Police and Army Minister’s Romanian wife defends her husband on Facebook by insulting “the Maltese injuranti”

Published: May 21, 2014 at 6:38pm
Mrs Manuel Mallia from Romania

Mrs Manuel Mallia from Romania

Codruta Mallia

It all started with a link to an article in The Malta Independent, about the expense of the large delegation that travelled to Copenhagen for the Eurovision Song Contest.

Unbelievably, Mrs Manuel Mallia rushed to his defence, and more unbelievably still, she did so by insulting her husband’s subjects (it’s beginning to feel like that, isn’t it) as “Maltese injuranti”.

Her prime minister is Romanian, not Joseph Muscat, and her husband WAS NOT TRAVELLING FOR FUN OK SO DON’T BARK NO SENSES.

Who needs questions in parliament when minister’s wives serve up the information on Facebook?

Codruta Mallia
For all the Maltese people and the Maltese injuranti here, let me communicate u a little small detail here: my husband was travelling for work, not for fun as he had meetings with my Romanian prim minister, Denmark prim minister and also work and press conf re the Eurovision of young…inform ur selves first injuranti, before u bark no senses

78 Comments Comment

  1. edgar says:

    Mrs Manuel Mallia is not an ‘injuranta’. She was clever enough to leave the abject poverty of life in her native Romania and marry a man with half a million in his mattress and another few millions in real estate and cash in the bank.

    But perhaps she fell in love with his nice character and generous heart.

  2. xejn b' xejn says:

    The army and the police are not enough for Manuel Mallia. He also needs to be defended by a hysterical wife who barks no senses.

  3. eve says:

    Now tell us, Mrs Codruta Mallia – what attracted you to millionaire Manuel Mallia?

  4. Alexander Ball says:

    Thank f*ck for that. I can now sleep soundly, knowing we’ve got our top men on the job.

  5. Betty says:

    “Lil min tafu ssaqsix ghalih” – we’re dealing here with a woman who was prepared to marry Manuel Mallia to escape her life in Romania. Good luck with that, Codruta.

  6. Tinnat says:

    At the risk of sounding like Nigel Farage, injuranta int u tieghek.

  7. canon says:

    So Mrs Codruta Mallia from Romania is learning Maltese, and one of the first words she learnt is “injuranti.” I wonder what other words she’s learned.

    [Daphne – Flus. Ilma. Konvenju.]

  8. ms says:

    My God! Birds of a feather really flock together!

  9. pale blue my foot! says:

    Looks like she feels she forms part of the elite clique while the rest of the population are ingnorant. Talk about power going to one`s head. From a gypsy village to the pomposity of her caricature husband.

  10. watchful says:

    I will not retaliate in insulting Mrs Manuel Mallia, but there are names for women who cross cultures to marry seriously unattractive millionaires old enough to be their father.

  11. TinaB says:

    Il-“Maltese injuranti” ghabbewna b’dak il-kallu inkompetenti zewgek fit-tmexxija ta’ pajjizna, Sinjura Mallia.

    In-nisa u l-irgiel tal-ministri Maltin civilizzati is-soltu ma jiddeffsux biex jiddefendu lil zwieghom fejn jidhlu ix-xoghol u qadi ta’ dmirijietu lejn il-pajjiz, specjalment fuq il-facebook, “injuranta”.

  12. bob-a-job says:

    See what happens when power goes to the head and a Maltese Member of parliament calls his fellow Maltese ‘Xi cuc Malti’

    Foreigners think that they can take cue and follow suit.

    It was wrong then and it is equally wrong now.

    It is far more stupid to call someone ignorant simply because that person does not agree with your argument.

  13. Manuel says:

    And this from a woman who treats the fountain in St George’s Square as though it was a village pump in her native Romania.

  14. observer says:

    Min jaghmilha maz-zopp (‘z’ minghajr tikka, tafux) gheluq is-sena jsir zopp (anki hawn minghajr tikka) bhalu.

    Dan il-qawl jghodd ukoll ghal min jaghmilha ma’ min hu wiccu tost u prepotenti,

    Ahseb w’ara min ikun mizzewweg mieghu.

    Bil-provi u bl-spejjez (hawn ‘z’ bit-tikka).

  15. Natalie Mallett says:

    Has the water run out of the fountain? Is that why she is so angry? Or perhaps she is cross because now we can all watch her from the comfort of our homes having had cameras placed in St. George’s square?

  16. kev says:

    Mhux sew, Lady Deafley. Se tqallaħha xeba.

    Sewwa sejjaħlek, Norwell – ‘il-Bidwija tal-Bidnija.’

    • Nana says:

      Kev, you wish to have a brain like is-Sahara tal bidnija have but it’s impossible, so you and others like Norman Lowell try and ridicule Daphne. The truth hurts, so keep it up, Daphne.

