
Published: May 25, 2014 at 5:34pm

victor calleja

I found this Facebook post by Times of Malta online columnist Victor Calleja quite apt. I saw it just after receiving a message from somebody walking along the Sliema front, telling me that some Labour supporters carcading along Tower Road are playing the defunct Labour anthem ‘Partnership – L-Ahjar Ghazla.’

25 Comments Comment

  1. Rumplestiltskin says:

    It’s either Wonderland or a sick version of Monty Pythonland.

  2. Joe Micallef says:

    Not so sure about “Now thank God they have seen the light”. It feels like celebrating an acquired licence to kill – EU membership.

  3. Gahan says:

    My conclusion is that the voters of the South are happy that this government would be anchoring an LNG tanker in their area until the end of never, good for them and good for us.

    • Antoine Vella says:

      No, they are not happy but they accept it because it is being put there by a Labour government.

      It’s all about patronage – they don’t care about a gas tanker as long as they have their own personal genie-in-a-bottle in the form of a minister.

      • Gahan says:

        So they are happy with the whole situation.

        I was told that Enemalta is introducing a new shift system at the power station resulting in loss in earnings for the employees, and if the workers don’t accept to work in the BWSC plant it will result in losses in their earnings of more than €10,000 per annum if they end up in some district office.

        Good for them if they accept, and good for the taxpayer.

      • Mark Mallia says:

        Yes; we are happy. The PN government put the power station at Delimara. We’d rather have an LNG tanker at sea then one on land near our houses.

        And the South is being compensated in other ways, after being forgotten by previous governments.

        Time to suck it!

    • Gol-Hajt says:

      They’ve probably been convinced to believe that the gas ship will add value to the price of their property.

      • nev says:

        Dear Gahan, it is much much easier to brainwash Maltese citizens than to teach a parrot to say ” hello ‘.

    • H. Prynne says:

      If the MLP dumped shit all over towns in the South, all the MLP supporters would proclaim they love the smell and thank their lucky stars for such a generous Prime Minister.

  4. nutmeg says:

    It goes to show that, for the average Labour voter, elections are never about policy or democratic representation. It’s only about the party identification. But we haven’t discovered anything new here, have we?

  5. Floater says:

    Dear Victor

    The British wanted Churchill’s Tories to defend them against nazi-fascism, but afterwards the Labour party to govern a victorious GB. And the cycle of power change continued from thereon. Ingratitude? No, its democracy.

    • La Redoute says:

      One of the drawbacks of democracy is that the irrational inflict their choices on everyone else – and some extend the torture by inflicting their smug irrationality on everyone else.

  6. Floater says:

    People who does not know what is happening in the European political scene, and the gradual rise of Eurosceptic forces, will never understand the election of Dr. Sant, even if Dr. Sant can hardly be called an eurosceptic nowadays.

  7. math says:

    What light have they seen?

    They only gobbled up what’s thrown at them by their party. The “news” items they constantly follow on One news are very selective.

    Just listen to Ivan Grech Mintoff of Alleanza Bidla on Independent.com:


    He said that One TV preferred being slapped with a euro 4,600 fine rather than giving small parties air time.

    Surely they gave no chance to switchers to change their mind again.

    The PN should study the election results to see what kept those 80,000 voters away from the polling booth.

    I would think that most of them think it’s too early to show the PN that they have come back to the flock. The next general election is in another 4 years so there’s still much they wish the PN would do until then.

    I do not think Simon Busuttil should go. Yes it is a defeat and much more needs to be done to win the electorate, but what d hack! The labourites waited 25 years for their turn.

  8. Gol-Hajt says:

    Ma ticcelebrax rebha ta’ gvern gdid fil-Parlament Ewropej wara sena u xaghrejn li ilu jiggverna.

    Ticcelebra r-rebha ta’ l-elezzjoni tal-Parlament Ewropej meta dak il-vapur tal-gass jigi installat hemm fis-South.

  9. R Camilleri says:

    Considering that the PN won the 1987 election by a mere 4000 votes, this election comes to me as no surprise.

  10. Last Post says:

    Meta naqra kummenti jissuġġerixxu x’għandu jagħmel il-PN biex jerġa’ jirbaħ il-fiduċja tal-poplu (joħroġ fit-toroq u jitkellem bil-lingwa tal-poplu, eċċ) jiena wkoll nibda nitħasseb jekk qattx u meta il-PN ikun il-partit tal-poplu.

    Il-PN hu mibni fuq ċerti prinċipji bażiċi, liema prinċipji l-(M)LP jgħid li jħaddan imma mbagħad jgħawwiġhom skond kif jaqbel lilu. Prinċipji bħad-demokrazija, it-tolleranza, il-liberta’, ġustizzja, l-edukazzjoni u l-iżvilupp ekonomiku u soċjali tal-pajjiż in generali.

