Nice pic hun lukin gd ta hi swt :))) XXXXXXX

Published: May 11, 2014 at 6:28pm
The ultimate sandwich: the prime minister with Cyrus Engerer and his boyfriend Randolph Debattista

The ultimate sandwich: the prime minister with Cyrus Engerer and his boyfriend Randolph Debattista

Engerer Muscat 1

Engerer muscat

47 Comments Comment

  1. ciccio says:

    Birds of a feather…

  2. Alexander Ball says:

    A position that often escalates into what is commonly referred to as a ‘spit-roast’,

  3. Manuel says:

    Is just me, or what? Muscat seems to have a ghost cabinet. Where are all the ministers?

    Have they been asked to stay out of sight during this campaign or is Muscat trying to attract all the attention himself?

    Most importantly, where is the deputy prime minister, or the minister of finance or bulk-minister Mallia? Have they all become spectres or what? What is actually going on in this government?

  4. Min Jaf says:

    Hair today, gone tomorrow.

  5. curious says:

    After what Cyrus has been convicted of, he shouldn’t have the possibility of having another boyfriend.

    Ghidli x’taghmel, tithassru lil Randolph?

  6. gorg says:

    If eyes could kill.

  7. Scorpio says:

    Ma’ min rajtek xebbahtek.

  8. M. says:

    They have matching ears. Cute.

  9. Jozef says:

    Wow, is that photo an indication of what he promised Muscat if left out?

  10. A Montebello says:

    I don’t mean to be bitchy (well…) but I’ve seen a couple of pictures of Cyrus Engerer’s ex (the victim) on Facebook. A good looking guy – Cyrus must have been totally besotted and couldn’t believe his ears – sorry – eyes.

    Randolph Debattista is a good few rungs down the standards ladder.

  11. D Ace says:

    I sincerely think you should find a partner to start a Maltese-language blog.

    I’m afraid there’s a part of the electorate which might understand your message but not the language.

  12. P Shaw says:

    Ma min rajtek, xebbahtek

  13. Ganni Xewki says:

    Randolph Debattista, you’d better watch your computer hard disks and any compromising photos.

    If you have an argument with Cyrus, they might end up on the computers of the secretariat of the Minister for Europe where you work.

  14. albona says:

    Is Muscat wearing foundation, powder and lipstick?

  15. Fs says:

    Middle image: that stare doesn’t look good at all.

  16. K says:

    Looks as if they’re attracted to each other.

  17. bob-a-job says:

    Dick Cheney would hate to encounter Bugs Bunny’s teeth.

  18. bob-a-job says:

    The ultimate sandwich? It’s more likely the Bermuda Triangle

  19. Conchitu says:

    We should send that trio to the Euriovision song festival next year, Who knows. We might actually win.

  20. Xejn Sew says:

    I like the first picture. Cyrus u Randolph widnejhom parigg. How swt.

  21. anthony says:

    Ma’ min rajtek xebbahtek.

  22. xxx says:

    Cyrus Engerer – it’s the Erin Tanti factor.

    • bob-a-job says:

      You don’t realise how seriously true your comment is.

      The Court did not consider one very important factor.

      Cyrus Engerer could have easily drawn his victim to suicide and that’s certainly not an exaggeration especially with someone emotionally sensitive.

      Cyrus is a dangerous person and the gay community should be united in his condemnation.

    • ken il malti says:

      That murderous leprechaun will be a Labour politician soon enough.
      He has all the credentials.

  23. il-Ginger says:


  24. bob-a-job says:

    Cyrus must be bisexual – he’s into beavers now

  25. Natalie Mallett says:

    Love is in the air.

  26. TROY says:

    Both of them look like characters from ‘Alice in Wonderland’.

  27. ciccio says:

    Seems like Joseph and Cyrus have been inflating at the same rate.

  28. Manuel says:

    Still no comment from the Malta Gay Rights Movement.

    The Maltese gay scene is very much divided: there are the untouchable gays and the ones that even other gays could trample upon.

    • P Bonnici says:

      What do you expect Malta Gay Rights Movement to do? This was a incident between two gay men. Malta Gay Rights Movement is there to campaign for gay rights.

      This was a criminal matter, already dealt with by the police.

      • ciccio says:

        P Bonnici, this was a high profile criminal case involving events that can be democratically interpreted as homophobic and hence a hate crime. It involved a close aide of the prime minister who pretends to fight for equality rights, and who was contesting an election for a seat in the European Parliament which is around the corner. To make things worse, the prime minister, defended such actions and anointed a convicted criminal as a soldier of steel while telling him that he shared his values – values which apparently include homophobic acts, vindictiveness and threats in a court – while shedding doubt on the independence of the courts. And all this happened on the eve of a visit to Malta by the prime minister’s European Socialist colleague who is running for the Presidency of the EU Commission.

        Of course the MGRM had a golden opportunity to deliver a strong message against homophobia. When will all those circumstances come together all at once again to give a case such a high profile?

  29. bob-a-job says:

    The Prime Minister wants us believe that Cyrus Engerer’s father’s arrest was politically motivated.

