The prime minister this evening: “Cyrus Engerer is now a soldier of steel.”
Two Maltas, I tell you. And it’s fascinating the way the prime minister uses words to sell people the precise opposite of what they mean.
Being principled now means continuing to champion your man even when he is sentenced to prison for doing something really bad to somebody else.
Being a gentleman now means bowing out of the electoral race because a judge has sentenced you to prison for doing something a real gentleman would never think of, let alone do.
Things are taking a really ugly turn.
And to make matters worse, the prime minister is now also dragging Engerer’s parents into the mix, to make this look like some kind of Jewish family persecuted by the evil Nazis.
How does Mrs Engerer come into it? How was she persecuted and for what? She has never featured anywhere. Chris Engerer, on the other hand, is a pothead of many decades’ standing and one of the reasons why I argue so vehemently against the decriminalisation of marijuana for personal use.
Regular smokers become fit for nothing, a burden on everyone else, and a problem for their family. I have no doubt at all that Cyrus Engerer’s personality problems and self-destructive bent all stem from having had to grow up with a waster like that for a father. I could say more but I won’t – suffice it to say that the law should have caught up with him a long, long time ago, and not because he smokes it.
Chris Engerer persecuted! Can it be more obvious that Joseph Muscat is a hick from Burmarrad who discovered the world of Tal-Pepe Switchers four years ago? He should ask some of them who are my contemporaries about Chris Bloody Engerer and the drugs he hasn’t only been doing, since way back in the 1970s.
There’s another point: by backing, in this fashion, somebody who was convicted yesterday, the prime minister is effectively undermining the judiciary by saying the judgement was wrong and Engerer is ‘persecuted’. And this is the same man who claims that the reason he fired his deputy leader, Anglu Farrugia, was a remark Farrugia made about a magistrate.
Times of Malta reports:
Prime Minister Joseph Muscat praised Cyrus for opting to place the movement above himself and said this decision made him a new soldier of steel and the Labour family would always be with him showing its solidarity as one movement.
Mr Engerer was persecuted as were his mother and father. But this government left institutions to work in absolute independence and he was proud of this. If there were those who thought this development would develop a wedge between Mr Engerer and the movement, between the old Labourites and the new ones, they were proved wrong.
“What Cyrus did today… with what he said, he showed that if there were any differences between the old and the new this has now been repealed for good. With its behaviour, the Opposition has united this movement even more than it ever was. It united us as siblings who loved and never deceived each other,” he said to applause.
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“Cyrus Engerer vows to work for PL to win EP election.”
If Cyrus has decided to do community work to reform himself, shouldn’t he be giving priority to the needy?
Perhaps he can be guided by yesterday’s news about Silvio Berlusconi’s community work engagements.
The prime minister is quoted as saying that:
“Mr Engerer was persecuted as were his mother and father. But this government left institutions to work in absolute independence and he was proud of this”
So the prime minister is implying that the institution persecuted Mr Cyrus Engerer and his parents.
Somebody needs a coffee.
I really hope that some journalist worth his salt asks the Prime Minister what he is trying to imply by his statement.
Who exactly is persecuting Cyrus and his family?
The judiciary?
The PN?
Someone else?
If so, how are they persecuting him?
Why don’t they ask the police to investigate the persecution, if that is what they suspect? The Police Commissioner will certainly oblige.
Of course, there will be no journalist who will ask these questions, such is the dearth of competent independent journalists in Malta at the moment.
Joseph Muscat will be allowed to get away with throwing a statement into the mix which has no factual basis, just to sow seeds of doubt into the minds of those who want to doubt the facts because they can’t come to terms with reality.
Even if it wanted to, how could the PN persecute Cyrus and his parents?
The judiciary are an independent institution anyway that does not come under government or Opposition control.
The PN is not in government.
The other institutions eg the police, army etc are firmly in the hands of Labour yes-men.
One has to be really blinkered to believe what Joseph Muscat and Cyrus Engerer are implying.
Unfortunately, though, Malta is full of blinkered and brainwashed people with little or no ability to think for themselves.
The persecution comes from outside the Movement.
The Movement is beyond the party.
That which threatens the Movement threatens from beyond the party.
The party then, shall defend the Movement.
