Vote for Charlon Gouder because he understands our Contry
May 24, 2014 at 8:54am
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I was actually quite impressed with his articulate arguments on Xarabank. Didn’t expect this from an ex Super One.
They are being coached by some expert. Spicca zmien it-tlaqliq.
I am getting the impression that they are being told what to say and they are sticking to the same arguments no matter what the subject under discussion.
Time to maybe see a therapist.
A talking parrot would be considered articulate by the standard Xarabank audience.
This is bad, but it could have been SO much worse.
He meant to write Cuntry.
Another embarressment for Malta. What do the people see in Gouder?
They see a goofy looking man with a stolen wallet.
Were these flyers distributed at Albert Town?
No, Testaferrata Street.
He has his own ‘way’. Tghid x’way hi?
X’intelligenza ta nies.
Gouder worked assiduously hard to malign the PN governments, so now must be rewarded like the rest of them. Muscat is taking care of all the Super One people. He will join Afred Sant to warm the seats and fill their pockets.
They cunt spell.
So contrived. He cunt be trusted with looking after his wallet, let alone with our contry.
It’s the Contry which doesn’t get Charlon Gouder.
When will she ever learn? OK, so he’s colour blind but surely even he can see those proportions.
Knows his country, jaf il-qhab, beg your pardon I meant qohob ta’ Malta,
If people do not pay attention to minute details in selling themselves to the electorate, then they are totally inadequate to managing the complexities of an economy.
Forsi ried jghid “nifhem fil-kantri”. Hekk tixraqlu, kieku.
According to the polls he is ahead in Albert Town.
Charlon reflects the PL way of transforming nonsense into glittering dust.
English language schools will be very busy this summer….next summer….. and many more!
Yes, Charlon will add prostitution to Malta’s GDP.
As much as we understand his contrary way of saying things.
“Jien se nivvota lil grupp ta’ kandidati li mhumiex diġa fil-Parlament Ewropew” – Randolph De Battista (Cyrus Engerer’s boyfriend)
Joseph Cuschieri and Marlene Mizzi please note – you’re OUT.
Incidentally, how did Debattista become De Battista – Is this official, is it the way it is written on his ID card and his voting document?
It results that in March 2006 the Extra-Ordinary General Meeting appoints a ‘Mr. Randolph Debattista’ as new PULSE president.
Randolph seems to think that ‘Debattista’ is ‘Hamallu’ and ‘De Battista’ is classy now that he’s dating a person sentenced to two years in prison suspended for two years for criminal deeds – miskin.
Class is NOT determined by the way one writes one’s surname, far from it. In fact it is not determined by surname even.
Meanwhile may I suggest that Randolph keeps his sexually intimate photographs under lock and key and while he’s at it he better make sure he’s not being recorded either.
Abysmal. They must be running things through a Chinese spell-checker.
Isma, dak qed jistudja ghal avukut tafux?
Yesterday was supposed to be a day of “silence”. Yet Charlon Gouder was seen making house calls at the Ta’ Xbiex Housing Estate.
The grammar in that quote has made my brain bleed.
At least it was not cuntry. Thank heavens for small mercies.
It’s just a typo. Here’s what he meant:
Il-Malti jghid, l-iblah taqlalhu ghajnu jifrah.