Marlene Farrugia: “Vote for candidates who support the continued evolution of the EU out of conviction.”

Published: May 24, 2014 at 12:00am

marlene farrugia candidates

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30 Comments Comment

  1. Matthew S says:

    Here’s my take on the candidates you should vote for.


    When the European Parliament votes on a financial decision, do you want the incredible business strategist Helga Ellul to be there or the man who thought it was a good idea to change VAT to CET, Alfred Sant?

    When the European Parliament votes on a health issue, do you want the sensible Kevin Cutajar to be there or do you want Charlon ‘a prostitute stole my wallet’ Gouder to be there?

    When the European Parliament votes on migrants, do you want the human rights lawyer Therese Comodini Cachia to be there or do you want Deborah Schembri, a member of parliament who just stood by as the government she forms a part of threatened to break European and international laws and send migrants back without giving them the right to file for asylum?

    When the European Parliament votes on freedom of expression, do you want Norman Vella to be there, a journalist who gave anyone who wanted a microphone, or do you want the queen of one-sided propaganda, Miriam Dalli?

    When there are votes in the European Parliament, do you want an honest, successful person with a proven track record like Francis Zammit Dimech to be there or a man with a made up doctorate and professorship like Lino Bianco?

    When the European Parliament votes on environmental issues, do you want Jonathan Shaw, the only candidate who has come out against hunting, to be there or do you want Clint Camilleri, the candidate who has been officially endorsed by the hunters’ federation?

    When the European Parliament votes on energy issues, do you want someone who knows how a town operates like Kevin Plumpton or do you want Peter ‘Marsaxlokk residents are blowing the LNG storage issue out of proportion’ Cordina to be there?

    When the European Parliament votes on educational issues, do you want Roberta Metsola, a career woman and mother of three children to be there or do you want a lecturer, Ivan Grixti, who thinks it is a good idea to bribe and ply his students with vodka and Red Bull?

    When the European Parliament takes a tough stand against China or some other vile regime, do you want Ray Bugeja, a man with international nous and experience, to be there or do you want the Gaddafi man Mario Farrugia Borg?

    When the European Parliament votes on anything, do you want Stefano Mallia to be there, the man who used to work for the chamber of Commerce or do you want the absolutely know-nothing Joseph Cuschieri who used to work for the Magic Kiosk?

    When the European Parliament votes, do you want the MEP whose work gets the highest ranking, David Casa, or do you want the MEP with the lowest ranking who continuously complains about how stressful life is, Marlene Mizzi?

    And if in all the above scenarios, the Nationalist MEP candidates would be better than the Labour ones, won’t any Nationalist candidate also be better than the Labour MEP candidate Fleur Vella?

    The message is clear. Keep calm. Vote sensibly. Vote PN.

    • Rocky says:

      No comparison.

      The problem is/was. Who you give the No 1 and so on for the PN candidates.

      People wake up.

    • Another John says:

      Correct on all counts bar one. The most most important one as it happens, that of irregular migration.

      The single issue that has the propensity to cause the most drastic changes to Europe’s social, cultural and economic fabric since WW2.

      In my view, you, like so many others, have swallowed the ‘human rights’ mantra hook, line and sinker.

      Irregular migration is, at best, a huge organised business, and at worst an effort to undermine European stability.

      Take your pick, Matthew S. I am sure that this concern does not rest only with me.

      • Matthew S says:

        There’s nothing to swallow. You either believe in human rights or you don’t.

        Put your feet in the migrants’ shoes. They’re escaping war, persecution, extreme poverty and lack of even the most basic of things.

        They watch their children die because there’s no medicine available.

        They watch their parents die when they’re shot in cold blood because they belong to the wrong tribe.

        They watch their mothers, daughters and sisters get raped by the security forces who are supposed to be there to protect them.

        They watch their towns, villages, houses and belongings being burnt down to the ground by angry mobs.

        What else do they need to go through to be deserving of rights and respect?

        The problem is that you, and many others like you, can’t even picture these horrors in your head let alone understand them.

  2. Jozef says:

    Labour women can be so aggressive and fundamental.

    Or maybe politics isn’t a woman’s place in their books.

  3. AE says:

    Theseeople can’t even spell. To expect them to think may be too much.

    Marlene Farrugia’s statement is a logical one. It is lost on blind ignorance but there may be the occasional person who just may see the sense in it.