    Imma l-poplu kemm jinteressaħ mill-prinċipji? Gavin Gulia għadu kif ġabar il-filosofija Lejburista f’din l-idjoma stess maltija: TIGDIMX L-ID LI TRID TIEKOL MINNA!

    L-istorja politika mill-gwerra ‘l hawn turi li l-PN huwa biss ir-RIFUĠJU tal-poplu malti. Fis-sens li l-poplu jafda lill-PN meta jħossu mhedded u mkisser. U anke hawn il-fiduċja tkun waħda marġinali. L-iktar eżempji ċari huma r-riżultati tal-PN fl-elezzjonijiet tal-1981 u l-1987 meta l-pajjiż kien ‘imkisser’ (ekonomikament u soċjalment) minn 16-il sena ta’ tmexxija minn Mintoff u KMB u l-klikek tagħhom. Meta l-poplu għażel lill-PN altru li ma kienitx ‘għażla naturali’. Kienet għażla ta’ rifuġju (u bil-ħniena) mill-ħniżrijiet ta’ suppost tmexxija lejburista.

    Jekk immorru lura fis-sittinijiet jidhirli li t-trend hija l-istess: jiġifieri li l-PN kien fil-gvern (darba minnhom f’koalizzjoni ma’ partiti żgħar) minħabba l-biża’ li b’Mintoff fil-gvern il-pajjiż jidħol f’dittatura. Kien żmien li fih, ftit qabel (1958), Malta esperjenzat inkwiet soċjali minħabba l-bullying ta’ Mintoff mal-gvern ingliż u wara mal-Knisja. Kien ukoll żmien fl-eqqel tal-‘gwerra bierda’ fejn il-komuniżmu kien impinġi (fil-każ tagħna l-iżjed minħabba l-influwenza tal-Knisja) bħala l-ispettru tat-totalitarjaniżmu u ċ-ċaħda tal-Liberta’. Jiġifieri hemmhekk ukoll il-PN ma kienx ‘l-għażla naturali’ tal-poplu.

    Fiċ-ċirkustanzi tal-lum, nemmen li għal darb’oħra il-poplu malti jista’ jerġa’ jagħti l-fiduċja lill-PN wara li l-(M)LP jerġa’ jkisser lil Malta b’iktar ħniżrijiet milli diġa għamel s’issa u iktar minn hekk meta l-ekonomija tkompli togħtor bir-riżultat ta’ qagħad u iktar arroganza mill-klikka fil-poter.

    L-għajta tan-Negattivita’ minn Muscat hija biss qerq. Meta qatt Joseph Muscat fl-Oppożizzjoni kien pożittiv? Xogħol l-oppożizzjoni hu li jikkritika l-aġir u d-direzzjoni tal-gvern. Bin-negattivita’ qed jirrepeti d-diskors ta’ Mintoff meta kien jgħid li l-PN (taħt EFA) kien qed ifixkel lill-Gvern u jaħdem kontra l-interess ta’ Malta.

    Il-qofol ta’ dan kollu hu li l-poplu malti għadu dak li kien. Sakemm l-andament tal-pajjiż ikun tajjeb u l-poplu jħossu fiż-żgur (dejjem grazzi għall-PN) il-poplu malti ħa jagħżel lill-lejber (il-partit li l-iktar jixbaħ il-psikoloġija kollettiva tiegħu). Meta mbagħad, la tinqaleb il-folja – u bil-Lejber storikament il-folja dejjem inqalbet, u kif! – imbagħad forsi l-poplu jerġa’ jagħżel ‘il PN.

  11. Stevie Borg says:

    The biggest strength of the PL is in the stupidity of its very large core vote. The PN has no chance – the type of mentality we’re dealing with is exemplified by the following altercation I recently had on Facebook.

    Eurgene Sapiano: Sa nofs l-1981 jien kont qieghed u missieri qabbzuh promozzjoni. Giet l-elezzjoni u t-tnejn ivvutajna Labour. Jiem wara l-elezzjoni ta’ l-1987 il-promozzjoni hadha u baqa’ tiela sa maggur. Minkejja dan kollu jiena u missieri qatt ma bdilna l-vot.

    Stevie Borg: Sur Eugene Sapiano hekk bhalek ikunu s-suldati ta’ l-azzar – jilghaqu lil min jaghtihom bis-sieq, u jaghtu bis-sieq lil min ikun gust u jimxi ta’ ragel maghhom. Izjed bhalek ghandna bzonn f’dal-pajjiz.

    What chance does reason have against such crass stupidity?

  12. JOE says:




  13. White coat says:

    The fringe parties have won the (EP elections) day.

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