professionally shot.

13 Comments Comment

  1. Manuel says:

    He said that the place was “mifqugh bin-nies”. Really. It does not look that way. In fact, he was filming to his left and as soon as he realised that the Bormla’s main thoroughfare was empty, he hastily went back to the right.

  2. Jozef says:

    This guy’s funny.

  3. Jozef says:

    Ok, this takes the biscuit.


    Seriously, what are we to make of his candidature?

    At least Cassola had the decency to wait until elections were over.

  4. Manuel says:

    I suppose he was being ironic.

  5. ciccio says:

    It’s quite interesting. When the voice on the loudspeaker says “nilqghu maghna lill-Toni Abela, Louis Grech et al” the camera shows the people walking away.

  6. Salvu says:

    At 1:44 you can see a white tent and red mobile toilets nearby.
    That is an indication of the amount of people they expected. When one considers that Joseph Muscat was winding up the mass meeting at that precise moment, you can safely define this mass meeting as a flop.

  7. The Observer says:

    Was the applause and cheering on a recording, as it certainly didn’t look there were that many suldati tal-azzar.

  8. Gobsmacked says:

    Not even the 1,500 recently-employed-with-Government attended this mass meeting.

  9. Augustus says:

    Mhux ta b’xejn kien qisu l-ifferocjat.

  10. verita says:

    Why did Joe look so ferocious? Why did he speak in the old Mintoffian way?

  11. C C says:

    Literalment erba qtates

  12. Pippa says:

    Because he wants to follow Mintoff’s footsteps exactly.

    First he welcomed back to the fold the dinos from the perit’s regime and now, when perhaps some of these are realising that he’s not the bee’s knees in that way, he’s trying to entice them with the ‘suldati ta’ l-azzar’ bit.

    Il-linef u ‘l-fanali jonqsu.

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