    • Neil says:

      Xejn m’int sewwa, Kevin. Seek guidance, or lay off the booze or whatever is currently floating your boat, or all of the above.

      Bidwija tal’Bidnija? Far better than househusband of the Brussels suburbs, don’t you think? Got those dishes done yet?

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      Kevin, u bark no senses.

  17. Mickey Mouse says:

    Mrs Manuel Mallia can barely write English when she’s been here for years, and yet she calls others ‘injuranti’.

    Married to a cabinet minister, she floats around on Facebook insulting others, and yet…she calls others ‘injuranti’.

  18. Rob says:

    Mrs Cocciuta Mallia,

    The word is ‘injorant’ without the ‘u’. If you are going to learn Maltese, learn it from somebody with a good accent.

  19. Tarzan says:

    Previously I knew next to nothing about Mrs Mallia.

    Now I have it from the horse’s mouth: she has very poor communication skills. I don’t mean poor English. I mean very basic courtesy.

    When you are a guest in a country, you don’t insult your hosts in this crude way.

    If you do, it backfires, and exposes you for the charlatan that you are.

  20. sammy says:

    Oh my god! Who does she think she is? She has no style, no class, no charisma and to top it all up she married THAT MAN. Romania needs you, honey.

  21. gorg says:

    We are all certain that after all those meetings he went straight to bed, exhausted.

  22. Wilson says:

    Excuse us Mrs. Mallia, but we are still affected by Mintoff like you are still affected by Ceaucescu.

  23. anthony says:

    She forgot to mention that her husband also had a very important meeting with Jean-Dominique Senard.

    Apparently they discussed a deal worth several millions regarding Senard’s company new logo.

  24. CIS says:

    Must be words that her husband uses to refer to her Romanian family or friends and she thought they were compliments.

  25. ciccio says:

    According to Codruta “…my husband was travelling for work, not for fun as he had meetings with …Denmark prim minister and…”

    The last time the Denmark prim minister (sic) was seen travelling on work was here:


  26. nitpicker says:

    As a wild guess I would say that he has an unbelievably important meeting with members of the Brazilian government precisely 21 days from now in time for the World Cup.

  27. Nana says:

    Mrs Mallia she don’t look that happy in this photo, money don’t pay happiness, and I don’t think she is treated with golden gloves.

  28. George Grech says:

    Nippreferi inkun Malti injurant milli Rumena ingarzata ghal flus.

  29. David Thake says:

    Kos… spiccajna Codruti ta’ Muscat u l-Klikka.

  30. George Grech says:

    For those interested in owning their own Corduta.


  31. White coat says:

    Sai’s Confucius Says : A foreigner saved from abject poverty by a nation of MOSTLY hard working people should not thank them by calling them injuranti,

  32. Beingpressed says:

    How many points did we give Romania?

  33. thealley says:

    I’m still waiting for a new Facebook group and an Avaaz petition on the lines of the ones the Maltese “injuranti” had created about that Italian restaurant a couple of years back.

  34. Peppa Pig says:

    Next time that Romanian- born git feels like insulting the Maltese INJURANTI,she should try and do it with some style, verve and panache and preferably in decent English.

  35. Aunt Hetty says:

    Who, that half-starved gypsy woman in the picture? Anyone we know?

  36. albona says:

    Insult the issue, not the country. I love Romanians. If we were one inch as polite and educated as the Romanians I have had the pleasure of meeting so far, Malta would be that little bit better.

    But yes, in this particular case: gold-digger.

    The fact that she is from Romania is irrelevant, really. The same could be said of so many couples of the same nationality.

  37. lucks says:

    and guess what one of her fb likes is `F.ck relationships i’m single’ which is intended to be liked by (quoting)

    #SingleTeam, Like us If your single and enjoying your Life :D

    hasn’t she figured out yet that married isn’t single and is calling others `injuranti’

  38. Willybegood says:

    There is one good phrase that she sure will understand.

    la Naiba!

    in translation To hell. To her and all this mess that we are living in!

  39. maltese says:

    I am sure that she learnt the term ‘Maltese injuranti’ from her husband. He must have told her “don’t worry we’ll be in government for years, since the Maltese are such injuranti that if you give them few cents they will not notice that we are pocketing millions”.

    What worries me is her use of “my Romanian prime minister”. This means that even though she is married to a Maltese cabinet minister and has lived in Malta for many years, she feels Romanian not Maltese and has failed to integrate in Malta.

    Thus if she was made to choose between Malta’s and Romania’s interest she would choose Romania. This is like Konrad Mizzi’s Chinese wife, who hated Malta and life here so much that we are paying her thousands to fund her escape, and she will still choose China’s interests over Malta’s.

  40. bored says:

    Mrs Manuel Mallia must have spent her lonely evening hitting the sherry bottle before hitting Facebook. Who can blame her – she needs all the help she can get to forget she is married to an ugly, stingy, fat f*ck old enough to be her father.

