Norman Lowell’s bank fraud – more details

Published: May 31, 2014 at 5:23pm
Antoine Galea, Norman Lowell and Arlette Baldacchino of Imperium Europa

Antoine Galea, Norman Lowell and Arlette Baldacchino of Imperium Europa

I might inadvertently have given the impression that the file stolen from the courtroom, during a break in proceedings when Norman Lowell was being prosecuted for bank fraud, contained only standard bank documents of which the bank itself would have had copies.

This has led some people to ask why the prosecution was stopped when the file was stolen.

No. It was more damning than that. For Norman Lowell’s plan to succeed (he was a bank employee at the time), he needed to use documents signed by a real person who was known to the bank.

When the investigations began, the police retrieved, from Lowell’s waste-paper basket, various crumpled sheets of paper on which he had been practising, repeatedly, the signature of this man in anticipation of forging it on the main document.

These repeated trial signatures in preparation for the main forgery were the ‘smoking gun’ that would have clinched the case against him. This irreplaceable and incontrovertible evidence was in the file that was stolen.

14 Comments Comment

  1. Guzi says:

    If I remember correctly, the forged signature was of a very high official of a competitor bank.

  2. Belti Nazzjonalist Agostinjan says:

    Ghalhekk sar artist mela, ghax kien ilu jipprattika minn mindu kien jahdem il-bank.

    Ghandu biex jiftahar dak il-pulizija mela ghax ivvota Imperium Europa.

  3. Optimist says:

    I’m surprised that he got away with it. I have read a lot on financial crime and nowadays it is prosecuted aggressively. To think that a mere technicality let him get away with it and now he is a dangerous threat to our liberties.

  4. Alexander Ball says:

    ‘Tis a pity he wasn’t found guilty.

    He could have got a big hug from Joseph.

  5. Roy says:

    Jikkopja l-firem jaf, bhal xadina.

    To use his own words: qisu ximjotta.

  6. La Redoute says:

    @H P Baxxter – you’d asked for a side view photograph. How do you assess those profiles?

  7. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Three fine members of the Republiksbund christlich-malteser Staatsbürger nichtarischer oder nicht rein arischer Abstammung e.V..

  8. Painter says:

    I guess that with all that money he stole, he didn’t need to work anymore and was bored out of his mind, thus establishing Imperium Europa.

  9. vv says:

    I cannot understand how he was ever allowed to contest local and MEP elections when he was previously investigated for bank fraud. Although the court case was never solved due to a stolen file, he still cannot be trusted.

    Besides the bank fraud issue, he had the other issue of instigating hatred and what about his ideologies? How on earth could someone vote for him!

  10. Auntie Liberal says:

    The biggest hero in the history of Malta, Dom Mintoff had a little episode with a bank.

  11. Paul Vincenti says:

    This man is very dangerous.

    When I was just 15, against my parents’ wishes, I began attending martial arts lessons which he gave at his home in Attard.

    I had no idea who he was at the time. He taught Kung Fu.

    I attended numerous lessons but eventually stopped of my own accord as I realized that he was just not normal.

    During lessons, he played, over and over again, a song by KC and the Sunshine Band. This he played on a loop for 1 hour.

    I sensed already then that he was just not right. He is dangerous as he is also highly capable of influencing others. I wonder if anyone else who attended those classes in the late 1970s and early 1980s remembers this?

  12. Toyger says:

    When I was a student at University, can’t remember which year it was exactly, I remember the University paper had interviewed Lowell. At the time I didn’t know who he was so I read the interview with interest.

    What I read left me speechless. On immigrants and disabled people, his reply was to line them up and shoot them down.

    If that wasn’t shocking enough, he had also stated that if a man was at a friend’s house and he fancied his friend’s sister, then he should claim her even if she doesn’t want him. In essence, he stated that a woman does not have the right to refuse.

    That interview sealed him in my mind as a very sick person, yet he has grown in popularity. I’ve completely lost faith in the Maltese electorate. We should really start assessing mental faculties before giving a person the right to vote.

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