PANINI ALERT: the official Malta Taghna Lkoll sticker album is out

Published: May 21, 2014 at 6:15pm


Find it on issuu, below.

45 Comments Comment

  1. carl says:

    I think it is a bad PR move few days before the election.

  2. Joe Fenech says:

    Genius whoever’s done it. I’ve been expecting something of the sort for ages.

    • Rob says:

      It’s incomplete so I want my money back. For instance there’s no mention of MEPA advisor Robert Musumeci, and Muscat Snr’s architect Roberto Sarsero.

  3. sammy says:

    At first one might think ‘nah, bad idea’ – but when one actually flicks through it, there is all the evidence of what a f…ed up country we are living in.

    Malta Taghna Lkoll evidence galore. It’s so sad how this album portrays nothing but the truth.

    • Volley says:

      In fact Sammy, at first I said to myself that this was a bad move by PN but when I flicked through it I realised how many iced buns there are which I didn’t know about, So thank you PN.

  4. Vagabond King says:

    Well done. However in their rush, PN left out the billboard people, the new assistant police commissioner, the monsignor in Gozo and so many more.

  5. Clueless says:

    I can think of a few who have been left out: Richard Matrenza, Lino Bianco, Stephen McCarthy, and Alex Sceberras (ex Msida mayor), just to mention a few. I’m sure there are plenty of others.

    Also, I’ve noticed that several appointments given by Her Majesty to Yana Mintoff Bland were not listed.

  6. Giovanni says:

    A very good idea as it is targeted to be seen by those who only watch and read PL media.

  7. Aaron says:

    U John Bundy miskin ghadu jittewweb

  8. Jien says:

    Sorry, very poor.

  9. Peritocracy says:

    It’s exhausting to read through them all.

  10. Dott Abjad says:

    Franco Debono and Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando must be fuming they didn’t make it to the album. After all, all their chums are there.

  11. James says:

    There are scores of other people who got promoted or given a job with the government as a reward or thank you for their support or help during the campign. There should be a place where people can submit such details (in confidentiality).

    The following is only FYI:

    For example the album leaves out all these people:

    GWU lawyer Aron Mifsud Bonnici is on it, but they missed this appointment.

  12. Volley says:

    It’s really good and I like it. It’s going viral on the internet.

    • Pacikk says:

      Well I do think that was the point. Something like that is a quite a powerful ‘marketing’ tool.

      Hats off to who came up with the idea; it certainly delivers the message to your doorstep.

  13. silly says:

    Dan hu gvern taz-zibel

  14. gaetano pace says:

    Gorgeously hilarious jolly good old Joe and his Labour clans ( I mean clans not clowns).

  15. Qufu says:

    Missing from the album is Former Labour MP Bertu Pace, who was the party’s main consultant on hunting and trapping before the election and is working as an adviser to Parliamentary Secretary for Animal Rights Roderick Galdes.

  16. Wigi says:

    What about Kurt Farrugia – Head of Government Communication

  17. Qufu says:

    Missing from the Album: Bert Pace

    Former Labour MP Bertu Pace, who was the party’s main consultant on hunting and trapping before the election, is working as an adviser to Parliamentary Secretary for Animal Rights Roderick Galdes

    Fit-team tal-kandidata ta’ Marlene Mizzi.bħala campaign manager hemm l-eks Membru Parlamentari Laburista Bertu Pace.

  18. Qufu says:

    Missing from Album:
    Grech Johann , Office of the Prime Minister

    Fit-team ta’ Marlene Mizzi hemm ukoll Johann Grech, li ħadem fil-media unit tal-Partit Laburista,

  19. Giraffa says:

    This initiative is to be applauded for a number of reasons but mostly because this is the kind of message which, unfortunately, most people understand, and has been used incessantly and successfully by the LP. This should be printed and widely distributed today

  20. xifajk says:

    Dawn it-tip ta’ affarijiet “jolqtu”, ihallu impatt.

    Meta kien hemm il-billboard ta’ Gonzi-Brazil, l-ewwel hsieb tieghek kien “ridikoli”. Izda wara rrealizzajt li dak il-billboard kien irritani – u la kien irritani (bhala Nazzjonalist) sinjal li ghax kien irnexxilu jwassal messagg.

  21. Manwel Camilleri says:

    It might actually have plenty of missing images :) which are not well known but still true

  22. Xaxa says:

    And what about Ivan Portelli, Assistant Director at VAT DEPT!

    U ejjjjjjjaaaaa! Released from criminal investigation on a mere technicality and now placed in such a sensitive post……blue eyed boy indeed!

  23. Aunt Hetty says:

    There is an inaccuracy. Renee Laiviera is not the late Nestu Laiviera’s daughter but his daughter-in-law.

    She is married to his son, Victor Laiviera and is the mother of yet another bright young ‘un who made it to that list – Nestor Laiviera.

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