This policeman has voted for Norman Lowell in every EP election – and boasts about it

Published: May 31, 2014 at 12:07am

Ramond Ambrogio 2

Raymond Ambrogio 1

Raymond Ambrogio 2

Raymond Ambrogio 3

Raymond Ambrogio 4

Raymond Ambrogio 5

Raymond Ambrogio 6

Raymond Ambrogio 7

Raymond Ambrogio 8

Raymond Ambrogio 9

Raymond Ambrogio 10

This comment came in this evening from a Raymond Ambrogio (not a made-up name):

“Il-mara għandha dritt tagħżel dwar l-abort” – Martin Schulz

Fl-2013 fir-raba u l-aħħar mandat ta’ Jean Claude Juncker bhala Prim Ministru ta’ l-Lussemburgo illegalizza l-abort.

Mela ghax Norman Lowell qed jaqsam il-hsibijiet tieghu dwar l-abort huwa skandlu.

Jien kburi li ivvutajt lil Norman Lowell kull elezzjoni tal-MEP.

Ahjar inkun insultat bi kliem idjota jew zibblu milli nkun insultat bil kelma traditur.

Nispicca billi nghid:

It takes one to recognize one.

So I looked up Raymond Ambrogio only to discover that he is a police officer and that his Facebook is decorated with images of Vladimir Putin and of Norman Lowell, Arlette Baldacchino and Antoine Galea of Imperium Europa. He is a member of two Maltese anti-immigrant Facebook groups (one of them called ‘let’s protect our country’) and also of the Vladimir Putin Fan Club.

This really inspires confidence in the willingness and motivation of the police to do their work without fear or favour, doesn’t it? Eight years ago to the month, our family home was set on fire with three of us asleep inside. Not the front door, as usually happens, but the actual house. The police immediately investigated Norman Lowell’s network, since it was part of a string of arson attacks on people who were viewed by him and his supporters as ‘defenders of African immigrants’.

And what of the immigrants themselves? Every so often some of them are rounded up and charged with something or other. How do they fare in police custody when the police in whose custody they are are individuals like this one, with sentiments like these?

Raymond Ambrogio boasts on Facebook that Police Commissioner Peter Paul Zammit has given him his long-service medal. What the Police Commissioner should do now is call this officer and make it plain to him that in his position he should demonstrate no feelings of animosity or prejudice to any group of people, whether for reasons of sexuality, gender, political or religious beliefs, skin colour or ethnicity.

But on the other hand, we should be glad that he’s boasting about his support for those racists with murderous intent, Norman Lowell and Arlette Baldacchino, because now we know what this policeman is really like and can fail to trust him accordingly.

26 Comments Comment

  1. peter floyd says:

    this is a democratic island… is it illegal to support your own prefared group or party……?? are we like slaves in our own county….?? I believe that when it comes to his duty of performance. inspector RAYMOND AMBROGIO…. is loyal to his job and country…so what is your point…..?? is he not allowed to have his favourite party or political groupe…??

    • Alex says:

      Yes, of course he’s allowed to prefer one party over another; we all are (even if that merits a discussion all of its own).

      The point is that his position is one of public trust. It requires levelheadedness and emotional detachment. Moreover, his loyalty should be to the law and to all subjects it is intended to protect (without discrimination), not to his job and country.

      By manifesting his political affiliation towards a radical group – as a policeman on Facebook no less (and as though it’s the same as supporting Juventus, how inappropriate) – he is putting that trust and objectivity in severe doubt.

      Do you not see that?

    • Ivan says:

      The author of this page gave up on morons like you. You’re a lost case. I don’t blame her.

      Unfortunately, for yourself mostly but even for the rest of us who have to share this tiny rock with you, your comment is a reflection of your upbringing, values and very limited thinking capabilities.

    • jackie says:

      Peter – If you can’t see what’s wrong with a policeman voting for a fascist, then you need to see a dead psychiatrist.

    • Kevin says:

      Yes he is allowed. As a police officer whose duty is to protect and serve, however, that right interferes with his job.

      His political opinions present a moral dilemma. Would you want a member of Al Qaeda as a pilot of a 747, as a soldier defending your country against terrorism or as a police officer?

      Would you want an anarchist as the headmaster of a school? Or would you prefer a Nazi teaching biology and genetics?

      To add insult to injury, it is not as if Malta has any “race” to protect. So much so, Lowell emphasises Europids rather than telling us “Caucasians”.

      And the evidence strongly suggests that Maltese are more Arab/Middle Eastern than Lowell cares to admit. This demonstrates an ignorance about our origins.

    • Tom Double Thumb says:

      Keep calm, peter floyd. In your more sober moments you will look on this piece about Raymond Ambrogio as a strong recommendation for at least one promotion for this police officer.

      He is exactly the type of man who appeals strongly to Joseph Muscat.

      He lacks only one qualification that would make a promotion a nailed-on proposition, namely that he was not the target of Labour Party character-assassination attempts.

      Just see how men like John Dalli, Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando, Jesmond Mugliett, Cyrus Engerer, Franco Debono, rose so rapidly in the estimation of the present government.

      They had the great advantage of being viciously attacked by the Labour Party before they were welcomed with open arms, appointments and sinecures once they joined the ranks of that same Labour Party.

    • Jozef says:

      peter floyd, not when that political party demands the violation of fundamental human rights.

    • george says:

      Peter Floyd, the answer is NO. He is NOT allowed to even have a Facebook account, let alone show his political sympathies or boast about his fascist tendencies.

