People who voted against EU membership reserved the Upper Barakka Gardens for themselves last night

Published: May 1, 2014 at 1:51pm

No to EU membership

flag burning

People who campaigned against EU membership and who voted No in the EU membership referendum, led by the prime minister, gathered at the Upper Barakka Gardens last night to ‘celebrate’ the 10th anniversary of the day Malta joined the Union and to enjoy the Grand Harbour spectacle from this privileged enclosure.

Soldiers were placed at the entrance to the gardens, and those without a prime ministerial invitation were kept out.

I attach here a reminder of just how hypocritical this is.

18 Comments Comment

  1. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Lou Bondì managed to be on the VIP balcony on both nights, ten years apart.

    What a man, eh.

    • FP says:

      Yes, quite a man.

      Well, short of.

    • Cikku says:

      In-Nazzjonalisti dak li għandhom …javdaw wisq lil min jaf jirreċta. Bħal Lou Bondì hemm oħrajn li mingħalina qalbu man-Nazzjonalisti imma fil-verità urew li għamlu hekk għall- ħsieb ta’ moħħhom biex jerdgħu minn banda u minn oħra meta tiġihom ix-xoqqa f’moxxta. Dak prinċipju!

    • bob-a-job says:

      Had I been with that crowd this time round it would have diluted somewhat the spectacular event of the original.

      Ic-cwiec jifirhu b’kopja

    • Mariella says:

      Mexa kif qabillu s-sur Bondi.

      • watchful eye says:

        Hafna indunaw li kien ilu jifrixha s-sodda Mr Lou Bondi. Sa minn waqt il-kampanja elettorali. Ma’ tal-MLP, kien jagixxi b’l-ingwanti tas-satin. Ahna maturi bizzejjed biex nosservaw.

    • observer says:

      Min jaf in-nanna x’kienet tghidlu, kieku llum ghadha maghna.

  2. Rosie says:

    Mhux izjed minn 8 sighat overtime – il qghad jizdied bil- minuti
    Propjeta oghla – kellem lil- Henley and partners
    Mizbla gdida – fethet Kastilja
    Vat fuq il – medicini – fejn qeghdin il – medicini
    Vat fuq l-ikel, gazetti u kotba – dalwaqt jekk ma tinzilx mis -s ema xi ahbar kbira
    Negozjanti mill UE – glieda mal kriminali li ser jixtru passaport ha jkollom
    Haddiem mill UE – 9 jops ghal kull wiehed ghandhom
    Sensji ghal haddiem – dazgur halli jahdmu tal qalba
    Il hajja toghla – ma tarax ,il petrol rahas 2 cents wara li ghola 2 cents
    Gwerrer – jistennew il bozza tal plastik qedin in NATO
    Malta Fortizza -Tal injoranza , ingratitudni u medjokrita’

  3. weathervane says:

    I never thought much of the man, not even as a lecturer. The first word that springs to mind is “opportunist”.

    • Tabatha White says:

      The gender-neutral third sex in political Malta.

      There’s another one from days of old back in the papers today.

  4. bob-a-job says:

    Let them enjoy the fake.

    It gives me utmost satisfaction to know that I was there for the original 10 years before them.

  5. Last Post says:

    Lou Bondi, Franco Debono u JPO(S) spalla ma’ spalla mal-kapurjuni ta’ Gvern Laburista jistghu biss jaljenaw il-partitarji taghhom li m’humiex tal-qalba.

    Dawn ikomplu jsahhu bil-provi it-teorija li l-PL huwa L-ISKIPP tal-politika maltija. Hallihom issa jgawdu l-intiena li twikkew biha huma stess.

  6. The Observer says:

    The Barakka lift was guarded by a soldier and people were not allowed to use it – it was reserved for the prime minister at the time of fire works. He wanted to be an inch above the rest.

  7. Jien says:

    This man is a wannabe who is ten years late. You should have joined us for the real thing, boy.

  8. Vince Borg says:

    The Labour Party is a WIN WIN PHENOMENON. The EU. Partner-Ship Theme was the best and Malta would have thrived in its wake under a Labour Government.
    History has shown that the Maltese Labour Party is able to turn anything into gold, and that includes SHIT or the likes of you. Let alone an E.U. membership. This is what all of you are witnessing now and not the heap of rubbish you have been scribbling here.
    My dear Daphne you are in need of a break. Have it now and sleep for the next five years. When you wake up, you will be a princess floating in realms of gold.

  9. MOBILE DISCO says:

    I saw the whole proceedings (10 years apart) from the street.

    The fireworks were decent enough but that horrendous music was sheer madness. Completely and totally with the Lou Bondi ‘rocker’ stamp all over it. Music out of place, utterly out of sync with the light show. Daft.

    The ‘films/movies’ displayed on the bastion were childish in the extreme: small kids playing in the street with a ball and the occasional hint of an EU flag. This would have been a perfect opportunity to showcase Malta’s heritage. Does not augur well for V18 or whatever it is.

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