Look at this lovely member of the European Parliament in the making

Published: May 16, 2014 at 8:13pm

And please don’t try to tell me that Malta is not culturally predisposed to the Labour Party and with a strong destructive element, when you bear in mind that Lawrence Gonzi and the Nationalist Party, before the world financial crisis hit, almost lost against THIS by the votes of a mere 800 people or so.

39 Comments Comment

  1. ciccio says:

    Muscat tried to hide the “good news” with a 2 cents, but now he has let the cat out of the bag.


    And now Joseph Muscat will be able to tell us that we can’t say that we have not been warned before the “elections.”

    It means that this announcement relates to some “strategic” deal which must be more controversial than the ones before. Mater Dei, please help us.

    • There is no power purchase agreement says:

      And if these reports are faithful, I see that the prime minister did not utter one word about the power station contract which HE SAID was signed last Friday.


      The power station contract must be the most important piece of paper generated during this legislature, because if the project is not done on time, Dr. Muscat – who says that he has kept every promise he made before the elections – would have to resign in 10 months time.

      Why does he not keep a copy of the SIGNED contract in his pocket to show every time he appears in public?

      Obviously not, because it has not been signed.

    • Jozef says:


      ‘….The agreement opens the door for Ansaldo to enter the Chinese gas turbine markets, which the Italian firm says represents 50 per cent of the global market and is rapidly expanding.

      In a statement today, Ansaldo said that it expected the deal to result in a 20 per cent increase in turnover in the mid- to long term, three-to-four units a year in new turbines at its plant in Genoa and the creation of 500 new jobs….’

      Which explains what Scicluna’s doing in Brussels, looking for lobbying power. Siemens may be out Ciccio.

      Tabatha please note.


      • ciccio says:

        Jozef, let’s be careful.

        This news involving Ansaldo refers to Shanghai Electric.

        There is a note about the company in the second link which you posted. It sets out the full name as Shanghai Electric Group Co Ltd. Stock exchange codes are: (i) SEHK: 2727; (ii) SSE: 601727. This is the Wikipedia entry for this company:


        As far as I am aware, this is not the same company involved at Enemalta. The Chinese company involved at Enemalta is Shanghai Electric Power Co. Ltd., a subsidiary of China Power Investments. Stock exchange code for SSE: 600021.


        “Siemens may be out Ciccio” – I asked about this before on this website, because Gasol plc is now stating in its stock exchange announcements that it is the lead developer of the Malta project. Maybe they will be procuring their plant from the Chinese company with which they signed a deal earlier this month?

  2. anthony says:

    THIS is what the country deserves.

  3. Nana says:

    He must had too much wine I think. Normal people don’t talk like that. Another idiot.

  4. Painter says:

    Oh man I remember this. Pissed myself laughing. He probably had a couple of wine bottles before that meeting.

    • Grezz says:

      I didn’t find it funny. He could very easily have been made Prime Minister, again.

      • Skjavun says:

        U le… he is being pushed for MEP with a way to be pushed away from contesting the administration of the party again.. Probably had a couple of whiskies at the bar at Pretty Bay.

  5. Jozef says:

    It’s not a coincidence that Lino Spiteri was the first to go with Alfred Sant.

    It took another one into short stories verging on the depressive to recognise the traits.

    Destructive or lotus eaters, alien to the classics, supposedly of the left and misogynistic, inverted snobbery relying on an endless supply of cave dwellers.

    Theirs is a history of extremes, chapters gone missing and this blessed local, unchallenged micro-perspective.

    Malta missed out on Magna Grecia, idolatry remains the sole aim. It is never the ideas, it is who gets to deal these out.

    That ideas never play a part. On with the patronage of these little people then. Stone houses bereft of abstracted ornament, that the poison of any meaning ever contaminate minds.

    In the end, we cannot even be read. Not that we care.

  6. edgar says:

    I don’t think that it was wine. Must have been the Earl Grey from JPO. You all remember what friends they were at that time.

