The prime minister: “The price of diesel will remain obsessed until December.”
May 1, 2014 at 12:00pm
The prime minister’s actual words about the price of diesel were not that it would remain fixed, but that it would remain obsessed until December.
“Il-prezz tad-diesel se jibqa ffissat sa Dicembru.”
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We’ve got to the state where we should be demanding an interpreter for Joseph Muscat’s Newspeak:
He can’t speak English.
His Maltese is riddled with error.
His intentions are always murky at source.
He shouldn’t be allowed to speak without one.
He looks like a speck of dirt before those great flags and what they stand for.
What would you have him say?
“Il-prezz se jibqa’ mwahhal”?
“Jibqa’ l-istess”?
He could have said “Se jibqa’ kostanti” but no one, including himself, would have understood that.
Ma setax jghid li se jwaħħalulna ghax kulħadd kien jinduna li veru waħħalulna.
Fil-fatt il-prezz ta’ litru petrol issa se jkun 13-il ċenteżmu iktar minn meta Joseph Muscat bħala Kap tal-Oppożizzjoni niżżel in-nies jipprotestaw fit-toroq.
Il-prezz tad-diesel se jibqa’ 15-il ċenteżmu iktar għal kull litru minn meta hu bħala Kap tal-Oppożizzjoni niżżel in-nies jipprotestaw fit-toroq. U l-prezz ta’ ċilindru gass se jkun iqum €1.10 iktar minn meta hu bħala Kap tal-Oppożizzjoni niżżel in-nies jipprotestaw fit-toroq. Imbagħad f’Ottubru, meta vera jkollna bżonn il-gass, x’aktarx jgħollih ftit oħra.
Se jibqa’ fiss.
If he had to emphasize his great achievement could have been ‘mhux se joghla.’
If not ‘jibqa’ li hu.’
“Il-prezz tad-dizil mhux ser jinbidel. Ser jibqa fiss sa l-ahhar ta’ Dicembru ta’ din is-sena.”
Il-prezz jibqa fiss.
U ejja, veru?
I suppose a rubber band, to him, is a banda tal-lastku.
actually it is probably more like “banda tal-lakstuwwa”
Attent xi tghid, Kev. Naruwa din.
Banda li tiggebbed?
If these are the visions he delights in explaining to the plebs, then Lord do deliver us from evil for we have gone beyond rock bottom.
Ahseb u ara bla teleprompter?
Welcome to the Maltese dialect cum language. Check out some of the translations coming out of the EU if you are in short supply of comedy.
The number of artificially and arbitrarily created words — more often than not by Italianising English words — case in point ‘iffissa’ fix, Italianised using the Italian verb ‘fissare’, is risible.
The translators have no choice really. I understand the enormity of the task, but rather than sound like a clown, just code-switch to English or Italian where Maltese does not have the language. Having said that he could have easily said ‘Inzommu l-prezz kif inhu’.
It is a mess, really. Go on, have a good laugh:
How would you translate “Maltese dialect cum language”?
Mate, it’s a slippery slope.
Naħseb “Ipeċilqu” jew “Ipaċpċu”.
“Maltese dialect cum language”? – L*ba, maybe.
Mela, lil Konrad kien jonqsu ma genbu, jzellaq xi wahda bl-Ingliz in bitwijn.
Let’s face it. Evidence shows that the prime minister hardly ever cares what the words he uses actually mean.
When delivering prepared speeches he is very choosy about his carefully selected words.
It’s just a case of pearls before swine.
Thank God for small mercies.