MCAST Taghna Lkoll

Published: May 7, 2014 at 2:30pm


It’s such a good thing that one Nationalist government set up MCAST as part of its ongoing social-development-through-education policies and subsequent Nationalist governments voted millions to developing the campus, resources, teaching and training.

Because starting from the year before last and right up until today, the Labour Party has had a terrific recruitment ground. With its most-likely-to-be-potential recruits corralled in one place, Mohammed just goes to the mountain.

Mohammed? The behaviour The Malta Independent describes here is what you’d expect if the Hare Krishna took the wrong drugs and became a little more aggressive in their orange pestering of crowds.

The Malta Independent reports:

The Labour Party’s campaign for the European Parliament election has upped its tempo as a trailer constantly showing footage of Joseph Muscat and what the government has done has been set up outside the campus at the Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology in Paola.

Students attending the college are being bombarded with continuous propaganda in favour of the government, as fliers promoting the government’s work are also being distributed at the college. Some of them have been stuck to classroom windows and on electricity poles as can be seen in the photos.

Before the last election in March 2013, Labour had campaigned heavily at MCAST and the university, targeting the young generations.

17 Comments Comment

  1. Cittadina says:

    That is what you get when you elect to government a political party dominated by aggressive hamalli: any dignified party leader would steer clear of such campaigning methods.

    L-aqwa li nghajtu bis-sitta u tletin elf, hijj.

  2. Connor Attard says:

    Have you noticed that Labour’s EP election campaign is about anything but, well…the EP election? Take, for example, the newly minted set of billboards about the much-vaunted żieda fl-istipendji.

    That’s already the second time they’ve felt the need to splurge all that money – and one really has to wonder who’s paying for all this propaganda – just to remind us about our €16 bonus per year.

    They cannot possible be more blatantly obvious than this about the ulterior motive behind it: bragging rights.

    It also speaks volumes about a government who deemed fit to boast about a relatively small achievement TWICE. ‘Sad’ doesn’t begin to cover it.

  3. PWG says:

    Something tells me that all this is going to backfire.

  4. Calculator says:

    Jeez, and here I though the non-stop radio advert campaign was getting excessive and tiresome.

  5. Mela Muscat qieghed fejn qieghed bis-sahha tal-Gvern Nazzjonalista.

    Studja f’kullegg li, li kien ghal Mintoff l-iskejjel tal-knisja ghalaqhom; mar fil-Parlament Ewropej bis-sahha tal-Partit Nazzjonalista li kien minn ta’ quddiem biex nidhlu fl-Ewropa kontra x-xewqa ta’ Muscat u Sant; dahal il-parlament f’Malta ghaliex wiehed mil-membri parlamentari Laburista cedilhu postu pero’ minghajr vot popolari u wara lahaq kap tal-Oppozizzjoni wara li helsuh minn George Abela.

    Wara 25 sena ta’ gvern Nazzjonalista kien wasal zmien il-bidla u spicca PM by default.

  6. Painter says:

    These posters were put up at MCAST probably because the majority of students there are from Labour families. The same thing wouldn’t happen at the University.

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      Let’s take a deep breath and deconstruct.


      There’s no majority, because this isn’t a sample of random variables. MCAST is organically Labour. It couldn’t be otherwise. It is the physical embodiment of the disgusting socialism that had become the Nationalist Party’s credo under Lawrence Gonzi. If you wish to talk about majorities, then 100% would be close to the mark.


      What students? Let’s call them by their name. Very few of them are students. Most are pupils or apprentices. MCAST is a vocational college, PR notwithstanding.

      “Labour families”.

      What families? It is the pupils/students themselves who are Labour. They genuinely believe in it. They voted Labour. They argue Labour. They live and breathe Labour values. It is wrong to assume that they made up their mind based on their parents’ political choice. They made it up themselves, and chose labour.

      “Wouldn’t happen at University”.

      How wrong you are. University, like MCAST, is mostly made up of the 18-15 cohort. And that cohort is now mostly Labour.

      Simon Busuttil would like it to be otherwise, but it isn’t. It is now cool to be Labour. Young is cool, and the young are Labour.

      The only reason those posters haven’t been put up at the University of Malta is because they haven’t been put up yet. You’ll see.

      • Calculator says:

        “Wouldn’t happen at University”.

        “How wrong you are. University, like MCAST, is mostly made up of the 18-15 cohort. And that cohort is now mostly Labour.”

        And yet Pulse (practically unofficially affiliated with Labour) have never managed to get the majority of votes needed in the KSU elections in recent years.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        That’s because Labour supporters are cool, and cool undergrads don’t vote.

        Nationalist supporters are nerds, and nerds will vote because they see it as their duty.

        That’s all it is, really. If you had to carry out a poll on general national policy, you’ll find there are more Labour supporters than anti-Labour.

  7. Alexander Ball says:

    Why doesn’t the PN put theirs up beside them?

    [Daphne – That’s just what I was thinking.]

    • M Borg says:

      The PN definitely doesn’t have the budgetary resources to compete with the PL campaign exposure. I’ve seen PN candidates promote themselves individually but PN as a party – not so much.

  8. Procedures says:

    This just shows that the PL’s piggy bank is still quite full.
    Ftit minghand il-hafna, my foot.

  9. Caroline Balzan says:

    Good evening,

    MCAST reiterates its position that it does not tolerate partisan political campaigning on its premises. Immediate steps were taken to remove the posters which were put up and measures will be taken to ensure that such an incident is not repeated.

    Caroline Balzan
    Communications and PR Manager, MCAST

    [Daphne – Thank you for sending this in, Ms Balzan. I’m going to upload it as a separate post.]

  10. Gaetano Pace says:

    Oh I did not know that Labour is now publicly proclaiming that it is following in the footsteps of the previous administration implementing its reduction in tax rates and free child care. I do miss that one about the tablets, the pills I mean not the computer, which I have to buy ever so often. Even after I had made a generous contribution toward the free dispensing of medicines by the Public Health.

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