Anton B. Dougall and Leo Brincat: how very liberal and progressive

Published: June 30, 2014 at 10:57pm

Leo Brincat aka Herr Flick, the Environment Minister, has set up a working group to develop new ideas on how to reduce food waste. He is very excited because “every single person who was approached to form part of it accepted without hesitation”.

One of those people is Anton B. Dougall, whose approach to food has never floated my boat. The Malta Independent reports that Mr Dougall:

explained that he has been hammering on the fact for years that housewives should prepare a shopping list of their weekly menu in a bid to reduce food waste and not simply go to supermarkets and handpick items without a weekly menu list in hand.

He hasn’t yet noticed that it’s the 21st century. And quite frankly, in what world exactly did housewives ever write out a week’s menu with all the ingredients?

At least Anton B. stopped short of mentioning the bit where the housewives’ husbands drive them to the supermarket and check the bill, then unwind in front of the television while the housewives unpack everything and put it away.

30 Comments Comment

  1. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Just when you thought they’d used every last Taghna Lkoller…

    • ciccio says:

      Perhaps Anton B. Dougall could give Herr Flick some good recipes for iced buns with little waste.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Ciccio, do you remember the DeLorean and the flux capacitor?

        Because really. This is what Labour have achieved.

        I mean Anton B. Bloody Dougall. That’s like THE soundbite name from my Golden Years childhood.

        Most of the readers here won’t get it. But to those of my generation, this is a shocking meme come to haunt us. The airwave presence of our childhood consisted of Anton B. Dougall, Susan Mulvaney, Eileen Montesin and Norman Hamilton.

        And where are they all now? Laughing at us all the way to the bank, the boardroom or the ambassadorial residence.

      • ciccio says:

        Exactly, even if you forgot Pauline Miceli and Patri Felicjan Bilocca (I think the latter died some years ago).

        Back to the Future III ended like the ones before it: “To be continued.” The producers have kept their promise: we are living in Back to The Future IV (hence JPO IV, Franco Debono IV, and so on).

        We desperately need to get Konrad Mizzi to help us connect that flux capacitator to the nearest Electrogas gas power station and get the DeLorean to take us back to the future, err, I mean the past – or is it the present?

        But before we do so, and while we are back in the Golden Years, we should change something in the past to change the future. What if we could imprison Peppi Azzopardi for life?

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        I think Peppi Azzopardi transcends time. He is like one of those beings that inhabit the Aboriginal Dreamtime.

        He was. He is. He will be.

        He is probably God.

  2. gaetano pace says:

    I always prepared a shopping list. But I always went beyond it as the items on display on the shelves reminded me more efficiently of the items I would have to replace on becoming depleted in my cupboard. I can assure anyone that it works better this way than the suggested lists, having tried both methods. So I do not bother with lists nowadays. Besides my choice of meals becomes even wider and I do not have to be in a straitjacket having to stick to what I would have written. I go by gusto rather than the book.

  3. curious says:

    Does Manwel Mallia prepare a shopping list when he goes to Lidl?

    • ciccio says:

      His shopping list would probably work the other way round – it would include only those items which he must not take home from Lidl because there is still a stock of them in the fridge.

  4. C C says:

    On another news it was reported as saying to eat food after the use by/ best before. Shall we put food legislation out of the window now as well? Or its a sign how he manages his kitchen?

  5. milton says:

    Maybe Herr Flick is planning to take us back to the days of rationing, to make sure we don’t ‘waste food’.

  6. Gahan says:

    Anton Busuttil (Dougall is his wife’s surname) poses as the examiner and the teacher on radio. He’s good but does not impress me, neither do the many other cooks posing as food experts on Maltese television. Anton likes to hear about new recipes and new ideas from his listeners while he poses as the teacher. He’s just another caterer who tries to make a quick buck by getting more publicity for his business.

    • vince says:

      Having known Anton for all my life, I can assure you that Dougall is not his wife’s surname, but his mother’s maiden surname.

      • Gahan says:

        You are right.

        But you get the idea, it’s like someone who creates a surname while hiding his real one.

        Normally when a letter follows a name it would stand for a second name not for the real surname.The “B” after Anton is misleading; it stands for Busuttil his “legal” surname and not for Bernard. His brother’s surname is not Busuttil Dougall but a plain and simple Busuttil.

  7. canon says:

    Leo Brincat is still waiting for his starter-pack on environment.

  8. Banana republic ... again says:

    He assumes that something he himself does for a living on a daily basis is something women should do. Talk about having blinkers!

  9. davidg says:

    Indunajtu? Qed jedukaw il-mara Maltija – bil-breastfeeding, shopping list u nahseb dalwaqt bil-birth control halli no more single mothers.

  10. La Redoute says:

    I wonder they think about the recent news that the fallout from fireworks is polluting our food.

  11. Carmel Said says:

    God, is Anton B Dougall still around? I remember him being shoved down our throats on TV and radio pre-1987.

    [Daphne – As a Taghna Lkoller, he was bound to crawl back out of the pastry-case post 2013.]

  12. Paul says:

    Irridux ukoll jordnaw kif naghmlu is-shopping taghna dawn?

    Iktar qed jidher kemm ma l-Labour ma jafx jiggverna.

  13. Jien ghandi l-fuq minn 60 sena u lil dan niftakru hafna hafna snin ilu jidher fuq Xandir Malta jsajjar xi kejk, qisu hu biss jaf jghaffeg naqra ghagina.

  14. Maria says:

    Anton B Dougall. Busuttil is his father’s surname, while Dougall is his mother’s. He obviously thinks Dougall is smarter.

  15. Maryanne says:

    He calls cling-film “stretch and seal” on national radio. Definitely not Nigella.

  16. Peppa Pig says:

    Two- bit caterer whose recipes could potentially clog the national arteries with fatal levels of cholesterol. Can’t stand stand that poser.

  17. Rosa Luxemburg says:

    It was much easier to prepare a shopping list back then during those golden years, Herr Dougall – tonn taz-zejt, ross, ghagin, zokkor, dqieq u Diserta. Housewives could just take a cutting of that year’s budget speech with them to the corner store, complete with prices down to the mill. It’s much harder now…

  18. Osservatore says:

    Back to the days of Xandir Malta aren’t we?

  19. Wilson says:

    I wouldn’t understand such culture. I come from a family were the father always helped with the house chores, even the unloading of supermarket wares and put everything away. And with all the money no food ever got wasted. No wonder some men act like they do with women in general.

  20. Lomax says:

    Housewives? My my, how progressive and liberal. My husband does as much shopping as I do and certainly he needs no weekly-menu list.

    They are still firmly stuck in the 80s.

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