Taghna Lkoll arrogance update: the Police and Army Minister and GM14
I have just received telephone calls from people stuck in the rush-hour traffic on the Pieta road down to the Msida roundabout and all the way up to the university bypass to say that chaos and disruption was caused when, at the sound of an approaching wailing siren, everybody began to shift to the side as best they could to let the ambulance through.
But when the wailing, flashing vehicle whipped past, it wasn’t an ambulance at all, but government limo GM14 containing the Police and Army Minister and preceded by a police outrider with a full-on siren.
“They whipped through the traffic at speed while drivers pulled left and right in a panic at the approaching sound,” one driver told me. “Maybe Manuel Mallia was about to give birth in there.”
Another one said: “It was like something from Communist times, with police and wailing sirens shoving all the little people to the side to let the Big Important Man through.”
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Arroganza fl-aqwa taghha
Dejjem arroganti kien u hekk jibqa’ ghax hanzir taqtaghlu denbu hanzir jibqa’
The term ‘hanzir’ is doubly apt here .
Nahseb li kellu xi “esigenza tas-servizz,” u kien mghaggel.
Iktar probabbli, kellu sejħa tan-natura.
Nahseb li Pietru Pawl baghtu b’xi delivery urgenti. Taf int, il-pizza tal-home delivery ma tkunx tridha tasallek kiesha.
Aqtaghha man ghax ghandi bicca majjal il-forn u se taqtali l-aptit.
I’m guessing these guys (second oldest component college of Cambridge University, founded in 1326) won’t be inviting Joey or Manuel over any time soon.
Can confirm that I saw it whilst catching the bus home …
Fieh daqs 2 cents. Mur gibu kien m’ghola hawn. Tad-daqqiet ta’ harta r-ragel.
Small penis syndrome.
Do what I do – follow them as far as they go on my route.
Mela inti bhalu tahsiba. Tigi titnejjek min minn kien qieghed maqbud fit-traffiku quddiemek. Basta tkun ghaddejt inti.
Same thing happened earlier this afternoon in Notabile Road, Attard. The vehicle being escorted by a policeman on a motorcycle was a grey van with tinted glass and number plate LVY 004.
Some months ago I was driving along Notabile Road, Attard and the same thing happened. A vehicle escorted by several police, all speeding by like mad as if the road was empty. Who cares? I couldn’t figure out who was being escorted as it all happened in a moment.
Dik kienet Michelle, aka Mrs Speaker Farrugia probabbilment, ghaliex peres li r-ragel taghha prim ministru ta’Malta, tohrog ‘incognito’.
And yet more arrogance
Il-bendy buses TA” L-ARRIVA raw zejda !
Why are people so spineless? They should not move unless it’s an ambulance. By doing this they are risking an accident.
You wouldn’t know whether it’s an ambulance until it’s too late. People have refused to move at the sound of approaching sirens only to find that it was an ambulance after all.
How many of those little people brushed aside by Mallia were swtichers? I hope they were happy and proud of themselves for having voted this inflated balloon into power.
All the scurrying by pedestrians and cars, to the right and to the left, to open the way for the Hon. Minister Manuel Mallia would have been necessary had he been on foot, but not when he was ensconced inside an official car with outsiders assuming that he was not rushing to some “little room” to “wash his hands” urgently.
I would really like to know where he was going.
Why did he cause all that commotion, and who gave the order to the policeman to zoom through all the other drivers with a shrieking siren?
There was no emergency because we would have heard about it by now.
Unless there is a very good reason, which I doubt there is, then it is abuse of power.
Well, it’s not the first time
The Nationalist Party should stop apologising to those who abstained from voting or who voted against them. It is those very people who should apologise for landing Malta in this mess.
It has been reported that Mallia’s cash has been safely been deposited in a bank. He could have have used a couple of hundred euro to buy some new suits.
They do not make suits in that shape.
He was in a rush to deposit those €500,000 before he files his statement of affairs in parliament.
Manuel Mallia was celebrating saving 2 cents per litre of petrol.
With that phenomenal saving he can afford to speed along with an escort of police cars and motor-cycles.
He did not care that the idling cars pushed aside were wasting more than the 2 cents saved.
People should do as I do. I never move and I don’t give a sh*t.
Stupid comparison. The bit on the need for wi-fi is depressing. Surely not the right message for children.
Guess you can do that when you are as wide as you are tall.
That’s not what he said in the 2003 referendum is it?
Nahseb kien maghgel ghax kellu l-cash fuqu u kien sejjer jaghmel id dikjarazzjoni taghhom.
Are we obliged at law to give way?
Forsi kien maqsum b’ xoghlu.
An ambulance from Mater Dei Hospital was making its way along the Regional Road at 6.15pm today.
It was mayhem.
I was pleased to see most fellow-drivers doing their utmost to create a space.
Soon this will end.
If drivers begin to assume that the wailing is not from an ambulance but from some great big overfed capon they will not bother to budge.
It is obviously due to his eagerness to serve the general public.
In a week’s time, I’ll make sure to reward the PL for the zealousness that the honourable public servant Manuel Mallia continuously shows when he is being driven around.
It-traffic jam taghna lkoll. Il-ministru solva l-problema ghalih innifsu u xi t-tnejn u t-tliieta minni u minna lkoll. Prosit Labour x`egoizmu sfrenat. Mhux bhat traffiku dejjem stagnat.
Forsi kien ha jaghmel tahtu.
Maybe he really was going to give birth. That belly must be at least nine months.
Another pair of twins, I’d say.
Apart from the arrogance, these politicians are endangering people’s lives. Would they be held accountable if a pedestrian or a driver was injured because of their mayhem?
You would have to ask Owen Bonnici about that.
The National Poet Triccas once sang:
“U x’buzz ikrah jaghtik
Tara hniezer gejjin
Ghaddejjin bil-karozzi u muturi.
Jekk tarahom parpar l’hemm
Ghax ikahhluk mal-genb….”
What on earth is this?
Is the furthest one to the right Cyrus Engerer’s dad?
He probably wanted to impress his relatives who have those two shops by the Msida roundabout.
His roots are there it seems.
In some Communist countries a traffic lane used to be reserved exclusively for government and party high officials. Now, that’s an idea that may be copied.
You don’t understand. He was on his way to first deposit his half a million in the bank and then file his ministerial declaration of assets.