Champagne socialism: politicians who set themselves apart from the public while the public pays for their privileges

Published: June 26, 2014 at 11:13pm


The Catholic Institute’s upper floor was commandeered yesterday for the exclusive use of the cabinet during the Isle of MTV concert in Floriana.

They were all out in force on the balcony, with spouses, partners and guests, and with waiters handing round trays of food and drinks. No information is available as to whether the waiters were provided by the Commissioner of Police, but Manuel Mallia provided additional entertainment for the crowd with his attempts at dancing to the music of those two generations his junior.

Which brings us to the second point: exactly what were a bunch of middle-aged and OAP members of the cabinet doing at an Isle of MTV concert?

They need to have the term ‘age-appropriate’ defined for them. But then so do very many middle-aged people in Malta, who must insist on crowding out every arena that should be the preserve of the young and the very young (and Isle of MTV falls into the ‘very young’ category).

19 Comments Comment

  1. Aunt Hetty says:

    Xi hlew. Imsieken they deserve a bit of pampering hux seeing how hard and disinterestedly they are working for the good of the people. I wonder if the PL has settled its outstanding energy bills yet.

  2. Joe Fenech says:

    Soviet and Chinese style ‘socialism’ alias savage capitalism where a small elite lives in the manner of kings and queens while the others are up to their neck in sh**.

  3. etil says:

    Did the Catholic Institute administration rent out their balcony or were they ‘discreetly’ requested to use it for the ‘untouchables’. The cabinet et all wanted to make sure that they are above us all? What utter twerps we have been lumped with.

  4. E says:

    There are always a load of people watching from the Catholic institute during Isle of MTV, to be fair.

    [Daphne – You always know that somebody’s going to say something deliberately misleading when they tag it with ‘to be fair’. That floor of the Catholic Institute, every year bar this one, has been used for a wide array of (justified) Malta Tourism Authority guests. It has NEVER been reserved for the exclusive use of government ministers.]

    • Peppa Pig says:

      The church must have thought it wise to boot-lick the present government, in the hope that it gets a few good reviews from the PL’s otherwise rabidly anti-clerical media.

      I would not bet on it though (getting pro -church reviews from ONE, I mean).

  5. nutmeg says:

    The higher they climb, the lower they slide. How cheap and vulgar.

  6. pirellu says:

    Guests had problems moving around Manuel Mallia during the concert

  7. gorg says:

    Mr and Mrs Zrinzo took their son with them. He’s right next to his mum.

  8. gorg again says:

    Dr Mallia: ” Would they catch me if I had to jump? ”

  9. QahbuMalti says:

    For the very first time we decided to drop in on Isle of MTV to see what the fuss was all about. It is Paceville on a Saturday night moved to Floriana for one evening. As you say it is a gathering of teeny+ boppers listening to DJs and moderately successful singers.

    It is not a concert atmosphere at all. It is more of an excuse to get drunk. The amount of alcohol was staggering; bottle of vodka all around. Far cheaper to bring a bottle than buy a tot or twenty! If they implement an alcohol ban the place would be comparatively deserted.

    We lasted about an hour …. first and last.

  10. Snowman says:

    I’m surprised the poor things had to stand and watch the concert.

  11. zz says:

    Well that solves the case of MPs not being given VIP passes by the Tourism Minister.

  12. Vanni Star says:

    Moobs in Green … il-vera sexy Dr. Mallia

  13. Mata says:

    Is that Zrinzo Azzopardi on the middle? Is he a cabinet minister too?

    Inhalltu u naqsmu!

  14. Imsieken says:

    No idea of what to wear for a night like that – the women seem so overdressed, all of them trying to keep up appearances, and what better place to do so. “Ehh,” said Michelle to Codruta, “ara hi, spexjal konna ta, fil-gallarija tal-Ketlik Istittjut.”

  15. ciccio says:

    Xi dwejjaq, tkun zaghzugh u tmur ghal-kuncert biex ma toqghodx ma djul ommok u missierek u ssib il-cabinet qisu big brother ghassa tieghek mil-gallarija tal-Katlik Institjut.

    Where was the prime minister? I hope he was mixing with the crowd – after all, he is a Litre Zaghzugh.

  16. Chris Ripard says:

    I went to Isle of MTV 5 years ago (aged 50, in a Jeff Lynne T-Shirt – not that anyone knew who he is) and there were people I knew with their early-teen children.

    For the record, I was entertaining a business guest from abroad who was in her early 20s. Not that I didn’t enjoy Gaga and the B.E.P.

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