That’s exactly what people are afraid of
May 4, 2014 at 12:22pm
An increasingly weird-looking prime minister, speaking in his capacity as Labour leader, told a gathering in Haz-Zabbar that “the best is yet to come”.
That’s exactly what people are afraid of.
Labour governments invariably breed insecurity – it’s just amazing.
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Down to earth and normal is more like it:
Il-perit, perit, perit twit twit, kull figħodu jqum b’xi waħda!
Il-Merill ,Merill , Merill twit twit, kull figħodu jqum ikanta!
There were so many porkies and half truths in that speech that the promise of the best being yet to come really does not augur well…
What’s is it? A reduction of 3c rather than 2c of petlor?
Travel agents might witness a surge in the sale of one-way tickets out of here.
Ah, that must be a 3-cent reduction in the price of diesel.
Gvern tal-qalba u bla qalb.
Is Muscat having Botox done?
The PM is being hounded and threatened by his own extremism.
To bring up the “Suldati ta’ l-azzar” he is appealing to the hard core Labour.
This means he no longer is seen as he tried to sell himself.
He’s probably referring to a further one-cent decrease in the price of petrol over the next four years.
So you noticed it too.
What is it, a perpetual sugar high?
Oh goody! So looking forward. Can’t wait.
Should not that have read, The bust is just round the corner?
Wait till he unveils his labour camps for the ones deemed “enemies of the state”.
Sounds like Mintoff’s ‘The future beckons’ which was always followed, Christmas after Christmas, with ‘Nissikkaw ic-cinturin’
Not for Lou Bondi. From January 2015 he will be government’s full-time mass-events consultant. The Maltese word is pinnur but Bondi took it to new heights.
Why does Joseph Muscat repeatedly mention Lou Bondi as an example of meritocracy?
Was Lou Bondi employed by the PN in recent years? And was he part of the PN government?
As far as I can recall, he was a private entrepreneur producing a number of PBS programmes under contract.
If the “bast is still to come,” why isn’t the prime minister campaigning with the same faces behind him as he used in the last general elections? I speak about those Malta Taghna Lkoll faces which went on to take positions on government boards, commissions and tribunals, and the ones which took multiple government consultant roles.
Instead, the PM is hiding them and showing anonymous young faces instead – with the exception of Herr Flick, of course.
The faces behind Joseph Muscat during the election campaign are gorging themselves on their iced buns and abandoning him to talk his way out of his mess of promises, promises and promises of an elusive “best”.
It’s going to be 3 cents saving on petrol next year.
Freddie Portelli used to tell his audience: U L-KBIR GHADU GEJ.
Joseph Muscat is imitating him.
Muscat’s “best to come” could very well be just over his much touted surprise of a two cents drop in the previously increased fuel price.
Il kbir ghadu gej, meta? Holm u paroli biss.
Ghada ma giethux wahda tajba barra mir-rizultat tal-elezzjoni. Roadmap, terremoti, suldati ta l-azzar, rohs tal-millezmi, vapuri jaharbu mill-port. What else?
A man died and went to Heaven. As he stood in front of the Pearly Gates, he saw a huge wall of clocks behind him.
He asked, ‘What are all those clocks?’
St. Peter answered, ‘Those are Lie-Clocks. Everyone who has ever been on earth has a Lie-Clock. Every time you lie, the hands on your clock move.’
‘Oh’, said the man. ‘Whose clock is that?’
‘That’s Mother Teresa’s’, replied St. Peter. ‘The hands have never moved, indicating that she never told a lie.’
‘Incredible’, said the man. ‘And whose clock is that one?’
St. Peter responded, ‘That’s Abraham Lincoln’s clock. The hands have moved twice, telling us that Abraham told only two lies in his entire life.’
‘Where’s Joseph Muscat’s clock?’ asked the man.
St Peter replied, ‘We are using it as a ceiling fan.
B’dak li sar s’issa ghad ma rajna xejn
Ghaliex, skond joey, il-kbir ghadu gej.
Il-petrol gie mrahhas b’centezmi tnejn
Ezatt bhal ma kien qabel – sar ‘rohs’ zgur ta’ xejn.
Il-leave tal-maternity zdied b’gimghatejn
Biex anki jithallas diga’ sab minn fejn.
Ulied fic-childcare centres bla ma nhallsu xejn
Biex ommhom tmur tahdem – trid izda ssib fejn.
Mhux aktar ommijiet singles bla missier xejn
Izda flok daddy wiehed jista jkollna anki tnejn
Dan kollu minn qalbna ntennu darbtej
Ghax skond kif jghid joey “il-kbir ghadu gej”.
Daphne, I run a business which over the last year has seen a decrease in turnover of 20%.
Earlier today I heard Joey say that the economy has grown fourfold over the past year.
I follow the news regularly to keep abreast of trends in economic activity. I simply cannot comprehend this surreal announcement.
How can people possibly believe him.
Problem is that those around him believe anything he says, and those who don’t believe dare not open their mouth.
Well, if you top up the economy with 1,400 extra salaries, you’ll realise where his tkabbir ekonomiku bla precedent is coming from.
The best is yet to come. 5 c off petrol before the general election.
Naħseb li l-kbir diġa ġie mingħajr ma nafu, għax il-qagħad telgħa għal-6.8% u dejn żdied b’€400 miljun.
Issa qalina il-bxara t-tajba u żellqilna fin fin li se jgħolli l-bolla biex in-nisa tqal b’xi tarbija li jkunu jaħdmu jkollom il-leave tal-maternita.
My two guesses for the coming BIG News.
1. Sai Mizzi is actually doing some work for Malta.
2. Willy Mangion has procured a garage.
Freddy Portelli says “U il kbir ghaddu gej” u l-udjenza tibda tkanta f’daqqa ‘Mur hallini itlaq ‘l hemm ghax dejjaqtni u ma tafx kemm, hallini…’
If our Joey says “the best is yet to come” and we show that we are not impressed he will try to pull a better one the next week…while we pay. We’d better say “WOW” when he announces the second lot of good news.
Can you imagine him in the coming week telling us that his EP electoral manifesto is ready and full of nice promises, but got stuck at some printing press?
Has he lost some weight?