And here’s another one: a gunner with the Armed Forces of Malta

Published: June 2, 2014 at 7:14pm

Christian Borg 2

Christian Borg 3

Christian Borg 4

Christian Borg 1

24 Comments Comment

  1. Christian Borg says:

    Dear daphne please enlighten me what ive written wrong ? And about the photo is there any law that says that members of the public service cant go on a holiday and have fun ? Live and let

    [Daphne – I was around before the British forces left Malta, Mr Borg, so drunken soldiers and sailors are not news to me. It’s not the drunkenness that’s the problem, or the sight of a soldier on leave having alcohol poured down his throat by a tart in hot-pants. It’s the business of uploading the evidence on your Facebook timeline. If somebody else had uploaded those pictures of yours, you could have accused them of wishing to do you harm. But you done it yourself, which shows how very much you just don’t get it. People have been sacked from offices and teaching jobs, have failed background checks, because of Facebook photographs in which they are seen doing a fraction of this. And you’re a soldier. And you just don’t understand why you shouldn’t upload photographs of yourself, on public view, in that condition.

    This is why you shouldn’t: it undermines public trust and confidence in the Armed Forces of Malta and it loses respect, both for you as an individual soldier and for the corps in which you serve.

    As for your ‘human rights’ views – the same applies.

    As a member of the public, do I feel I can trust or respect a soldier like this? No, I can’t. Now imagine if I were African.

    Live and let live? We are not in the same position. You are a uniform-wearing member of the military. I am not.]

    • Mr Meritocracy says:

      Your complete disregard for human rights makes you a disgrace to the Armed Forces. You should be upholding them, not ‘selectively applying’ them, Mr. Borg.

    • Not Sandy:P says:

      @Christian Borg
      Don’t play the dumb blond. Isn’t this you saying you want someone gang-raped?

    • manum says:

      @ Christian Borg, l-ezempju disgustanti tieghek huwa tali li qed ihalli effetti hziena hafna.

      Jeqq taqra l-gurament li inti hadt meta sirt suldat tinduna li hadt gurament falz, u tista titkecca u taghddi qorti marzjali tad-diskors razzist li inti ghedt fil-pubbliku.

      Ghandek kas ikrah hafna, u jekk xi darba jinqalalek xi inkwiet jista jintuza kontrik.

      • Francis Saliba M.D. says:

        Minn naha l-ohra, jista’ jsib xi awtorita’ li tghannqu, tifrahlu u tingaggah bhala suldat tal-azzar!

  2. Alexander Ball says:

    Have a heart. Imagine how frustrating it must be for them. The only action they get is to escort asylum seekers and boat people, who don’t even want to be rescued by the AFM, into Marsamxett harbour.

    Or looking out for druggies at roadblocks. They are a joke.

    And no-one likes being laughed at. Especially those who take themselves uber-seriously.

  3. Sister Ray says:

    Waterboarding. U le.

  4. H.P. Baxxter says:

    I feel there’s a deeper issue that needs to be examined here.

    The job of detecting, stopping, checking, detaining and guarding illegal immigrants should never have been given to the Armed Forces.

    In most countries, it is the job of police officers, coast guard or border control agencies. In some rare cases (Italy, Spain, Portugal) it’s the military. But the those armed forces actually do some soldiering elsewhere, so it isn’t much of a problem.

    I’ll explain. The job of soldiers is to soldier. They are neither trained, nor do they sign up, to do internal security duties or border control. The malaise in the Armed Forces of Malta stems from this. We are trying to use a multitool to hammer a nail – not quite the right tool. And it wrecks both nail and tool.

    I think it’s time the Maltese government decides what it really wants to do with its army. Do we want it to carry out military tasks or shall we keep using it as a police, border control and detention service? Because if it’s the latter, then it would be best to disband the AFM and reform it as the Malta Border Control and Detention Agency. It’s sad, but there you go.

    The alternative is yet more frustrated soldiers.

    • Matthew S says:

      I know you have great respect for the army, and I do too, but the above behaviour cannot be excused on the grounds of frustration.

      Although not a traditional military duty, their work with immigrants still falls into a broad definition of soldiery. If they’re not trained to do the job properly, then they should be.

      Saying that he didn’t sign up for the job is simply untrue. In 2009, Christian Borg Cini was still studying at the tourism institute. This means that when he signed up for army duty, he knew full well that the AFM works with immigrants. It has been doing so for well over a decade now so new recruits have no excuse.

      The above behaviour results from racism, ignorance and a lack of awareness about what should be public and what should be kept private and not just frustration.

      It also results from superiors not being strict about things like Facebook use.

  5. Joe Fenech says:

    I have no confidence in the Maltese police and army. Too many dodgy figures involved in far too many shady activities. And now with Mallia at the helm…

  6. Makjavel says:

    Issa ghandu lil Toni Zarb jiddefendih, u inkanntaw flimkien:

    “Ghax ghandna l-Joseph maghna, naghmlu li irridu.”

  7. La Redoute says:

    Somehow, I don’t think Jeffrey Curmi’s rattled by this sort of behaviour given how common it is.

  8. anthony says:

    This imbecile is acting in good faith.

    He cannot even understand what he has done wrong.

    I do not blame him.

    I pity him and his country which, to my great misfortune, I happen to belong to.

  9. marisa says:

    What the fuck is wrong with this every human has d right to take a break go tell hell daphne u have nothing else to live ja imdejqa kollox

  10. David says:

    I do not consider it right that an employer scours Facebook for information on his employees or would be employees. This holds good also for the media.

    Facebook is a social media tool to connect and share information with friends and acquaintances. All persons from the highest leaders to the lowest grade employee should be judged on their performance in office and not on their private lives or their free time activities.

    [Daphne – How wrong you are. Employers are right to question the private behaviour of their employees if it impacts negatively on their job or the perception of the company they work for. And this more so when so many of these people post their stupid photos and remarks while giving their place of employment in the ‘About’ section. Of course employers are correct in objecting to that. Damn shame the Police Commissioner and the commanding officer of the Maltese army don’t feel any similar concern.]

    • Artemis says:

      You may not consider it right but I can assure you it is the first place every employer in the UK looks at to help them determine whether or not a prospective candidate is suitable for the position applied for.

      In fact it would be incompetent of them if they didn’t do that. Everyone searches the web for information on everybody. It’s the accepted norm. Like it or lump it.

  11. C Mangion says:

    Glorified night watchmen. Want to do sweet FA in life? Become a member of the Armed Forces of Malta.

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      That’s rather unfair of you. Most of us work in an office. Writing lines of code or juggling entries on a spreadsheet is more or less sweet FA.

      AFM soldiers do a real job, with real work. It’s true they never fired a single shot in anger since 1974 but that’s not their fault. It’s the government’s.

  12. Unbiased says:

    Dear Daphne, I left a comment and apparently it is still pending approval…I wonder why it didn’t get published yet..

    [Daphne – Because my website is not yet a full-time job for anyone, Unbiased.]

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