Yes, it’s perfectly true what the PM says here: that he and Cyrus Engerer share the same values
They also share the same spiteful and vindictive personality and that is why the prime minister understands, thinks nothing much of and sympathises with Engerer’s desire to get his own back viciously on his former boyfriend.
What the prime minister is telling us here is that he doesn’t see this as a criminal act but as an entirely understandable one, and too much fuss is being made about nothing much.
In reality, the prime minister even in his days as leader of the Opposition has done a great deal that was far more vicious than what Engerer did, but because it was and remains legal in terms of political discourse and activity (just as it should be), he’s not been prosecuted.
Viciousness and vengeful spite do not always lead to criminal acts and, put quite simply, Muscat has engineered himself into a powerful position where he can exact revenge and perpetrate a ‘take that’ attitude entirely within the remit of the law.
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“The bedrock of our democracy is the rule of law and that means we have to have an independent judiciary, judges who can make decisions independent of the political winds that are blowing.” – Caroline Kennedy
Shame. Shame. Shame on you Mr. Prime Minister. You are supposed to lead by example. Yet you unashamedly declare that you have the same values as those of one convicted on a host of pornography related charges. Lovely example you set our children and young people! We are really scraping the bottom of the barrel now, but then Labour always seems to find a way to go to deeper depths when it comes to scraping the bottom.
The barrel, Rumplestiltskin, has long turned into a cesspit.
I have commented in the Times and the Independent ‘on line’ that Joe Muscat is condoning the criminal attack by Cyrus on his ex.
When I saw and heard the video of the meeting I am more convinced that Muscat not only condone what Cyrus did, but he feels that he (Cyrus) had a right to do what he did to his ex-lover.
Even worse Muscat gave the impression that there was collusion between the Court’s judgement and the P.N.
It seems that Dr. Muscat forgot that he had taken naction against Dr. Anglu Farrugia for mentioning a magistrate during a meeting. In Dr. Muscat’s case it is even worse since he is sowing doubt on the integrity of a judge.
Is it only me, but here Muscat is speaking and behaving exactly like Dom Mintoff.
Muscat finally gets something right.
He tells us that there is no difference between “il-Laburisti l-antiki u l-Laburisti ġodda.” Well, we can’t help but agree. All are as corrupt as each other.
It’s only the medium which has changed. From Lorry Sant wielding a brown envelope full of compromising photographs to Cyrus Engerer wielding a memory stick full of the same.
Both get protected, embraced and hailed as heroes by their respective leaders.
Muscat follows in Mintoff’s footsteps to a fault. Post-new Labour is still very much like old Labour after all.
The switchers must be really proud.
Both are primadonnas.
If the perpetrator and victim of this crime were a straight couple I am sure all this would not be happening. If the victim had been a woman we would have had the prime minister going on about equality and women’s rights in a bid to gain votes. If the perpetrator had been a woman and the victim a man, we would have heard nothing much about the whole case.
As it happens, the timing coincided with the government’s new found concern for LGBT rights and the recent civil unions / adoption issue. Luckily for the government it involves a gay couple and in light of the upcoming election, instead of getting rid of a gay member of the party, they have made him a martyr.
Of course they do not mention the victim anywhere because that would mean opening up a discussion on the actual facts of the case and that there was a person who suffered because of the martyr’s actions.
One sends porn pictures to avenge himself on his ex boyfriend for ending their relationship.
The other is quoted in Court as saying that he will hit below the belt those who get in his way or criticise him.
Muscat was right to say that they share the same values. What a proud boast.