  7. The Observer says:

    Spot on, also in 1987 there were only 4785 more votes in PN’s favour and this after all the atrocities of the Golden Years. And we all know what happened in 2013 after all the development in practically all sectors, and albeit Malta surviving the recession unlike other European countries. Now we are living this nightmare every day. I dread to think ahead about how the LP MEPs will represent us, Malta, literally God help us.

  8. C.G says:

    Nispera li mhux qieghad jaghmel minn kollox sabiex jigi elett ghal Europa halli jigdem xufftejn Gunter Verheugen. Libsulu sarima.

    Jew sabiex jerga jipprova ibazwar is-sistema tal-VAT?

  9. M. says:

    Invasion of Laburisti cheering Miriam Dalli on Xarabank. Jaqq.

    • M. says:

      Thankfully, David Casa is speaking very well, but there is either a smaller number of Nationalist supporters in the audience, or they are much more civilised than the Labour one.

  10. PWG says:

    Hoards with a massive chip on their shoulders aided and abetted by a number of inverted snobs and self centered skip material.

  11. canon says:

    At the moment Malta doesn’t deserve better.

  12. Michael says:

    I forgot who mentioned that Nationalists always won elections by the skin of their teeth. But seeing this, Nationalists always won because they were never criminals.

    20-25 years was too much for Labour in opposition. They only won last year due to the Nat-rejects.

    Labour is no political organisation. Labour is nothing short but a criminal organisation, and whilst I wasn’t able to witness the Golden Years, just 430 days have told me so much about “the worker’s party”

  13. kev says:

    You should thank Alfred Sant for splitting the No vote in three, making it impossible for the No side to win the 2003 referendum. Around 16,000 voters abstained that day, with another 3,000 voiding their vote as Dr Sant had urged.

    Labour did not even mobilise the vote that day. They just had Tajjeb Li Tkun M’Ahniex live 24/7 and that was basically it.

    NOT in hindsight, had the No side won, its defence would have been spineless, dependent as it were on Labour’s political whims. Moreover, the European media would have demonised Sant just as they demonised Czech President Vaclav Klaus, Hungary’s PM Victor Orban, and Vladimir Putin and any leader who questions their doctrine in the name of truth and justice.

    Alfred Sant had a taste of this Western dogma in 1996 when he was associated with the Taliban simply for freezing Malta’s appliocation for membership.

    Which is why one can empathise with him when seven years later he urged his followers: Ivvotaw Le, ibqgħu id-dar, jew ħassru l-vot billi tiktbu ‘Viva Malta’. U l-Partnerxipp jirbaħ żgur!

    Issa ħallaslu grokk and let bygones be bygones. He’ll be ever so grateful if you just declare that he’s got your vote for splitting the No vote.

  14. Dottore says:

    It has been said that….”the people will get the government they deserve”.

  15. ciccio says:

    Alfred Sant used to call the Nationalist government “skadut.”

    Alfred Sant is now well past his own expiry date.

    There must be a plan why Joseph Muscat is sending Alfred Sant to the European Parliament.

    In my view, the plan is to oppose the EU on major items of policy. Expect a lot of stamping of the feet, more “wake up and smell the coffee” quips, and “tbazwir ‘l hawn u tabzwir ‘l hemm.”

    Insomma, I’m expecting a “pjan ta’ bidu gdid,” only that this time it will be “Made in Brussels.”

  16. Mr Mistoffeles says:

    It is a real shame that an island nation of just 75 square miles and 400,000 inhabitants can produce such moronic amateurs who, like the one-eyed person in the kingdom of the blind, thinks that they are the brainiest.

    But, at least one year after the election when the blind prevailed at the hustings, the one-eyed king may be stumped. We have to wait and see.

  17. realist says:

    I will give my vote to that candidate who openly declares that his/her only reason for contesting the EP elections is to get paid a handsome salary and perks once he/she is elected to the European Parliament.

    If there are no takers, I will abstain. I have lost faith in all Maltese politicians.

    • Kevin says:

      I am afraid to say that is quite a skewed way of seeing things. The point is not whether MEPs get paid handsomely but rather whether MEPs provide a return on investment. (And, Cuschieri’s claim of donating money is NOT an example of a positive ROI.)

