Travelling with flashing lights, a flag on the bonnet and a wailing siren seems to be the default position

Published: May 1, 2014 at 1:29pm

One of the dubious pleasures of living just up the road from the prime minister is that I get to see him being chauffeured past like an ambulance with somebody bleeding to death inside.

At a quarter to midnight last night, his family saloon, which has been leased to his office for his use, zipped past Targa Gap roundabout down the road to Burmarrad, wearing a flag and followed by an unmarked police car flashing its ‘get out of my way’ siren-lights.

The road was completely empty.

15 Comments Comment

  1. el mundo says:

    Forsi kellu qasma hara u haseb li ma kienx se jilhaq jasal sal-loki qabel ma jahra tahtu

  2. Jozef says:

    The roadmap reduced to Google map stylemes for an overwhelming presence including billboards, the internet and TV.

    He’s gradually turning into a tragic character. Nothing worse than seeing someone delude themself they’re capable when the opposite is true.

    Busuttil was brilliant yesterday. Passionate, empathically identifiable and free of party precepts. He also endorsed the right to hold the referendum.

    Muscat on the other hand, challenged him to declare a position, the instinct to kill any further public debate, stuck in tasteless personal attacks.

    Salesmen tend to appropriate themselves of the market, expecting this to be malleable enough to accept what they want to sell. They’ll bet everything they can.

    • kram says:

      The PN looks like it is in favour of controlled spring hunting but in my opinion should not campaign in favour of a ‘No’ vote.

      • Spock says:

        I think they should. For too long now, the silent majority who are against spring hunting have had insufficient support from the PN.

        By taking a firm stand against spring hunting, the PN would gain far more votes than it loses. The PN has always been a force for what is right, and needs to remind people of this. So I say, go for it.

  3. Nik says:

    There are very strict protocol rules determining the situations where flags are to be flown from official cars. This was certainly not one of them.

  4. canon says:

    “Arani u la tmissnix” style.

  5. TROY says:

    The man is obsessed by all these flashing lights, flags and sirens. Remember when he was leader of the Opposition and he wanted a police escort to some special function and was told that he can’t have it?

    The man feels almighty, super human and he brags about it.

    One of his chauffeurs asked to be transferred because he could not stand all this pompousness.

    Way to go, Philip.

  6. C.Portelli says:

    Today I found a 2c coin in the street – thinking of throwing it at someone next time I see him.

    • Tabatha White says:

      A container load dumped outside Castille might get him to understand our frustration and anger. Perhaps the NP can do it figuratively for us if we send them all our small change in brass.

      I think the French showed their displeasure to Hollande via the medium favoured by Mintoff’s daughter…

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        You’re a genius.

        Here’s a suggestion for the Nationalist Party: Ask for donations, in 2 cent coins. Then they can give a big barrel of those to Joseph Muscat, as a personal gift.

        Isn’t there an apocryphal tale about the brave Maltese defenders putting gbejniet in the loaves catapulted over the walls of Mdina during the siege of 1429, and launching them back?

  7. rob says:

    Why was the unmarked police car with sirens “following” the PM and not ahead of him? Hard to clear cars out of the way that way.

    [Daphne – The police car always follows. It’s for security, not for clearing cars out of the way. For that other purpose, there are outriders.]

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