No sense of decency – Cyrus Engerer championed and celebrated at Labour event in Mqabba this evening

Published: May 9, 2014 at 9:35pm

cyrus mqabba

The most shocking aspect of this is the way the Labour Party, to serve its own electoral interests, deliberately belittles the nature of Cyrus Engerer’s crime.

They are ignoring that crime completely so that the rest of us will do likewise. So we are expected to hoover up the idea that Judge Michael Mallia handed down a two-year jail term for nothing, just out of spite.

I bid you remember that this is the political party which protests too much about ‘attakk fahxi’ on this or that of its members and protagonists.

The leader of the Opposition makes a witty remark in parliament about Mrs Konrad Mizzi’s salary, and the prime minister goes literally ballistic, screaming and shouting and using threatening language.

The slightest joke about the names he chose for his daughters, and all the Facebook nuts are out in force, led by Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando, talking about ‘hateful attacks’.

On a daily basis, Facebook is rife with subliterate Labour supporters and their marginally more literate equivalents from Switcherland, calling for my arrest and asking why somebody can’t ‘stop her’.

But then Cyrus Engerer receives a criminal conviction for stealing and anonymously emailing out obscene and embarrassing pictures of his victim, in the hope of getting him fired, and what do they do? They put him on a pedestal (almost literally, as you can see from the picture) and celebrate their civil liberties champion.

Disgusting. I wonder how they would feel if they ever happened to be on the receiving end of a criminal act like Engerer’s.

24 Comments Comment

  1. curious says:

    Why is it so important for Labour, or shall I say Joseph Muscat, to keep on supporting Engerer?

    With that huge majority, why are they feeling so insecure?

    [Daphne – Perhaps he’s got another loaded hard-drive, and Franco Debono’s looking after it.]

  2. canon says:

    Shame. Don’t these people have eyes to see.

  3. nemesis says:

    Anglu farrugia makes a tactless comment about a magistrate and is forced to resign.

    Cyrus Engerer lands a criminal conviction and is given a choice whether to withdraw his candidature for the EP.

    And the principle here is what?

  4. John Higgins says:

    Somebody on a radio talk show said that Cyrus is the worst exemplar of the LGBT movement because he wanted to victimise one of their ilk. The movement should disown him.

  5. etil says:

    The PL had bought their loyalty for 2 cents.

  6. Min Jaf says:

    It is increasingly looking like it’s another Duminku Mintoff/Lorry Sant relationship, but updated to the computer age, a memory stick replacing the brown envelope stuffed with dirty photographs.

  7. Wigi says:

    With the way Joseph acted today it is clear that Cyrus has become an albatross around his neck.

    “There’s an albatross around your neck,
    All the things you’ve said,
    and the things you’ve done,
    Can you carry it with no regrets,
    Can you stand the person you’ve become.”

  8. SZ says:

    This is surreal. Veru bidel Id-direzzjoni Joseph. U veru ghal gol hajt! I am shocked with this behaviour.

    No more definition of what is good or bad, right or wrong! Aren’t the people realising this?

  9. Gahan says:

    Kif spiċċat Malta!

    Waqt l-elezzjonijiet niddiskutu id-disco ta’ JPO, il-ġlied bejn il-pufti, iż-żwieġ bejn il-pufti, il-fjuri f’Misraħ San Ġorġ, il-posters fl-MCAST, it-tneħħija tal-billboards, il-Eurovision jekk hux se tirbħu il-mara bid-daqna, u li nifirħu bir-roħs tad-dawl waqt li nkomplu ngħarrqu l-Enemalta fid-dejn.

    U il-kbir għadu ġej.

  10. Tom Double Thumb says:

    I am really surprised that anybody is still surprised by anything Joseph Muscat and the whole Labour Party do or say. To me, it only brings to mind the words of Satan in John Milton’s “Paeadise Lost”: Evil be thou my good.

    In such a short time the Prime Minister has managed to change the meaning even of common words into their opposite.

    Lies to him are truths. nepotism and cronyism are meritocracy. Deceit is called transparency. Scandal takes on the mantle of liberalism.

    How can one man blind so many people to the reality around them? Or are people simply scared to face the truth?

  11. Matt says:

    Cyrus deliberately victimized a gay man and Muscat turns him into a trophy. Unbelieveable, the gay community happily supports MLP. Who cares about civil rights? What a joke.

  12. Pied Piper says:

    I was so filled with admiration watching Cyrus pleading, assuring, promising yet vomiting anger against the PN.

    Labour has not only accepted him with open arms but has now turned him into a living martyr.

    I shed a few tears as I was emotionally moved watching him and listening to his sermon. Another few weeks and Labour supporters will be touching the hem of his garment and asking for miracles.

    • ciccio says:

      A living martyr is someone who the courts declare innocent, not one who is found guilty by independent institutions.

  13. Denpi says:

    Lovely. At a recent talk in my children’s school, we were told that a person who in order to hurt another person spreads indecent and pornographic photos on the internet was defined as a cyber bully and we were told that our duty is to report these people to the Police Cyber Crime Unit.

    For Labour, such a person is a hero. Can they go any lower?

  14. Socrates says:

    I am not surprised that PL celebrates Cyrus and seeks to belittle his crime.

    One has to accept the fact that the PL crowds who hail Cyrus indicate to what level PL and its supporters can stoop. They are a stupid lot who deserve the tile ‘Far from the maddening crowd.’

  15. rob says:

    What do you expect from a party of criminals or criminal-like people? Say no more

  16. Chris says:

    Next on the liberal list will be the repealing of pornography laws. Then they will say that Cyrus Engerer only broke an ‘antiquated’ law.

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