      He is a POLICEMAN and as such is not allowed to express any discriminatory views or hatred towards any particular group of people.

      We live in a democracy but policemen are a special case because of the nature of their job, just like judges and magistrates.

    • Not Sandy:P says:

      Peter Floyd voted for Norman Lowell and boasts about it. That is why he so defensive.

  2. gaetano pace says:

    Lanqas lill klieb ma ghadhom ilibbsu midalja illum. U dan ferhan ghax wahhlulu wahda. Kemm jaf ikun hafif mohh il bniedem ?

    • Osservatore says:

      “It is with baubles that men are led” Napoleon

      Not so sure that a policeman should have the pic of those European stars giving the Nazi salute. The police force was wild and dangerous way back when many did not know better.

      You can surely attest to that.

      But this fades in comparison to today when our police and their great leaders should know better.

      Any self-respecting Commissioner of Police would have this man on charges.

  3. Gigi says:

    Mr Ambrogio should make the distinction between the reasons Luxembourg introduced abortion and those why Imperium Europa would like to have it introduced.

    Also, perhaps Mr Ambrogio would also like to review cases where police in Luxembourg have been found guilty of racist behaviour. This has happened on some occasions and has led to a shake-up in the police force, with officers of all ranks being given a dishonourable discharge.

    Finally, Luxembourg governments promote inclusion and the country regularly takes in immigrants. A much-awaited annual event there is the Immigration and Culture Festival where different cultures are celebrated. It is a very-well attended event.

  4. Belti Nazzjonalist Agostinjan says:

    Ahfirlu ghax ma jafx x`inhu jghid.

  5. Gordon says:

    Daphne, this guy is a nut-case. He is also a referee of sorts and when controlling games, he begins as a calm official, only to flip a switch in his head and after 5 min becomes another person – irrational and crazy.

    He has been banned from several leagues due to his epic decisions. He also looks like a decent enough guy in the pics but is nothing like it in person.

    One time he also appeared on Tista Tkun Int pleading for his girlfriend to return (on national TV). She turned him down outright in the studio. That says a lot.

  6. Tabatha White says:

    A picture speaks a thousand words as to the fount of self-righteousness.

  7. Sister Ray says:

    Good for Ambrogio. Don’t understand the Juventus kit/connections though. Should be Dynamo Moscow no?

  8. Auntie Liberal says:

    He is entitled to support who he wants. I have to put up with Policemen who support the crooked establishment duo of PL and PN. Do you know what democracy is?

    • RC says:

      Do you know what conflict of interest is?

      How can a police officer do his duty and protect that section of the population – those who openly disagree with Lowell and to whom he refers as traitors and vows to have hanged from lamp-posts?

      On whose side will he be when the Nazis start committing violent crimes on these people like they’re already doing in most other European countries, and like they have done in Malta already with that spate of really horrible arson attacks eight years ago on those they saw as ‘defending Africans’, including the Jesuit Refugee Service lawyer, the Jesuits themselves, and the author of this blog?

      • Auntie Liberal says:

        The violent crimes throughout Europe are committed by Immigrants and not by people against them as you ignorantly suggest.

        [Daphne – Violent crimes throughout Europe are committed by EU citizens. Some are committed by immigrants from non-EU countries, but the vast majority are committed by those who hold EU passports, for the simple reason that there are more of us and human nature is the same across the board. One of the biggest drug hauls in the Greater Manchester area last year was from two Maltese living in the area. It made the national news.]

    • Auntie Liberal says:

      I mentioned violent crime, not drug crime.

      If 50% of violent crime is committed by a certain 10% of the population then that 10% (immigrants) commit more crime. Simple math.

      In fact drug crime has similar statistics in Europe.

      [Daphne – Violent crime tends to be committed mainly by the underclass in whichever society you happen to examine, with exceptions for certain kinds of murder. In Malta, 99% of violent crime and almost all murders are committed by Maltese.]

  9. drood says:

    There is a “Raymond Ambrogio” posting comments on your piece about Norman Lowell . One and the same?

    [Daphne – Y.E.S. Did you actually read my post here?]

  10. Mickey Mouse says:

    I know this man. To put it mildly, he is a very weird person at best. He used to be a football referee but didn’t last very long, due to his very unorthodox and extreme ways.

    He also formed part of the Malta Football Referees Association Committee (treasurer) but was booted out in double-quick time, after an internal investigation.

    I am not at all surprised at his allegiance to Norman Lowell and Imperium Europa.

    Most if not all of Lowell’s disciples are so very weird, completely out of touch with reality and so unbalanced.

  11. SE says:

    Look at this: PC Raymond Ambrogio’s FB post ‘Heil Mein Fuhrer Norman Lowell’.

    And this is just one.

  12. john camilleri says:

    Ehilsuna minn dawn l ostra immigranti. Norman keep up your hard work u xi darba xewqtek tigi maqtugha. Dapne mur orqod.

    • Pacikk says:

      Jien insaqsik mistoqsija…..kieku kont int fil-pozizzjoni taghhom, u ssib opportunita li ttejjeb is-sitwazzjoni tiegek u ta familtek, ma tohodiex?

      Mela mhux ahjar insibu soluzzjoni politika bejn il-gvernijiet, milli nippersegwitaw il-bniedem f’din il-qaghda, migjuba fuqu mill-gvern tieghu, u mhux ghax irid hu !

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