John C, I ask the same question and I come to the same conclusion:
The Prime Minister is leading the government and the country by illusion, whereby he is distorting reality and facts to instil doubts, encouraging false beliefs and create non-existing images to gain political points, confuse those who are (unfortunately) low in IQ and deliberately stir arguments to inculcate division in our society.
This is my conclusion.
Two Maltas indeed. If you are upright, principled, well-mannered and not a hamallu, you are considered to be an enemy of the state and alien to society.
It’s called ‘post normal’ society
Did Muscat imply on Super One that Judge Michael Mallia is corrupt? Can anyone clarify this, please? Thanks
And Cyrus said that he is proud to have switched over to Labour as the country needed a change. Yes the country needed a change but not for the worse.
It’s ironic. They say people voted for change, but we keep seeing the same a**holes in positions of power: Cyrus Engerer, Franco Debono, JPO, etc.
This situation is beyond f***ed.
It’s very freaky more than anything. How far will Labour go?
‘Regular smokers become fit for nothing, a burden on everyone else, and a problem for their family.’ – This statement is completely untrue.
[Daphne – Your definition of ‘regular smokers’ and mine are probably vastly different. I grew up in the pothead era. Perhaps I should have said ‘heavy smokers’ to be more clear. Yes, they most definitely end up fit for nothing. They’re in a daze half the time, dragging themselves about through life.]
I agree with Daphne. I ve seen what real potheads end up doing with their lives.
The song “but then I got high” may be funny to teenagers, but that is exactly what happens to you. No life at all.
This subject makes me wonder whether Cyrus was also the initiator of the drug decriminalisation issue. Tassew decizjonijiet ibbazati fuq l-interessi personali.
Not to mention the stink that exudes from the pores in even the flimsiest of a light sweat.
Heavy drinkers are also fit for absolutely nothing, however the government still gives us the right to indulge in it and be responsible enough to control our own intake and make it to work safe and sound on a Monday morning. Marijuana is not an addictive substance in the physical sense, so I feel that it is unfair that we are not allowed to indulge in it responsibly in the same ways as alcohol.
There will always be people who abuse, but these people will be alienated from society just as alcoholics are. Apart from this anyone who wants to be a heavy pot head will do so regardless of the law, it is one of the most accessible substances on the market. If history taught us anything is that the best way to get people to stop abusing a substance is to regulate and educate as in the case of tobacco. The anti- tobacco marketing campaigns, all the awareness spread and the extreme regulation of the substance has led to people smoking less and less in the western world.
Joseph Muscat took in Cyrus Engerer knowing what he’d done. His reaction to the court judgement is exactly what we should expect of him.
Engerer is mistaken if he believes Muscat backs him. Muscat backs no one but himself. Everyone else is a prop in the Muscat show, used for his own ends.
He will drop Engerer as soon as he ceases to be useful.
For now, Engerer serves the purpose of ‘proving’ that the PL champions the underdog and, therefore, the underdog should vote PL.
You reminded me of Muscat’s reasoning re the importation tax on new cars. He had said that regardless of the court judgement
he will refund the tax.
So we had one famous leader ‘li kien jit****ek mil-kostituzzjoni’ and the present Labour leader does the same with court judgements.
Actually I believe you are mistaken.
According to te evidence Cyrus sent the emails from his mothers house.
From what I understand he argued that there was no way anyone can prove that it was actually him who sent those emails.
In other words, the only other person who could have was his own mother.
Cyrus was willing to put his own mother in the firing line to get away with it all. And we are supposed to believe that he actually cares.
Cyrus Engerer and Joseph Muscat are but the visible parts of all that is unwholesome and morally corrupt in Labour.
I have no hesitation in thinking that the rest is just as tarnished.
The other Malta is the other Malta because it is morally corrupt.
To be given licence by the man who had to resort to leaving the sale of citizenship out of his electoral programme, because that – as he was aware – was offensive to even the morally corrupt is saying something.
This behaviour is what we expect of Labour.
Franco Debono was given the position of Law Commissioner because Joseph Muscat sticks his two fingers up at the Judiciary.
Franco Debono is just as much a active symbol of all that is wrong with today’s Malta as Cyrus Engerer and Joseph Muscat.
How cheap. Of course he’s gloating.
And yet… Manwel Mallia’s first thought with Paul Borg Olivier was to legal action.
Convenience of perspective and application.
No principle but to always to uphold the wrong side of the matter since invariably they’d have positioned themselves there.
