Yes, Karmenu Vella gave Mintoff some great tourism marketing advice back in the day. He deserves to be made EU Commissioner.
May 7, 2014 at 2:43pm
This is from a photo feature in the Telegraph site’s Travel section: ’10 things you didn’t know about North Korea’. There’s a fabulous advertisement for Malta on a plaque in picture number seven.
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I’m surprised Muscat hasn’t organised a state visit to North Korea yet. Those two must have a lot of catching up to do.
And it seems that we are in good company indeed.
I wonder what the Institut International des idees du Djoutche from Zaire has got in common with democratic EU member Malta.
Can’t wait until Karmenu Vella becomes the next EU Commissioner. Surely he will get some solid results for the EU (and Malta).
But there’s that little matter of the ‘grilling’ first.
Thank goodness it says Malta Labour Party, not Government of Malta.
Prime Minister Juche Muscat.
Prime Minister Juche Centezmi.
Oh, and another thing. The North Koreans paid us back for that marble plaque with artificial manure. Hope that was not an attempt at genetic engineering of our DNA through cabbages, carrots and potatos.
What was Joseph Cuschieri born?