Malta Developers Association president: at Labour Bormla meeting with Labour politicians yesterday; formally meeting planning PS today

Published: May 2, 2014 at 7:17pm

Today, Sandro Chetcuti – president of the Malta Developers Association – met Michael Falzon – parliamentary secretary for planning and the MEPA – and formally presented him with the results of a survey commissioned by the developers, which found that environment NGOs are the biggest obstacle to development.

Reporters were summoned to watch and listen.

What a farce. What a deeply offensive farce.

The two were together at the Labour Party’s May Day meeting in Bormla yesterday. Now today they meet and pretend to be all impartial.

The president of the Malta Developers Association, at a Labour Party May Day meeting in Bormla, when the Labour Party is in government and he claims not to be bringing undue influence to bear for changes to the planning regulations.

Absolutely sickening. And Alfred Sant doesn’t seem to be as fastidious about ‘barunijiet’ as he was in 1996, does he.

The march of corruption…

Alfred Sant and Sandro Chetcuti, president of the Malta Developers Association, at the Labour meeting in Bormla yesterday

Alfred Sant and Sandro Chetcuti, president of the Malta Developers Association, at the Labour meeting in Bormla yesterday

Labour Party deputy leader Toni Abela with Sandro Chetcuti, president of the Malta Developers Association, at the Labour Party's meeting in Bormla yesterday

Labour Party deputy leader Toni Abela with Sandro Chetcuti, president of the Malta Developers Association, at the Labour Party’s meeting in Bormla yesterday

Michael Falzon, the parliamentary secretary for planning and the MEPA, at the Labour Party's mass meeting in Bormla yesterday

Michael Falzon, the parliamentary secretary for planning and the MEPA, at the Labour Party’s mass meeting in Bormla yesterday

On Times of Malta today: Sandro Chetcuti, president of the Malta Developers Association, formally meets Michael Falzon, parliamentary secretary for planning, and presents him with a survey showing NGOs (not legislation) to be the "biggest obstacle to development"

On Times of Malta today: Sandro Chetcuti, president of the Malta Developers Association, formally meets Michael Falzon, parliamentary secretary for planning, and presents him with a survey showing NGOs (not legislation) to be the “biggest obstacle to development”

19 Comments Comment

  1. AE says:

    NGOs are the only guardians of the environment. Thank God for them as without them are natural and historical heritage, or what precious little is left of it, will be destroyed. And what these morons simply do not understand is that there is no turning back the clock on that.

    The fact that the only defense of our environment is left up to NGOs who are mainly people giving up their free time, is frightening. And they have to face up to people like Sandro Chetcuti who have wads of cash and a lot more to make by pushing their weight as an incentive. Hardly a fair fight is it.

  2. P Shaw says:

    Where is that photograph of Astrid Vella kissing Joseph Muscat when he was Opposition leader?

  3. Jozef says:

    This is beyond corruption.

    It’s blatant collusion, as can be seen in those photographs, and what in Italian is termed ‘concussione’; forcing the democratic process out of the way by throwing one’s political weight against all proper methods.

    Concussion in the abstract sense. Resorted to by those who Italians disparagely call ‘palazzinari’ have nothing to propose to society except their sole interests and primitive practices.

    Chetcuti to understand it’s he who lacks development which in 2014 implies lightweight, minimum social impact and maximum added value exalting richness in spirit and thought.

    You’re in the way Chetcuti. You cannot carry on unless land is put at your disposal. It’s not an ecological issue, it’s an economic model which requires radical change.

    The urgency here is to differentiate at once between developers and speculators. Those who can offer a service, capability, production and plant and those who demand the resource.

    Chetcuti wouldn’t be satisfied if Muscat had all 1.2 billion lined up for infrastructure. These then, are the speculators, period.

    It’s beyond NGO’s. Those just happen to be identified as representatives of civil society.

    Is it me, or are things coming to a head?

  4. ken il malti says:

    They are mostly “Soldiers of Lard” these days.

  5. Alexander Ball says:

    Are these the same people Anglu Farrugia complained about when Muscat sacked him?

  6. Anthea Borg says:

    Did Michael Falzon get rid of John Dalli’s henchman Iosif Galea?

    The man who is deeply embroiled in the snus scandal and who, as a reward, was later employed by MEPA as a public officer in the position of an enforcement officer, by his own father, Michael Farrugia’s Chief of Staff?

    Surely a useful tool for someone like Sandro Chetcuti and his flat-building friends.

  7. xahhamUizloq says:

    Franco “Oligarkija” Debono and Jeffry “Biki tal-kukkudrilli” Pullicino Orlando – where are you?

    One is sound asleep with his cocks; the other sound asleep with his personal assistant at the Malta Council for Science and Technology.

    Stand up and be counted, if you have guts at all. But then you never anything other than spiteful little opportunists out to get what you can for yourselves.

  8. ciccio says:

    Is Alfred Sant surrounding himself by “hbieb tal-hbieb”?

  9. Plutarch says:

    When people like this Chetcuti loudmouth feature prominently as influential on any government, it is indeed a cause for serious concern.

    He is unprincipled and unscrupulous, his only asset being his compulsive presumptousness.

    It is indeed a pity that serious developers have let themselves be led by this obnoxious man. He is a liability to the country, as with the rest of this pathetic excuse for a government.

  10. C Mangion says:

    Who does GM08 belong to? I saw Michael Falzon being driven in it in Naxxar yesterday at around 8am.

    [Daphne – Cars with GM number-plates belong to the government of Malta. If Michael Falzon is being driven around in it, then it has been allotted to him as PS for planning.]

  11. ciccio says:

    Picture showing the Energija Pozittiva in the face of the Maltese youth.

    Nice picture for a “Pick the odd one out” quiz.

  12. Pacikk says:

    Taghna Lkoll? It’s Taghna Biss.

  13. Manuel says:

    One expects a statement from the Malta Developers Association. Does it associate itself with its President or not?

  14. Paddling Duck says:

    My mum has just got back from Gozo. She was supposed to have boarded the boat leaving at 19.15, but to the dismay of those waiting in the queue the boat already at the quay did not start loading any cars.

    Someone from Gozo Channel blamed the port clock and peoples watches for being told fast. At around 19.25 the boat started to let cars on and a few seconds later a large car with the Maltese flag and badge as a number is plate (she didnt realise whether it was an Alfa or BMW and didnt use her camera phone but said it was very large so I assume its the BM) skipped the queue and was rushed on board. Taghna Lkoll!

  15. Xejn Sew says:

    Edwin Bartolo Il-Qahbu must have been well pleased with the suldati tal-azzar reference. He’s there in the front rows at every one of Joseph Muscat’s campaign events these days.

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