Looks like Muscat has taken to ‘baptising’ people too. Nuts.
Always as per reporting by the Times of Malta in the article above:
Why should the prime minister be proud because this government LEFT institutions to work in absolute independence?
Is the Judiciary not one of the three pillars of democracy?
Cyrus Engerer the Soldier of Steal
I am sorry to note, that instances like these show how frail and weak our media are.
What on earth are they doing?
Is it just Daphne who has the guts to speak about these things and keep hammering the point home? I have nothing against Cyrus Engerer, personally, but as a politician he should hide himself away right now and not go on a podium shamelessly.
Imagine this happening in the US or UK or even in our neighbour country Italy.
This is all so shameful of both him and the prime minister, who is showing what his true values are.
So, what does our Prime Minister feel about the victimisation of Engerer’s ex boyfriend? All this however, is also shameful on our media, who are not capable of hammering a case home. They have even forgotten about John Dalli.
Happening in the US? Never! His political career would have been over ages ago.
What’s with the Labour Party and porn?
After these elections, Muscat will ditch Cyrus once and for all.
Another “cold blooded political murder”?
Cyrus, watch your, ahem, back.
Now Cuschieri is happy because he might have a chance to be elected. The PN should not be ashamed to mention what Cyrus did in plain Maltese so people will know and understand because they can’t understand the judgement.
I feel that Muscat still needs Engerer for the Hunter’s Spring Hunting referendum. Engerer has already signed FKNK’s petition – therefore has their sympathy already. He is still going to be used against the PN (his own admission). I would really like to know what Muscat and Engerer concocted beween them.
This really beggars belief, and I thought Labour couldn’t possibly stoop any lower after they turned Labour clubs into out-of-stock medicine dispensaries.
Now they’re welcoming convicted criminals into their fold with arms wide open and trying to cover up for them by shifting the blame on others.
Now would be a good time to bring back that excellent guest post we had a while ago about Labour being a criminal organisation rather a political party.
I agree. Labour never stops surprising me. Now they are campaigning with a convicted criminal on the podium. Unbelievable.
But then why am I surprised?
If Cyrus Engerer was not ashamed to distribute compromising pornographic pictures to the employer of his former lover who ditched Cyrus, why would he be ashamed to obscure the political party of which he was part and which too ditched Cyrus?
‘L-eks Prim Ministru u Mexxej Laburista, Alfred Sant kiteb fuq Facebook: “Jiddispjaċini b’li ġara lil Cyrus Engerer. Matul l-aħħar xhur ta’ kampanja għall-elezzjonijiet Ewropej, f’diskussjonijiet dwar is-sehem ta’ Malta fl-Unjoni Ewropea u attivitajiet oħra, rajtu bħala validu, ħabriek u informat tajjeb, barra milli mexa b’korrettezza u impenn. Nemmen li fil-futur se jirnexxilu jissupera l-konsegwenzi ta’ dan il-moment diffiċli.”’
This very different to Sant’s reaction regarding the Mistra case which he deemed “scandalous, immersed in corruption, obscene and protected the interest of a small clique”.
But there again it’s Alfred Sant we are talking about.
What happened to Cyrus is nobody’s fault but Cyrus’s.
I can’t understand why this isn’t so bloody obvious not even to Alfred Sant. A classic example where a high level of education doesn’t reflect a high I.Q.
Funny how Joseph’s reaction was so different when the dissemination of “private” material involved him –
“(T)he Labour family would always be with him showing its solidarity as one movement”.
Pun apart, one would have thought that these words would not refer to jolly, old Cyrus but would convey perhaps as much as a glimmer, whether real or perceived, of solidarity from Labour with the guy whose been at the receiving end of our new-found “soldier of steel”.
What’s the use of anti-bullying campaigns if Joseph is endorsing the bully in this case? Or is it OK if the bully is Joseph’s own?
Cyrus Engerer – Energija Neggativa
This country has gone to the dogs when you have a Prime Minister who praises someone convicted of doing what Engerer did to another person.
What was that Muslim Maltese lady hugging Cyrus for? As far as I know Muslims do not tolerate gays, let alone gay men who share revenge porn.
Are there any Labourites who see this as wrong? Or are they all immoral and couldn’t care less about honesty, integrity and ethics?
