Comment of the day

Published: June 29, 2014 at 5:31pm

Joe Grima

(And it came in from a doctor.)


23 Comments Comment

  1. CiVi says:

    He must have at some point swallowed his mum.

  2. QahbuMalti says:

    I saw him twice yesterday morning. First time he was leaving his apartment block and struggling to walk towards M&S at the Ferries. Later in the day he parked his car in the unloading bay across from his apartment block and shuffled his way to the entrance.

    He is unsightly, overly obese, slow, unhealthy, unkempt and incapable of flying into a high-powered meeting and making a sharp, incisive contribution.

    This is what the country has come to. We just shrug our shoulders and accept the inevitability of the PL being in power for a few years to come. How sad.

    • ciccio says:

      “…incapable of flying into a high-powered meeting and making a sharp, incisive contribution. ”

      He normally makes his contributions known to everyone on his Facebook wall, probably from the comfort of his armchair.

    • White coat says:

      “We just shrug….”

      So true. The PL gov is creating so many irregularities, taking so many arrogant decisions and mismanaging things in many areas, all on a daily basis that the media and the people have no time to react to all these shenanigans.

      It’s like someone shooting at you with an automatic weapon. All you can do is try to dodge the bullets without having the opportunity to shoot back. I believe that this is actually a strategic tactic.

  3. Makjavel says:

    Bil-fors jekk twieled fil-gwerra.

  4. mf says:

    What you see there is more than two decades of pent-up hate and violence.

  5. Osservatore says:

    I first thought the comment might read: Joe Grima can breast feed.

    Well surely its an easy mistake to make albeit a somewhat disgusting one.

  6. milton says:

    And I was so sure he was raised on Hippo Milk.

  7. D. Chircop says:

    Meanwhile in the Facebook world…
    Daniel Jose Micallef likes ‘Tatoos’ whilst Joe Grima likes Mc Donalds / Joe Grima shared Burger king’s photo…
    Konrad Mizzi commented on your post : “Burger fenomenali!” …

  8. P Bonnici says:

    Joe Grima could breastfeed himself.

  9. gorg says:

    He can breast-feed too.

  10. Joe Fenech says:

    How many breasts were needed to feed him? Did all the village comrades team up and create a dairy network?

  11. Tabatha White says:

    I think it’s more the vowels in linguistic references that create gulfs of differences between people than the milk they were brought up on.

    Research has shown that a vowel change from “o” to “a” for example, creates a shift/ divergence in perceptions to do with recognition situations from right after birth onwards, and especially so with premature births.

    All signals and codes are in a state of chaos. The lack of recognition of danger coding, which is a primitive and basic requirement even in animal cultures, is more likely to be what has split us up into two distinct groupings.

  12. Philip says:

    Kos, anki siggu b’xortih.

  13. bob-a-job says:

    You are what you eat.

    He’s turning into a hamburger.

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