    Fat lot of good his millions are to her, because she barely gets a whiff of a euro except when he whips out his heavily guarded wallet at the Lidl check-out. So I would pity this pretty lady from Romania who got a bad deal in the end.

  41. Tom Double Thumb says:

    Mrs Mallia,

    You, a Romanian citizen, chose to leave your country to marry a rich Maltese lawyer and live a comfortable life in Malta. And yet you demean yourself and insult the Maltese by calling them “injoranti” because they criticise your husband and his political activities.

    That may be common practice in Romania but it is totally alien in Malta. I am a Maltese citizen who chose to leave my country to do voluntary work in Romania as an educator. It has never crossed my mind to use the term “ignorant or stupid” to describe any of those who ask for my help or with whom I come in contact.

    I respect these people and not only because they accepted me to live among them.

    As the wife of a Maltese government minister and legislator, I think you should show more respect for those among whom you now live.

    If you wish to receive this message in Romanian, please don’t hesitate to ask. I did take the trouble to learn something of the language of the people among whom I live and work.

  42. gigi says:

    Please take care of those €500,000 under your mattress and make sure they are still there.

  43. arguzin says:

    Injuranti are those promiment Labour exponents who still keep harping about the coming elections for the “Parlament EWROPEJ”.

    Can someone please teach them that parliament is a collective noun and thus is considered as a single entity and should be referred to as “Ewropew”.

    The glaring mistake was uttered twice in the space of five minutes in an under-the-tent session by none other than the Minister for Phenomenal Affairs Konrad Mizzi and outgoing MEP Joseph Cuschieri. Needless to say, the crowd applauded.

  44. marianne says:

    “My Romanian Prime Minister.” Mela kielet il-kirxa mieghu?

  45. M. Borg says:

    Can’t blame the poor woman for being so ratty. She obviously can’t sleep well at night on that hard lumpy mattress.

    • ciccio says:

      Maybe she is suffering from withdrawal symptoms, because, apparently, the cash has been deposited at the bank.

  46. A. Charles says:

    I love being called an “informant” by Mrs. Manuel Mallia. My ego went sky high!

  47. Katrina says:

    How can anybody take Mrs Cornuta Mallia seriously?

  48. M. Cassar says:

    Codruta Mallia: Malta’s high society.

    Nice to see that it was vital for her husband to meet this ‘prim’ and that ‘prim’ and all that happened to coincide with the Eurovision.

    And as for discussing the Junior Eurovision in person, wow, that must have been a matter of global importance for a cabinet minister.

    Surely Muscat’s government can find a job for this woman as a special envoy.

    • janneke pis says:

      Perhaps this is stating the obvious but for the “injuranta” Mrs Mallia, it is basic protocol nonsense for Ministers to hold meetings with Prime Ministers.

      Ministers do not meet with lowly officials either. The guy he met for Junior Eurovision is just an employee.

      And civil service regulations clearly state that the government pays all costs for official travel by ministers and one secretariat officer. So Mallia’s official statement is a sham on all counts.

      Mallia must be desperate to justify his Danish escapade. No doubt he’ll be planning on going to the next Eurovision in Austria. U l-poplu jhallaslu lilu u lil dik l-“injuranta” ta mieghu.

  49. John Higgins says:

    Mrs. Mallia is right in labelling the Maltese “Injoranti”. Had they been intelligent enough they wouldn’t support a PM who has been taking his supporters for a ride for the past 15 months.

  50. Xejn Sew says:

    Hey Corduta, how are your pole dancer friends doing wih their own sugar daddies?

  51. Il-Kodruta says:

    Mrs. Mallia,

    Now that you learnt the Maltese word ‘injuranti’, may I suggest you extend your vocabulary to include, ‘ilma’, ‘funtani’, ‘ddisprata’ and ‘qammiel’.

  52. Timon of Athens says:

    Can the lady enlighten us as to how much her husband paid her to be his wife? Or was it a love match?

  53. H.Galea (NRK) says:

    Before venturing to insult others, perhaps she should have let us have her educational background and IQ.

  54. catharsis says:

    Not so fast about Mrs. Mallia leaving abject poverty in Romania. She has a university education and is a pharmacist. How many in Romania have that “privelege”? Only a special klassi tal-poplu, I would say.

    [Daphne – University education notwithstanding, they still live in dire poverty.]

  55. Zambitto says:

    Dear Mrs Mallia, since I am an injorant Malti, can you tell how a Romanian woman living in poverty greets a fat, old and ugly Maltese millionaire when she meets him?

  56. zorro says:

    Is she getting a job like her friend Mrs. Konrad Mizzi?

  57. Celtic Girl says:

    Maybe she was one of those catalogue brides?

    And how dare she call us injoranti, when she is from Romania.

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