The keeping of Labour in government, forever if possible, is paramount in a Labourite’s mind. They have waited for it for so long that they are not going to loose it now for anything in the world. They will silence their conscience if necessary, and believe anything.
Where’s the massive outrage by the judiciary?
Because what the Prime Minister, the head of government, is saying between and on the lines is that the Attorney General’s Office, the Police officers, and the judge who presided the case are all corrupt.
They get all flustered and threaten prosecution when some nobody like me badmouths them. But when it’s the Prime Minister, everything goes.
In the absolutist Maltese society the PM has total power.
So at last in Cyrus Engerer we now have our local Berlusconi, though convicted for different issues. In spite of a conviction they both try to convince the people that there is à conspiracy against them. Joseph Muscat should be ashamed of himself. Instead of disowning completely Engerer he awards him a star in Labour’s Hall of Fame: suldat ta’ l-azzar. This is à disgrace to Labour and to real men and women and of any gender for that matter.
There you go Joseph
Can Cyrus adopt a child?
Why not?
He and his ilk have been given extra rights far beyond mortal men.
The liberal new way is to go overboard on everything.
Pretty soon he will want government compensation because his male wife cannot conceive, as if that is the fault of mean old society.
Watch the Joseph Muscat video here.
Joseph Muscat is putting the judiciary, the Attorney General’s Office and the Police and prosecution in bad light.
“Nitlob lill kollega Joseph Muscat biex jerfa’ ir-responsabbilta’ politika.”
The leader should be asked to hand in his resignation immediately and a new leader of the Moviment elected.
Well, of course he is a soldier of steel, after having been demoted from the rank of general by the commander in fat.
U Cirillu baqa l-art
Dear Daphne, I cannot stand Cyrus and his martyr look. He gets his parents into it so that everyone pities him. He tries to picture his parents like some normal, middle-aged couple when they are anything but. He should never have brought them into it because he has put the spotlight on them and they don’t bear scrutiny.
His father Chris as you correctly say is a pothead who has been known to the police for decades. His mother, Mariuccia, who you don’t know, is not much better. Up until a couple of years ago, and I know because I was a party promoter, she used to attend techno parties where the drug in use was anything but marijuana.
And you could see her under a certain effect. But maybe it wasn’t drugs. Maybe it was just alcohol.
Old enough to be my grandmother, concealed under tonnes of makeup, trying to be younger and snatching at some poor kid to be her toy boy.
I am not surprised that Cyrus turned out the way he is. It is a shame because he started off so well, studying and taking an interest in politics. It is a tragedy.
Minn jaf x’offrilu Muscat biex jitkellem hekk!! Issa drajnieh li jwieghed u jakkwista dak li jrid.
Soldier of steel my arse !
And please Cyrus don’t take this literally.
Is there anything Joseph Muscat wouldn’t do to gain votes?
This man has no shame.
Sar gvern ta’ assurdita.
Let us make this clear.
It was perfectly legal for Cyrus Engerer to retain his candidature considering that the law had been changed conveniently a few months back to presumably accommodate him should the sentence he was facing be reduced to a minor slap on the wrist.
One assumes that the gravity of deed and the resulting sentence did not allow this to happen and Joseph Muscat had no alternative other then resign himself to the reality of the situation and not allow Cyrus to remain a contender.
If Muscat were convinced that Cyrus was really a politician who had fallen victim to the PN’s vengeance as Engerer is claiming, he would have rightfully allowed Cyrus to retain his candidature notwithstanding all but he did not.
This means that Muscat knows fully well that Cyrus Engerer is guilty as hell.
Yet Muscat still endorses Cyrus because the PL cannot afford to lose votes so early in the day after an election.
The situation has now become extremely shocking because it shows up the Prime Minister to be a barefaced opportunist who is prepared to support another brazen opportunist and to cap it all a sentenced criminal, to shore up his declining support.
This was Lou Bondi’s opinion then. I would love to hear his opinion now.
How right Cyrus is and could ever be. Malta did indeed need a very big change, aa fact that cannot be denied. It needed Cyrus to change from being a PN hopeful to a PL tearful heart rendering jelly baby.
Sar wiehed minn dawn
I won’t say “ship Muscat and his lot to China any more”. North Korea is more their kind of thing.
I don’t know about a soldier of steel but he’s certainly a raving iron.
If the PM was honest he would say that Engerer is a double crossing pansy with a spine like that found on a viper not a soldier of steel.
