This government: enough Giant Whoppers to stock Burger King for the weekend

Published: May 19, 2014 at 3:15pm

Malta Today reports today:

The Nationalist opposition has formally asked Speaker Anglu Farrugia to “take note” of justice minister Owen Bonnici’s claim during the public accounts committee that the contract with IIP concessionaires Henley & Partners could not be discussed in committee because it was banned from publication by the Maltese courts.

The government is in court over a protest by Arton Capital, a citizenship company that is protesting the award of the IIP concession to Henley.

Bonnici refused a request by PAC chairman Tonio Fenech (PN) to have the contract between the government and Henley discussed in committee, claiming the government had submitted the contract in the Arton court case and that the court issued a decree banning its publication.

“The Opposition has made its verification and found out that it is untrue that government exhibited the contract or that there was a court ban.”

The Opposition called on the Speaker to take note of Bonnici’s untrue claims, in a bid to not have the PAC’s work hindered by such baseless assertions.

“What was exhibited in court was a confidentiality agreement, not the contract,” the PN said, exhibiting a transcript of the case proceedings.

17 Comments Comment

    • ciccio says:

      Just look at Matthew Vella’s title for that report:

      “Bonnici claims that Henley contract presented in court untrue”

      That title is untrue. It should read: “Bonnici’s claim that Henley contract presented in court untrue.”

      • Antoine Vella says:

        I don’t know why journalists leave out important verbs in the headlines. I realise they want the headline to be short but it shouldn’t be done at the cost of creating misunderstandings.

  1. Jozef says:

    Gorg Vella and Luciano Busuttil did something similar.

  2. Tabatha White says:

    How sly they are. Every detail has to go under a microscope.

    What a time waster of a government.

  3. Pippa says:

    Come on, all together now,'” Giddibin, giddibin u tal-Labour giddibin!”

  4. Francis Saliba MD says:

    As the guardian and watchdog over the rights of parliament and its committees it would be the Speaker’s duty to ensure that they be not misled by deceptive contested claims.

  5. Manuel says:

    And does any one here think that the Honourable Speaker will take note of the Justice Minister’s lie? I seriously doubt it.

    Labour MPs, the Speaker included, believe what their Master believes: it is only ‘sometimes’ that the truth need to be told.

    The PM has no moral compass. Some of his MPs are following in his footsteps. This party-government is falling into decadence.

    • Min Jaf says:

      What do you mean ‘falling’? The MLP/PL was decadent from the word go. It was Duminku Mintoff who founded the Malta Labour Party, enough said. Joseph Muscat is his disciple.

  6. canon says:

    Min jaf kif Anglu Farrugia qed ihokk rasu biex johrog minnha din il-bicca xoghol.

  7. Mandy says:

    The TVM report on this was amusing, to say the least. It “reported” what sounded like a script written by a child, where “the family” told the Prime Minister that they had received the tax refund on their car (though I believe it was reported as €700, when the refund people received this week was €110).

    More amusing still was how it was reported how pleased “the family” were with the 2c reduction in fuel, because – and I quote – in summer they like to enjoy their boat! Isn’t the cost of fuel meant to be factored in as a running cost when buying a boat? How far will they get with their boat with a 2c reduction? Even starting the engine costs a hell of a lot more than that.

    • Mandy says:

      Apart from the fact that they could afford to buy a boat, but were excited about “receiving” a 2c reduction in the cost of fuel.

  8. edgar says:

    The only decent one in the PL, Owen Bonnici has now let me down. He is yet another liar like the rest of them.

    • Il-Cop says:

      @ edgar

      One cannot be decent and in with Labour at the same time. It is a contradiction in itself. Decent and Labour never were and never will be compatible.

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