Looks like somebody’s going to be voting Labour again

Published: May 8, 2014 at 1:11am

Martin Scicluna Marlene Mizzi

Marlene Mizzi has sent out a flyer with a precious testimonial – from Times of Malta columnist Martin Scicluna.

He thinks Mrs Mizzi is exactly the sort of person who should be representing Malta in the European Parliament, presumably because she’s so well informed and knows exactly how many seats there are in the parliament, and not because she’s loud and kooky.

Well, Mr Scicluna also thought Joseph Muscat is exactly the sort of person who should be Malta’s prime minister and that Labour would be a terrifically good government.

So he’s bound to choose Mrs Mizzi. It’s tragic, really, because it’s not as though he’s spoiled for choice with his Labour list. Who would he vote for otherwise – Joseph Cuschieri? Sant? Mrs Vella Dalli? The ambassador to Romania?

The sort of people Mr Scicluna really thinks are good are on the other list, but perhaps he’s going to wait a few more years before eating his words, just to prove a point in the way many of the exact same people did in 1971 when they ‘tried’ the ‘visionary and exciting’ Dom Mintoff and couldn’t come to terms with the fact that the consequences of that choice were catastrophic for Malta.

15 Comments Comment

  1. edgar says:

    I am sure that Martin Scicluna sees in Marlene Mizzi certain qualities that we common mortals miss.

    Other learned people in the past used to praise her qualities when they visited her in her Valletta toyshop.

    So Martin, she is all yours and you can keep her.

  2. PWG says:

    I can see it with friends of mine. They are appalled at the goings-on but find it difficult to admit that they’ve been proved wrong so early.

  3. Manuel says:

    Martin Scicluna, like Silvio Loporto, has been mesmerised by Muscat’s flamboyance. One day, Mr. Scicluna will have a lot of explaining to do, especially to the younger generations who already feel betrayed my Muscat and his incompetence.

  4. Gahan says:

    Can someone write LABOUR WON’T WORK on the Socialist manifesto she’s holding.

    • Tom Double Thumb says:

      A much better title would be “Labour WANT work”. But they cannot get it, cannot create it, cannot even think of it and cannot do it or be bothered with it when they get it. Like the lazy lout who boasted, “I love work; I can spend hours watching others doing it”.

  5. Claude says:

    Did Mr Scicluna make that comment now or is she using something he said in the past? If he made this comment now and is the Chairman of the NCHE shouldn’t he refrain from such comment?

  6. Ruth says:

    They want to be gods but then they can’t even keep their integrity. Fooling around excitedly on Facebook like a bunch of 16 year olds. Do you see Obama or Prince William having a personal account and updating their status on FB?

  7. AE says:

    Let’s hope he lives long enough to have to do it.

    He is behaving like someone who has thrown all caution to the wind possibly because he feels this is his last chance to get the type of post he so craves.

    It is the rest of us who have to live with the consequences of his ill and self-serving advice.

  8. Jozef says:

    Marlene Mizzi for head of NATO.

  9. manum says:

    Kif ma jisthux jibghatu lil Alfred Sant! Biex tasal biex tivvota persuna li hlief praspar ma ghamilx.

    Kull ma miss bidejh irrovinah. Ara kemm ser idahhaq nies bieh meta jiftah halqu Brussels.

    Vera Malta ghandna biex niftahru nelegu bniedem li fi kliemu stess hu m’ ghandu qatt ikun hemm, u xorta ivvotawlu l-fuq minn 50 000 elf bahnan u injorant.

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