On the delicate issue of the effect of marijuana on young people’s brain chemistry, may I suggest our community read the story on the following link.
Was anyone compelled by the power of Jo? Did they speak in tongues?
So when Anglu Farrugia criticized a magistrate he was removed from Deputy Leader of the PL.
Now it is perfectly ok for Cyrus Engerer and the Prime Minister to criticize a judge.
Both instances occurred during an election campaign.
This post reminds me of this:
L-isem ta’ missier Cyrus huwa assocjat mad-droga hawn Malta. Chris bena legat u hexa familja.
The point is they knew or at least suspected as all we Slimisd
that his father might have been somewhat naughty
So why did the P.N govt wait until the rift with Cyrus to take action?
If Cyrus was still with the P.N., would all this have come out in the open?
[Daphne – For God’s sake, Mr Loporto. The party in government is not the Police Vice Squad. There is a separation of powers. By your argument, why did this government not instruct the Attorney-General not to appeal against Cyrus Engerer’s acquittal? Chris Engerer has been known to the police for 30 years. They haven’t just picked him up now. That’s Cyrus’s deliberate attempt to mislead. Chris Engerer is a serial offender. The case you know about, because of all the publicity, is but the latest.]
Another term for Muscat Labour Party’s newspeak: suldat tal-azzar.
Now a suldat tal-azzar means a person convicted of harassing, humiliating and threatening his former partner.
Dr Muscat, please stop humiliating and insulting the victim in this case and all the other victims in similar cases.
Shame on you.
St. Joseph Muscat the Baptist. Pity we don’t have rivers.
cosa nostra rhetoric
Dear Daphne, I have to write this comment on this page even though it is not strictly related to Cyrus.
However, this is a comment about ‘switchers’.
I am really annoyed and disgusted by the behaviour of the owners of the Seabank resort of Mellieha. Yesterday on the BA spots produced by the Labour Party there was Hubert Debono boasting how tourism has been going strong and that their company will be expanding, and indirectly saying that this is thanks to the present Labour government.
First of all, either by mistake or for some other reason, they didn’t put his name but the name of a certain Arthur (also from Mellieha, who works at the Seabank and who is also known to having voted Labour last year).
Secondly, these people are so unscrupulous. They know that if the tourism industry is still going strong this is thanks to the policies adopted by the previous administration and the fact that there was no change at all in the direction.
So much for the much needed change. Secondly, in the past they were on the receiving end of Labour attacks, especially when the previous government wanted to build a new road in Mellieha Bay and the then Labour opposition always insinuated that the road planned was to accommodate the new resort, which has ruined the landscape of a once picturesque Mellieha Bay.
I believe in democracy and the right of people to switch allegiance, but I cannot stand the audacity of these kind of people who probably switched to Labour because they knew that the days of the PN were numbered and thus it was better for them to wave the red flag.
As for me, I will definitely boycott their businesses because their behaviour is repulsive. I also hope that the PN stops organizing activities at their venues. The PN has to learn to dump the people who dumped it for no good reason at all.
The legendary “Lukanda Kalifornia” by Triccas at 2:00 the lyrics are “Qalli ninzlu sal Exiles forsi nsiru coco”.
Does it need to be spelt out? This was 1986 in the golden years.
I hope that these events we are sadly experiencing on a daily basis will sharpen people’s appetite for change once again and send a strong message through the EP elections.
So Muscat presents Engerer as a hero. Billboard Ramona praises him “li hareg ta’ ragel.”
“Johrog ta’ ragel” if he cuts this crap of political persecution, makes a public apology to his former boyfriend for the criminal acts he has committed against him and to the gay community for instigating homophobia, pays the Eur150,000 it is going to cost to reprint the ballot papers for having the gall to present himself for elections (when knowing all along he was as guilty as hell) and then going to hang his head in shame and withdrawing from public life for what he has one.
Shame on Engerer and even more shame on the Prime Minister for colluding with him in this farce.
Where the hell is Gabi Calleja now?
So PL ‘il-muviment’ will show its solidarity to a convicted criminal? Sweet
It appears that all the others, cabinet included, are soft as marshmallows in their leader`s eyes.
