Why doesn’t Miriam Dalli just tell us whether she voted Yes or No in the EU membership referendum?

Published: May 8, 2014 at 8:53pm

In this interview published by The Malta Independent two months ago, Miriam Dalli would have us believe that she was never against EU membership, even though she was on the Labour Party’s propaganda-machine payroll throughout its vicious and committed campaign for the vote against membership.

“I was just a journalist doing my job as a journalist,” she says. But she wasn’t. The people who work for a political party’s media-cum-propaganda machine are not mere journalists but part of that machine. They have an agenda and their agenda is their party’s. There is nothing wrong with that. It’s a proper job. But then for crying out loud, don’t try to pretend otherwise.

22 Comments Comment

  1. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Can we stop acting like we didn’t know how Labour politicians voted in the EU referendum, like it was the Big National Secret or something?

    They all voted against.

    It is beyond ludicrous to ask them a question like: “Did you vote for or against?”

    In any normal country, the journalist would go: “You voted against in 2003. Why?”

    • ciccio says:

      You are right, Baxxter. They all voted against. Even those who abstained, invalidated their vote, or the ones who put their vote in a frame, like the prime minister.

      But I think that the question in any normal country would be: “You voted against in 2003. Why are you running for MEP now?”

    • Wilson says:

      That last question sounds just about right.

      • Wilson says:

        On the other hand, she is a woman with a prerogative to change her mind if deemed necessary.

  2. Makjavel says:

    If she was never against joining the EU then I am Alexander the Great.

  3. Dissident says:

    Imma din b’min trid titnejjek?

  4. kev says:

    Excuse me for being off-topic, Daphne, but all sensible people deserve to read this excellent and succinct piece. It’s for the more erudite, but could impress even the uninitiated:

    False East/West Paradigm Hides The Rise Of Global Currency


    • Dissident says:

      You don’t seem to like the topic…

      • kev says:

        You mean the topic about Miriam Dalli wanting to become an MEP, Dissident? Why should that interest me? These people don’t know their Yeses from their Nos. I bet she’s not even sure she recalls what she voted for.

        But that’s nothing compared to what I’ve seen: a PN candidate’s ‘campaign’ site with not a shred of politics – nothing, no issues, no opinion, it’s all about him, how good he is at organising BBQs and what a jolly good time he is. I was impressed. You need gall to do that.

        These people form part of what I call the ‘tosser class’ – open to males and females, gays and lesbians, drag queens with beards and without…

  5. QahbuMalti says:

    The PL are really very good at lying and brainwashing. I watched a few minutes of Super One this evening and the way they were gloating about the success of Smart City turned my stomach.

    They are painting themselves as Messiahs, pro-EU, economic geniuses, champions of the lower classes etc etc.

    They just lie and use their propaganda machine to ram it down everyone’s throat.

  6. Gahan says:

    In cases like these , a loaded question is the solution “Obviously Miriam, ten years ago you followed your leader’s instructions not to vote yes in the EU referendum, how do you reconcile your stand today with your stance against Malta joining this great EU ten years ago?”

  7. Persil says:

    Daphne,this is a closed subject.Now we have been members for ten years and we have to move on.I think that this negative campaign is not doing any good to the Nationalist party.We all know to whom we give our vote.I already made up my mind and no one is going to change my mind.

  8. Antoine Vella says:

    By the way, speaking of Miriam Dalli, have you seen her favourite slogan?


  9. ken il malti says:

    Where do the White Brothers fit in all this?

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