    Over the span of almost 30 years Cyrus Engerer’s father Chris Engerer, had been found :-

    1) Guilty of Heroin possession on July 27, 1985
    2) Guilty of Cannabis possession on September 23, 1986
    3) Guilty of Cannabis and Heroin possession on January 4, 1988
    4) Guilty of Heroin possession and trafficking on January 28, 1988
    5) Guilty of Cannabis possession on September 18, 2002
    6) Guilty of Cannabis possession on June 21, 2011 (That year and over the previous 5 years)

    Stupidly Cyrus Engerer fed everyone to believe that his father, Chris Engerer’s arrest was instigated by a vengeful PN because he, Cyrus Engerer had moved from the PN to the MLP. Amazing when one considers that Chris Engerer’s first arrest took place when Cyrus was only 4 years old.

    Moreover an Enquiry Report states that Assistant Commissioner Niel Harrison assured the Enquiring Board that form reliable Police Records, Chris Engerer was known to Police ‘fix-xoghol tad-droga’.

    Unfortunately for him, Joseph Muscat has swallowed Cyrus Engerer’s story hook line and sinker. Joseph has gone to the extent of ‘knighting’ Cyrus when a quick search on the internet by the PM’s entourage would have easily uncovered this knowledge short of going to the Police for information in the first place.

    I have no doubt that Joseph Muscat was oblivious to all this and was misled and that Cyrus Engerer hid this information, of which he possesses a copy, from him but that is the way Cyrus Engerer operates. He will befriend you initially and when your guard is down he will trample over you.

    He would do that to anyone and everyone including his own father for no matter how unfortunate it is to have dragged Chris Engerer into this, it was Cyrus himself who dropped him into it initially. The PN never came into it at all.

    Cyrus will not even spare his own leader to save himself or better his position. One will still remember Engerer’s invocation for Gonzi to resign before he was scooped up by the MLP.

    Now it’s a different Prime Minister who has to watch his back while the Cyrus Engerer domino effect is already starting to have its repercussions.

  30. Maidan says:

    An open letter to Lino Spiteri: Time to hang up your key board, Lino

    Dear Lino,

    Your talking point article, ‘Dirty politics become dirtier’, published in today’s The Times of Malta exposes you for what you are – a Muscat apologist, and worse. You have crossed the red line by defending a convicted criminal – Cyrus Engerer who has committed a disgustingly obscene homophobic act.

    Shame on you, Lino – you’ve sunk so low that it’s time to hang up your key board and do The Times of Malta readers a huge favour by giving them a permanent break from your articles. You had the cheek to accuse the Nationalist Party, and Simon Busuttil of ‘disgusting personal attacks’ on Mr Engerer. Disgusting is what Engerer did to his former boyfriend, and Muscat’s defence of this criminal act. You have turned truth on its head in your enthusiasm, and rush to defend your Prime Minister.

    Cyrus broke the law and got a two year suspended sentence; Muscat hailed him as a hero – and you have the cheek to accuse the Nationalist Party of ‘dirty politics’.

    You should be kicking up a fuss about the Prime Minister’s immoral behaviour, and you should be asking, and enquiring what Cyrus Engerer has on the Prime Minister. Instead you come out, with blazing guns against Simon Busuttil– who on this issue, like the rest of the independent media and the absolute majority of the population, who, unlike Engerer are law abiding citizens, is in the right.

    It is you, the Prime Minister and Cyrus Engerer who are in the wrong. Shame on you, Lino. Time to hang up your key board; for your own sake do it fast.

    • bob-a-job says:

      Why the surprise?

      Lino Spiteri undoubtedly measures by his own yardstick.

      As more information about Cyrus Engerer unfolds he will come to realise what a piece of bad stuff Cyrus can be particularly to those who befriend him. (Not that Lino doesn’t have the intelligence to see that already)

      Some people have to have it spelt out in day-glo lettering before they can come round to a situation. This is unfortunate because a lot of muck which needn’t be exposed in the first place must necessarily be brought to light for them to accept the circumstances.

      But Lino is a man of honour and I am sure he will be the first to admit he is wrong. Meanwhile may I suggest he writes about topics where he is expert. Cyrus Engerer is clearly not a subject he excels in.

      • Rumplestiltskin says:

        “But Lino is a man of honour and I am sure he will be the first to admit he is wrong.”

        That’s what I used to think too, but anybody trying to justify, or associating with, the irresponsible behaviour of the Prime Minister in lionising someone who has been convicted of pornography related offences, loses my respect altogether.

        This is not Nelson Mandela, someone convicted for his political beliefs, that we are talking about. It’s simply a horrendously vindictive individual who has been convicted of a criminal (non-political) offence.

  31. John Higgins says:

    Lino Spiteri in his article in today’s Times of Malta castigates the PN for the way they are handling the Cyrus Engerer issue whilst making a martyr of Engerer.

    He ends his article by saying “the perception that politics is a dirty game has simply become stronger”.

    This is rich coming from someone who was elected in the gerrymandered election of 1981 and having served as a Minister in Malta’s so-called golden years between 1981 and 1987.

    Has he been living in cuckooland during the past 14 months? Some cheek.

  32. Gee Dee says:

    Lino Spiteri is a hardline Mintoffian with a hateful grudge for the PN and Simon Busuttil.

    Spiteri was around in the dirtiest period of labour politics. He was around when Il-Qahbu and it-Toto’ marched the bulls through Kingsway after the Borg Olivier family unfortunate problem. And today Spiteri has the cheek to accuse the PN of dirty politics. A real wolf in sheep’s clothing if ever there was one.

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