What happens to soldiers of steels after they are baptized? Are they left to rust or given a good coat of galvanizing? (I would have said ‘Vaseline’ instead but rightly so, you’d edit my comment out)
It’s incredible how Gowzef expects us to believe his ‘Newspeak’. As a teenager I remember reading ‘1984’ and thinking to myself, which dictator would do that? Muscat’s PL is fast becoming ‘Big Brother’ – in the way people are made to think there’s an enemy to defend against (in-Nazzjonalisti li hassru lill-Malta) and the situations they are putting us in is for the greater good (passports, gay adoption). Even the notion of ‘il-Moviment Gdid’ is there to give you the impression ‘Big Brother’ may not be a specific person after all, but a collective.
Gowzef must remember the year 1984, when the book was given specific attention. He must have been at secondary school at the time, and it must have struck a chord – for the wrong reasons.
What did I say?
This is Joe Muscat’s “Aristocracy of the Worker”. If we hadn’t been down this path before, it would be completely surreal. The man is a convicted criminal – nobody including himself denies that he has committed the crimes he has committed; and yet he claims to be a victim of persecution, AND LABOUR BACK HIM UP!
Where is that nice boy the Minister Of Justice?
Aren’t both Cyrus and Joe Muscat in contempt of court?
Where is the Chief Justice? One of his team is being accused of persecuting an individual for his political beliefs by the highest member of the political branch of government. The Chief Justice should either ask for Justice Mallia to be investigated by the Commission For The Administration of Justice,(although the undisputed facts of the case make this pointless) or he should be sticking up for what is in fact persecution of a Judge and a threat to his independence and by extension the whole judiciary.
Why are they not all out on strike?
Because intimidation works and it doesn’t require actual physical violence. Ask Tony Soprano.
Too bad this whole episode did not occur two weeks ago. Maybe Pope Francis would have canonized Mr. Engerer as Saint Cyrus, protector of Internet Pornography Abusers.
After the success of Captain America our own Soldier of Steel will be making his debut.
The Cheshire cat is now our man of steel.
I always thought that the Malta Journalism Awards are obsolete…all the more now since no proper investigative journalism exists in this country.
Were it not for you, we would be left in the dark about so many things.
Never doubted that Muscat will defend a selected few to the hilt, no matter the circumstance. He presently has the police force and the army to back him up. How long before he starts intimidating the judiciary.
One day the Maltese law courts found Cyrus Engerer guilty for distributing pornographic material and other illegal behaviour, the next day the Maltese Prime Minister uses all positive adjectives towards the two year prison sentenced person without acknowledging his mishaps. Now Muscat is really scratching the barrel’s bottom and sending all the bad examples to the whole society!
This is a clear statement that the PM is actually undermining the judiciary. Malta is heading towards a roller-coaster ride. We are treading on a very dangerous path here.
Furthermore, Muscat is using this case to continue to divert the people’s attention from the real problems.
Who are the individuals who have been coming to Malta to purchase a Maltese-EU passport from Joe’s shop?
Why are they being escorted by armed guards from and to the airport, sometimes during unusual hours?
Muscat does not want the people to remember his passport scam. So he gave them 2c worth of nothing and keeps the rest of the on-goings as secretive as possible.
Something tells me that there is something very dangerous and sinister brewing at Mile End and at Castille.
It appears that to be promoted ‘suldat tal-azzar’ within the Labour Party one has to have a criminal record.
Remember the ‘suldati tal-azzar’ who demolished the Curia, Eddie’s house and The Times.
Remember tal-Barrani and the Zejtun thugs.
They were all deemed ‘suldati tal-azzar’.
Congratulations Cyrus. I always knew you to be a snake and a back stabber and I can prove what I am saying but now you have really reached the bottom of the pit.
Scum, the whole bloody lot of them.
How very sad. Whatever happened to our values?
Engerer has been convicted of a criminal offence. Instead of being asked to go away quietly, the PL make a hero out of him.
The prime minister is scandalously blaming the judiciary and accusing it of being in cahoots with the PN in the persecution of Cyrus Engerer.
But Engerer has never denied doing what he did, and his acts were criminal – against another gay man.
The Malta Gay Rights Movement is now in a quandary. One of its heroes has been found guilty of a homophobic attack on another gay man. Shouldn’t it say something?
“Miskin Engerer halluh. Issa irripenta. Is Salvatur hafirlu u twieled mil-gdid fil-muviment taghna lkoll. Anke l-familja qed jghinu”
Engerer, the biggest Labour bait – helping his master make believe how evil the PN is. And reinforce the decision to switch and vote PL.