      People should vote for those politicians who have gone beyond the call of duty in their remit. I will vote for those who bring most value to the EU as a whole and to Malta as a member. As a concerned Maltese and EU citizen and as a tax payer I want these politicians to work hard for the money.

      To me people who rationalise why they do not want to vote or why they’d do away with the EU altogether on the basis of salary and perks are not realists. To me, those who make such remarks are either envious of very well paid jobs or despondent.

      I understand your despondence. Not voting, however, will make you feel far more removed from the European Parliament reinforcing your despondence and loss of faith.

      Not voting works in favour of those, in Malta, who favour a Labourite theocracy as the best form of “democracy” (and yes, I mean theocracy with Joseph as the cult leader). Do you honestly think that Labour supporters would abstain from voting? I doubt it. It is only Nationalists and some of the “switchers” who will not vote.

      • kev says:

        You speak as if there was any significant difference between PL and PN at a European level. There are only nuances between them. One lot likes rotten apples with larvae while the other lot prefers them with maggots.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        So your wife could have been a PN candidate for the European election. Well I never.

  18. bob-a-job says:

    Notwithstanding all that we almost lost that election.

    Alfred Sant had the best campaign this time round. He stayed out of the way and kept his trap shut.

    Meanwhile I predict while Sant may meet the Dukes of Burgundy, Charlon Gouder will lose his wallet on the righthand side of Bld Adolphe Max, Brussels.

  19. Marie says:

    Culturally predisposed to Labour. You hit the nail on the head with this one.

  20. Nokkla says:

    I, on the other hand don’t find it amusing at all, it’s DISGUSTING. This is who the Labour Party is proposing for MEP. I cannot even start to imagine our country being represented in the European Parliament by this buffoon.

  21. beingpressed says:

    Energy is the key word.

  22. A says:

    In Malta most people are subject to the “us” and “them” syndrome. The “us” are always the underdogs and the “them” are those with better means, even if those means are only perceived.

    The “us” expect things to be given to them by someone else – the “thems”, and it does not occur to the “us” that no one need give them anything but they can go get it for themselves.

    As in any organization or society there are few chiefs and many Indians. It is obviously harder to be successful then it is to be complacent.

    By default, the complacent people would lean towards Labour because Labour is “il-partit tal-pjacieri”, and the “us” who do not get things for themselves can only chase the “pjacieri” to be equal to their neighbour.

    Therefore by default, the majority are grabbing Indians, and the fact that we have such a high turnout on voting day in Malta ironically means that those who are usually complacent during elections turn up to vote into power those who are just like them.

    In fact, there is no better example of the grabbing “us” than Joseph and Michelle Muscat.

  23. Rob says:

    Well, just look at the recently appointed magistrate Joanne Vella Cuschieri. All she had to do was go on the podium and end her speech with those magic words: ” Viva l-Labour!”

    They made her a magistrate for that, and I wonder how predisposed to judge us with a impartiality if ever – God forbid – you or me end up in her courtroom.

    • Tabatha White says:

      And the same would count for others, as by definition staying with untrustworthy, lying Labour creates a transference of the qualities one has publicly opted for or opted to go public about.

  24. curious says:


    Alfred Sant was one of the speakers at a seminar organised by Finance Malta.

    I was told that he said something to the effect that even if we hadn’t joined the EU, Malta would have done well financially just the same. A lot of side glances were exchanged among those who were present.

    Can anyone confirm, please?

  25. Antoine Vella says:

    Let us not forget that for many years, Sant refused to acknowledge that a major financial world crisis was going on all around us.

  26. xejn b' xejn says:

    I watched Miriam Dalli speak on Xarabank yesterday evening and tried to decipher her line of thought. She is utterly embarrassing.

    She did not make sense, and David Casa’s sarcasm was just priceless.

  27. Mandy A says:

    Miriam Dalli is just one of those women who are so miserably self conscious about their appearance that they end up talking rubbish due to their lack of intelligence.

    How can you ever give your vote to such individuals; it’s so evident that they are continuously struggling to hold an argument. Intelligent people do not behave like this!

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