Persecution of Chris Engerer update: he acquired the title of lease to the beach tenement from the government two years ago and hasn’t paid his rent even once

Published: May 13, 2014 at 6:51pm
Chris Engerer acquired the title of lease to his beach bar from the government in 2012 and has never once paid the rent. It was wrong of the prime minister and his son Cyrus to bring him into the melee, but now that he has been brought in, these matters are up for discussion.

Chris Engerer acquired the title of lease to his beach bar from the government in 2012 and has never once paid the rent. It was wrong of the prime minister and his son Cyrus to bring him into the melee, but now that he has been brought in, these matters are up for discussion.

The rent to the government on the lease of the beach tenement beneath the Sliema Tower is around Eur20,000 a year, with around Eur10,000 falling due every six months.

Chris Engerer acquired the title of lease on 1 March 2012, as reported on this website earlier.

I am told that he is around Eur40,000 behind on the rent, which means, effectively, that since acquiring the title he has never paid rent at all.

The Nationalist government did not persecute him for the rent, and nor has this government. Far from being persecuted, Chris Engerer is a privileged person under both parties in government.

Chris Engerer should never have been brought into the equation. It was wrong of the prime minister and his son Cyrus to do it, but they are the sort who will use anybody for their own ends, which is worrying.

Somebody with a history of drug-dealing, a current record of habitual drug use and a police record for heroin-trafficking, however old and however small-time the dealing, should never have received a title of lease from the government for a beach bar. Not only would he be likely to use it for dubious purposes, but in his wasted condition and with a track record like that, he would also be unlikely to pay the rent.

And in fact, he has not.

How far off this is from persecution.

22 Comments Comment

  1. Robert Caruana says:

    He looks like a tramp.

  2. Joe Fenech says:

    As usual, some people in Malta have it bloody good.

  3. H.P. Baxxter says:

    “The Nationalist government did not persecute him for the rent.”

    Am I allowed to quote this, or will some of you accuse me of badmouthing the Nationalist administration?

    • A. Cremona says:

      Undoubtedly you would know the Nats did not persecute Chris Engerer because of his son’s involvement within the PN. Admittedly that’s wrong.

      But you, Baxxter, seem to relish in repeatedly reminding us of the previous administration’s wrongdoings. After a massive electoral defeat combined with virtual bankruptcy, what the party needs is our wholehearted support and not your chronic vilification.

      As far as I’m concerned the PN and the PL are oceans apart when assessing misdemeanors, the PN being the far lesser of the two.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        “Chronic vilification”. That’s rather harsh, isn’t it?

        I already gave the Nationalist Party my vote. What more do they want? My love?

      • ciccio says:

        Baxxter, stop persecuting the PN.

      • Bellicoso says:

        Call it as you see it, Baxxter. My voting PN does not preclude me from criticising them.

        The bottom line is that it is not reasonable for a person with such a history and police record to be granted the title to a lease on a beach tenement.

      • Jozef says:

        A.Cremona, I’m afraid support doesn’t imply deluding ourselves this wasn’t the whole point of that defeat.

        Or better, why bother if the principles we were to uphold were suspended for those who played their game?

        One thing Labour realised, the PN was out of touch with the electorate. The question to ask is, does anyone expect Labour to define right and wrong without causing major collateral?

      • Wilson says:

        A spade should always be called a spade; whatever the circumstance.

  4. bob-a-job says:

    According to Deborah Schembri on Times Talk. Chris Engerer was persecuted by the former government when it ‘tried to close his business’

    All Claudette had to say was ‘Do you mean they tried to stop him selling drugs?’

    But no. Claudette wasted opportunity after opportunity to nail Deborah Schembri.

    What is worse, the Times clips were prepared by Kurt Sansone a Cyrus Engerer acolyte and so the material was heavily slanted.

  5. sunshine says:

    If he acquired the lease in March 2012, then the first payment became due in September 2012. All other payments became due when Labour was in government.

  6. Sister Ray says:

    Kanna biss my foot.

  7. Sister Ray says:

    Kanna biss for the taxpayer.

  8. Jozef says:

    The moment he fails twice to pay the rent he is by law, out.

  9. Bugi_30 says:

    H.P. Baxxter, re the PN not persecuting him for the rent, are you saying you agree with what such an idiot is doing? Do you seriously prefer criticising the PN rather than Chris Engerer, the father of convicted criminal and a criminal himself? (And if you didn’t know, drug trafficking is a serious CRIME in Malta).

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      So is nonpayment of rent.

      • bob-a-job says:

        This is not the time to kid-glove the PN if we want a strong party to spring out of the ashes.

        I’m for telling the PN where I feel they are going wrong come rain or shine. It may not make me popular but who gives a damn.

        Unless that is done the PN will once again think it is superior among men, the elected members will become arrogant once again (some still are notwithstanding) and we shall rightfully suffer yet another defeat, we or the PN do not deserve.

        Always keep in mind that the PN is NOT the Members of Parliament, the kunsilliera or even the party employees. The PN is us, me, Baxxter and all those who voted PN and we have a bloody right to say it how we feel it.

        Lawrence Gonzi is gone, so we needn’t go there anymore. Let’s just ensure Simon Busuttil remains on the right track and let him know where we agree or don’t agree because that’s the only way that the PN will develop sufficient strength to beat Labour.

        [Daphne – Your criticism is constructive and can’t be compared to the grinding negativity (not much different from the sort of moaning you hear from women on buses which helps you understand why their husbands are already at the village bar at 5am) which others favour. I can walk into a room and say ‘That cupboard doesn’t really fit with the space. If you do this, it will be better’ or I can say ‘Maaa, you’re always like that. You never get one thing right. That cupboard is horrible. Your taste is really bad. For God’s sake, what were you thinking? Sandra’s cupboard is so much nicer. Sandra has a better attitude. Why are you not more like Sandra?’ Which is better and more effective?]

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        I feel I must add a little explanatory note here.

        I believe that the most fundamental principle of a well-organised society is justice. Good government must be founded on justice. Good governance too.

        If you make the laws, then you must apply them. That is justice. You can debate the merits of a law, but if you believe in justice then you abhor two weighs, two measures.

        Failure to prosecute Engerer Sr. for nonpayment of rent is therefore an injustice. It is contrary to everything I yearned for when I voted to join the EU.

        That’s all there is to it. It’s not a question of which party is in government, but of me holding my government to account.

        For the sake of the general peace on this blog, here’s a positive spin on this: let the Nationalist Party learn its lessons. If you make a rule, you must apply it. Always. On everyone. If something is worth doing, it’s worth doing well.

      • bob-a-job says:

        Baxxter I’m on your side.

        If we choose to make demi-gods of politicians (of any Party) then we should not complain when it creates arrogance and gives them a right to believe they are.

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