Saints and Fireworks update: ringing round to see whether people need favours done for them

Published: May 1, 2014 at 2:52pm


16 Comments Comment

  1. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Jien ghandi bzonn 2 million Euros.

  2. Calculator says:

    A job that gets me 200,000 euro a year would be nice.

  3. ciccio says:

    Jien ghandi bzonn gopp ta’ Eur 13,000 fix-xahar.

  4. Neo says:

    Jien ghandi bzonn serhan il-mohh u gvern serju. Ghandi bzonn nghix f’pajjiz li nkun kburi nghix fih minghajr misthija.

    Nahseb qed nitlob hafna u ma nahsibx li ser jikkuntentawni.

  5. il busu says:

    Jien jekk jibghatuli c-cheque tal-paga d-dar u noqghod incekcek xi bicca xoghol baxx baxx ma nghidx le.

  6. el mundo says:

    Jien ghandi bzonn li jinbidel il-gvern biex il-pajjiz ma jkomplix jaqa’ izjed ghan-nejk; passaporti ghal-bejgh, ghasafar mbiccrin, mpiegi mhallsin bl-eluf ghal tal-qalba, tankers tal-gass bomba ankrati gol-portijiet, karozzi personali mikrijin lilna nfusna, presidenti jorganizzaw pre-weddings, ministri jahbu l-flus taht is-saqqu u jisirqu l-ilma mill-funtani pubblici, promotions fl-armata bl-addocc, ghageb enormi ghax rahas il-petrol b’2 cents u l-gass fis-sajf, pulizija jahdmu ta’ waiters part-time, gays jaddottaw, pirmli mill-kazini, immigranti jithallew jeghrqu u Alla biss jaf x’gej izjed ghalina.

    • City leu says:

      Ma stajtx tikteb ahjar, siehbi. U l-aktar haga inkwetanti hi l-ahhar sentenza tieghek: il-kbir ghadu gej.

  7. Jozef says:

    They can do us one big favour and stop this.

    I’m sick and tired of this insolence. The degeneration starts when alienation from reality feeds itself.

    Chris Cardona to do the same, stop boasting of ‘l-ikbar tkabbir ekonomiku’ when all you did was lump the civil service with another 1,400 salaries, for a total increase of 90 million Euros per year.

    The first year of Gonzi’s administration, Drydocks was removed from the taxpayer’s remit, Workers retrained and re-employed elsewhere, financial services were requesting even more graduates, infrastructure was on a roll, University departments multiplying, SR Technics was on its way, and a dip in employment was tackled immediately as Lehmann Brothers kicked off a worldwide credit crunch.

    You’ve lost the plot, you never had one. You’re just buying time, denigrating the Opposition and exposing your only strategy, blatant clientelism to get your votes.

    You’re destroying the ‘middle class’, declared war on free enterprise and initiative. You’re sending out the wrong signals, closing yourselves in what was supposed to be a glitzy national celebration yesterday.

    You’re a lie, and you can’t exist otherwise.

    You’ve taken the worst of speculators, called them entrepreneurs and turned their agenda into the national strategy, you’ve sabotaged public transport, blackmailing local councils to do the same. You’ve killed any discourse of sustainability, innovation and killed any necessity becoming the mother of invention.

    You’re stuck with those quacks who in turn keep waiting for you to come up with something. You’ve removed twenty five years of painstaking nation building to replace it with a plastic copy of what you think are moderate social democratic policies.

    You lie to your heart’s content, swapped politics for cheap hard discounted sales, you need to be omnipresent everywhere, that alternatives not be seen. You monopolise the state, its stakeholders and dissent. You wooed the gullible to believe they will have a say, when all you did was plot to shut them up.

    You’re coming apart and you don’t even see it. All you know is that when it will happen you’ll have a police force and an army ready to bash anyone around the head.

    Need I go on?

  8. hmm says:

    Jien inrid li jinbiddel il-Gvern, tghid jisma minni u jaqdini billi jirrizenja?

  9. ken il malti says:

    That paternalistic way of favouritism is impossible to shake off the Maltese mentality and has been a way of life since the days of the Knights.

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