The prime minister has tried to put the ex president on the state payroll at his office. And George Abela has told him where to shove it.

Published: May 28, 2014 at 9:11am

George Abela

Imagine that. Imagine trying to put a former president on the prime minister’s payroll as a ‘consultant’.

Why, because Joseph Muscat really wants George Abela’s advice?

No, because he wants to nail his scalp to his wigwam wall, as he has done with the scalps of so many others whose services he doesn’t need, but who he has kept happy with a retainer or salary for pseudo-jobs or consultancies.

It’s bad enough that despite what Muscat did to Abela – giving him that horrendous, spiteful and demeaning speech to read out at the opening of parliament – Abela’s son and daughter-in-law failed to take a stand and instead continued to curry favour with Muscat to further their own personal careers.

But then what do you expect of them – look at the way Robert Abela took to the stage at a Labour mass meeting in the general election campaign to insult the very man who installed his father in San Anton Palace, inadvertently giving Robert Abela himself the opportunity to litter the grounds of Verdala Palace with plaques marking the baptism of his sprog.

If Muscat is even trying to recruit George Abela now, just to have his name on the list and buy his loyalty, heaven knows how many other people he’s doing it with that we don’t even know about yet and perhaps will never know about.

24 Comments Comment

  1. Calculator says:

    Not that I respect Abela for his Presidency term and the wrong choices he made, but I am glad to see that he didn’t accept Muscat’s offer.

    • La Redoute says:

      Abela knows it wasn’t an offer. It was a trap.

      • watchful eye says:

        Correct, a trap.

        By committing influential people to his cause, Joe Muscat is doing his utmost to gather high calibre people and in the process shuts their mouth and put them in a straitjacket by restraining their minds and freedom of thought.

        [Daphne – If they go in for it, they are by definition not high calibre people, unless the task is a real one.]

        Ultimate aim is the one-party state. Which in the end translates into a …

  2. Natalie Mallett says:

    That is also probably what he is trying to do to the tourism minister who wants to resign before selling off Air Malta.

  3. Felix says:

    That is exactly the winning strategy of the prime minister. Buying! No wonder he came up with the idea of selling our citizenship. His promises went across the board to a lot of people.

    It would be a mistake if the PN thinks that the disheartening results are due to some wrong doing from their part. The PN is right in most issues and their criticism was and is correct.

    Those people who have been promised a better life are however still hoping and waiting for the realisation of Muscat’s promises. It’s too early for them to realise how much they have been used. But, what comes round, turns around. It’s all a question of when.

  4. aut Cesar aut nullus says:

    One may speculate that what Abela wanted was a second term as President of the Republic not a lowly post as adviser.

    Since the Constitution forbids it, it would have entailed a constitutional amendment before the usual passing of a resolution by the House of Representatives but that was easily doable — it only requires a simple majority in the House to pass as the relevant article is not entrenched.

    In my opinion, Abela always nursed considerable resentment with respect to any PL leader after the PL rejected his leadership bid. He must have thought that he would have made a better PL leader just as he made a success — at least in his own eyes — of the Presidency.

  5. R.Borg says:

    “Il-garra, gejja u sejra, fl-ahhar tinkiser”.
    “Iz-zejt xi darba jitla’ f’wicc l-ilma”
    “Tobzok fis-sema mbaghad il-bezqa’ tigi f’wiccek”.
    Jagixxi hekk min qed jibza’ ghall-pozizzjoni tieghu jew mhux cert mil-lejalta’ ta’ madwaru.

  6. Gee Dee says:

    I think Muscat underestimated Abela this time round..

  7. John Higgins says:

    George Abela knows Muscat inside out and he knows what’s behind the offer. Kudos to him. At least he has redeemed himself in this instance.

  8. Clueless says:

    The real story is who leaked this to The Malta Independent?

    Whoever did this is sure as hell trying to damage George Abela with the Labour core after the other leak related to the Civil Unions Bill.

  9. Albert Fenech says:

    Boo hoo hoo! George Abela has done enough for the PL cause directly and indirectly. He has now retired and cherishes his retirement – besides leaving the field open for his son Robert, a future PL Leader in the making, You are so direly caught up in your venom you just cannot see the wood for the trees.

    Yet, do not despair. Your blogs and your boot-lickers have been highly instrumental to the PL building these huge majorities whilst propping up wimp Simon Busuttil who is hardly capable of telling the time of day.

    My tip is to go with Kristy Debono and Metsola – at least they can attract the glamour vote. As for David Casa and Comodina Cachia – well that really gauges the depth of despair within the PN and their only decent candidate for the EP elections Helga Ellul disappeared without trace. More fool she for attaching her band wagon to a bunch of no-hoper losers. I always attributed her with more intellectual acumen.

    [Daphne – ‘The glamour vote’: spoken like a true Mintoffian pensioner. You really try my patience, Mr Fenech. You are the working-class version of Martin Scicluna.]

  10. Rumplestiltskin says:

    At least George Abela saw the offer for what it was and turned it down. Can’t say it restores all of the respect I had lost but it helps a little.

  11. Rita Camilleri says:

    How come the Times of Malta didn’t mention this? Thank goodness for The Malta Independent and this blog.

  12. bob-a-job says:

    Meanwhile more openings for the ‘Sticker Album’ people.

    ‘Shifting from just a single body managing the entire council’s artistic programme, into three specific directorates, Arts Council Malta will seek to redirect resources traditionally allocated to the major state-funded annual cultural festivals’

  13. Gahan says:

    I’m told he wants Helga Ellul.

  14. no one says:

    Times of Malta on 19 May carried a letter pleading for George Abela to help the Labour Party, to take the helm as the present situation is coming to head.

    Could this be the trigger for Muscat’s offer? And so he wants to please those who wish George Abela to help the party.

  15. Joseph Muscat’s offer was a cheap gimmick.

    George Abela’s response was the appropriate answer.

  16. John Higgins says:

    I agree with Watchful Eye.

  17. Eddy Privitera says:

    Do you really think you have made Dr. George Abela a favour by your comment ? If anything, Dr. Muscat has again proven that he doesn`t hold anything against Dr. Abela. But you are alleging that Dr. Abela is still holding the fact that Dr.Muscat had won the leadership, against the prime minister !

    • watchful eye says:

      Who are you, Eddy Privitera, to pontificate that Joseph Muscat doesn’t hold anything against George Abela?

  18. Libertas says:

    Muscat sees people just as trophies he can buy. So sick.

    At least there are a few – so few! – who can see through him.

  19. Nana says:

    I don’t think that George Abela would fall into that trap. When he contested against Muscat for the Labour Party leadership he saw how the party treated him.

  20. gaetano pace says:

    Well well well. George Abela stood tall once more. He just taught Joseph Muscat a lesson in politics and diplomacy. The harder Muscat tries to stand tall with the likes of George Abela, the more puerile he is going to be proven.

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