Nikki Dimech and Cyrus Engerer were both PN councillors at the same time. They were both facing criminal charges when they left/were asked to leave the Nationalist Party.
Why does Labour claim that Engerer is being persecuted while Dimech was not?
Is it because Engerer is gay and Dimech is not? Does being gay give you immunity from prosecution?
Or is it because Engerer joined the Labour Party after being thrown out of the Nationalist Party, while Dimech simply withdrew from politics?
And that’s what Engerer should have done: withdraw from politics. But he is too ambitious with an over-inflated ego like that of his master, Muscat.
Mr. Engerer wanted his five minutes of fame. And now he has them.
At one point Labour even embraced Nikki Dimech. They invited him on Super One to air his views against the PN. And it was Cyrus Engerer who was pushing for the removal of Dimech from the Sliema council. At that time Engerer was still supporting the PN and praising Gonzi. He had not yet started his journey to Damascus.
You are perfectly correct.
Cyrus was certainly one of the backstabbers.
What Muscat’s speech really tells me is that this has shaken the movement (if it makes sense).
It can’t have gone down very well with anyone in the ‘family’. Except for Marlene Mizzi, of course.
Din l-istorja tfakkarni hafna fit-tmeninijiet meta l-Laburisti kienu juzaw il-vjolenza.
Kienu jghidu li qed jigu pprovokati minn Nazzjonalisti.
Ghandhom habta lil min hu hazin ipinguh tajjeb u bil-kontra.
Qisu l-irxoxt ta’ Bormla.
Turning things on their head: a travesty of justice.
“…with what he said, he showed that if there were any differences between the old and the new this has now been repealed for good.”
Is it just me who sees this phrase as the most significant, and the most chilling?
Cyrus Engerer and his escapades are just an excuse Muscat is using to openly reforge the links between old and new Labour. The links that had been intentionally weakened by Sant for PR reasons, Muscat now feels secure enough to re-acknowledge.
Muscat does nothing idly. If he is resurrecting the soldiers of steel, it is because he wants to use them. This is personal for him. He was raised at the lap of his Mintoffian grandmother. He genuinely believes in his hero, unlike the cynical characters that surround him and who were part of that regime in their time.
For him it is an emotional issue and his dominant emotion, as we’ve seen time and time again, is hate.
This man is unstable. It is only a matter of time until his hate rises uncontrollably to the surface, and when it does, Mintoff will seem like an Abe Lincoln by comparison.
There goes The Times Of Malta again – “Engerer charged with pornography”. Wasn’t he charged with harassment or did the judiciary miss the point again?
Soldier of steel my arse!
And please Cyrus, don’t take this literally.
Have a look at this. Same line of thought.
Cyrus Engerer: a supposedly gay campaigner who victimises his gay ex-lover by using against this gay guy the anti-gay prejudice Cyrus Engerer was supposed to fight.
Our journalists are a really sorry lot to let the PM off without a grilling on his outrageous statements concerning go the Engerer debacle. Anywhere else in a democratic world the PM would have been hauled over the coals for his stand.
Cyrus Engerer has no shame.
Muscat is really laying it on.
It looks as if that one becomes a ‘soldier of steel’ once one holds it as the absolute truth that one’s behaviour is beyond good and evil…quite Nietzchean.
Ma kienx Cyrus stess li mar mal-PL wara li l-pulizija riedet tmexxi kontra missieru meta sabuh fil-pussess ta’ xi haxixa?
Jew dak li jiftlilna sirna nghiduh issa basta nitfu t-tajn f’wicc haddiehor.
Qabel l-elezzjoni setgha kien ta’ ghajnuna ghal Partit Laburista imma issa nahseb huwa ta’ ghajb u reputazzjoni hazina.
I wonder whether there is any steel soldier who might share with us any deep dark secret about Joseph Muscat. The prime minister will not mind.
What the heck is going on?
Why is the prime minister seeking to create the false impression that the case is a political matter? Why?
The Court of Appeal has found Cyrus Engerer fully responsibly for committing a crime against another person. He is no hero, still less a persecuted one.
I think the prime minister has crossed the line.
I think that with the enlisting of Cyrus Engerer into the ‘Suldati ta’ l-Azzar’ regiment, Joey has upset a lot of Raymond Sammuts.