Martin Schulz calls on Germans to vote so as to make a German president of the European Commission

Published: May 31, 2014 at 5:29pm


A German reader, who lives in Malta, has sent me this:

Here is Marin Schulz’s advert as it appeared in last Saturday’s Bild newspaper. The caption says: ‘Only if you vote for Martin Schulz and SPD can a German become President of the European Commission’.

Not exactly in the European spirit, and aimed at the readers of tabloid newspapers. A friend of mine was so upset about it that he uploaded this photo on Facebook.

3 Comments Comment

  1. observer says:

    No wonder a local friend of his boasted that the party led by him had the most European credentials – and that friend’s friend described himself as a ‘European realist’.

    All is grist for the mill.

    The bottom line – give your vote to the socialists.

  2. Katrin says:

    No need to get upset.

    Schulz has only O-level education.

    He was a bookseller most of his life.

    He is an ex-alcoholic.

    He’s got no looks.

    He’s got no charisma.

    And the ‘qualification’ he highlights in the poster has been given to him by birth. He really has nothing else to offer.

  3. bob-a-job says:

    The problem is that now David Cameron is backing him when even the Labour Party in the UK has problems with Schulz and refused to back him.

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