  4. Steve Ganado says:

    Incredible how not one of these people was capable of writing a properly structured sentence in Maltese; and as for the spelling…

  5. Giovanni says:

    From all the above posts I love the ones by Joyce Aquilina Bartolo who does not do justice to her photo and double barrel surname.

  6. Gahan says:

    Sibtu fl-aħħar ! Morru 42:44.

    Hawnhekk għandna żewġ lagħqa kbar ta’ Joseph Muscat JINQDEW bir-radju tal-Knisja biex jgħatu palata tajba lil-Partit Laburista.

    Jien nitlob lid-diriġenti tal-RTK jieħdu passi kontra Charles Xuereb u Godfrey Grima .

    L-RTK rega’ spiċċa qisu s-Super One Radio.

    Jekk inhu raġel Godfrey Grima jmissu jsemmi lil min qallu dak id-diskors fuq il-boat b’ismu,u kif bħala suppost Malti ,aċċetta diskors bħal dak kontra ir-rappreżentanti ta’ pajjiżu.

    Qatt ma rajt nies LAGĦQA daqs dawn it-tnejn! U tal-mistħija li l-RTK jistieden preżentaturi psataż bħal dawn fuq radju .

    Fuq Campus FM Charles Xuereb Stieden lil Alex Sceberras Trigona għal-żewġ programmi biex ifaħħar lil-Mintoff.

    Min hu bħali li jħobb jisma’ programmi apolitiċi qed jiġi IBBUMBARDJAT minn nies lagħqa bħal Charles Xuereb.

    Ibatu ambaxxatur ta’ Franza u eħlisna minnu Joseph!

    • jon says:

      You might be able to find solace if you listen to this:

    • Que says:

      Ambaxxatur irid ikun zghir, hafif, zvelt, akkademikament bravu u energetiku. Taf x’qed tghid siehbi?

      Li tkun toghgbok il-kultura tal-pajjiz mhux bizzejjed.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Charles Xuereb idjota. Anzi wiehed minn dawk l-untouchable idiots li jkebbu l-idjozija taghhom f’wrapping ta’ sofistikazzjoni u academic expertise, u jsiru household names. Imma jibqa’ idjota.

      • Bubu says:

        I have to agree with Baxxter here. Charles Xuereb *is* a complete, unmitigated idiot, and he does his best at pushing his idiotic agenda.

        I happened to come across the AST programme myself, and I got sick to my stomach at the barefaced whitewashing of history.

  7. Calculator says:

    Bil-Malti, naħseb sfortunatament qed tistedinha is-Sinjura Farrugia. Dalwaqt nisimgħhu lil sħabha fil-Partit/Gvern jgħajruha “traditur!”.

  8. Rosie says:


  9. L-iehor says:

    Does Laurance actually spell his name that way?

  10. Yasmine says:

    Why is it that persons generally mocked by these nouveaux double-barrelled pastiches (and the rest of the motley crew posting comments in mangled Maltese) as “kollhom n*jk u nglizati” nearly always write and spell both Maltese and English far better than these paragons of ‘Malta (u l-ilsien Malti) l-ewwel u qabel kollox’ do?

    And when those who feel more comfortable speaking in English wish to express themselves in Maltese, they are able to string together “Ilbes il-libsa l-hamra” rather than “Ilbes dik id-dress ir-raad”?

  11. il-Ginger says:

    Near it-troll.

  12. Que says:

    Qatta hamalli.

  13. Que says:

    Dal Facebook….Looking good hun, prosit sweet lifestyle tal-qamel.

  14. Mark says:

    What’s your prediction on the election’s outcome, Daphne?

    Would be such a huge pity if PN does not elect 3 members.

  15. ta wied is sewda. says:

    As Laurence Zammit said, let’s discard the vowels and use the Q.

  16. Bubu says:

    In my view, Marlene Farrugia as exposed herself as being a complete hypocrite and has no shred of credibility left.

    Until the general elections where it was certain that her party would win, she had no problem toeing the party line, Euroscepticism and all.

    As soon as her de facto husband got booted out with egg on his face, all of a sudden she becomes a convinced Europhile.

    U hallina Marlene.

  17. ursula says:

    The effect of Muscat’s decisions will be felt in some years’ time. Right now people are happy with a decrease (still has to be seen) in utility bills and so on, but aren’t concerned about their jobs or lack of them.

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