Exactly what does this have to do with the stated objectives of the Foundation for National Celebrations?

Published: June 12, 2014 at 12:05am

Screen Shot 2014-06-11 at 08.38.47 pm

world cup village

Public money hard at work: anything that happens to be a personal interest of the prime minister’s strategic communications consultant for ‘national festivities’ is suddenly part of the brief to mark Freedom Day, EU Accession Day, Independence Day and Republic Day – even when it doesn’t.

So far we have had Brian May, a Beatles tribute concert at Smart City, a rock concert at Malta Shipbuilding and now – a World Cup Village with a big screen where you can go to celebrate or weep.

National celebrations? It’s as though our friend has been given a blank cheque to play with for a year, after which he gets to decide whether he will have another blank cheque to play with for the subsequent four years.

By Royal Command: Court Purveyor of Circuses to the Restless Proleteriat

25 Comments Comment

  1. AE says:

    With “friends” like this who needs enemies?

  2. Maria Ta' Xkieli says:

    Kont qed newden – http://mariataxkieli.blogspot.com/

    • Gahan says:

      L-artikli sbieħ, u fihom x’tixtarr.

      Agħmel naqra sforz u ikteb bl-alfabett Malti.Il-kwalita tal-websajt titjieb.

      Għal-ewwel tiddejjaq , imma mbagħad tidra’.

      Sa fejn naf jien “thewdin” niktbuha , bl-akka.

      M’hinix professur tal-Malti , imma qed nipprova nikteb il-Malti sewwa minn naqra li naf.

    • James says:

      Qabel tibbloggja bil-Malti u xxandar il-blog tiegħek, kun ċert jew ċerta li l-Malti qed tiktbu tajjeb. Bil-kemm ilħaqt bdejt għax il-kelma ‘newden’ ukoll ktibtha ħażin. Aħseb u ara l-iżbalji li sibtlek fil-blog. Ħasra.

  3. Joe Fenech says:

    Lou Bondi should go on stage there with his six-stringer and pretend he’s doing a ‘Live in Rio’.

  4. gorg says:

    He would reach a larger crowd if he had to advertise in Maltese.

  5. Aunt Hetty says:

    When will they be staging a public performance of the opera”I Pagliacci”?

  6. H.P. Baxxter says:

    How original, marelli.

    • Tabatha White says:

      What a step upwards, trid tghid.

      A Socialist government where one is allowed to regress rather than advance.

      And this is what the people want?

      The next catch-up period is going to hurt so bad.

      All these spoiled brats around.

  7. ken il malti says:

    Panem et circenses, that is the way to placate the public while the nation is waiting to disappear under the weight of its problems that are never solved but compounded.

  8. Butterfly says:

    Will there be some music during the half-time intermission?

    Say, ‘With a little help from my friends’.

    Or, ‘For the benefit of Mr Kite’.

  9. Ben says:

    Funny how it is always the same people who set up the stage and what not, RVC and Nexos that is, with the help of some ONE TV employees.

  10. Prima Donna says:

    Jien l-akbar wiehed f’kollox, gurnalizmu, xjenza politka, gherf, indoqq il-kitarra bhal Jimmy Hendrix, ghadni nahxi kemm literalment u mod iehor, insomma hafna affarijiet.

    Ftit dispjaciri ghandi pero. Qasir wisq u jsmar. Kemm nixtieq kont itwal u gilda cjara. Ghalhekk nitla fuq palk biex nirbah wahda.

  11. Madgoal says:

    It would be nice to see the cheque presented by tv for this useless cause. Besides being totally inaprpriate, it looks to me that the goverment is eating into the privates business cake as well.

  12. Vespa says:

    Sponsored by Jason’s ONE TV? Is it a a hallucination?

  13. zz says:

    I believe that assertion is wrong. The one showing at Eden Cinemas will be larger.

  14. Calculator says:

    A little bit off topic, but certain people who received their car-related VAT refund just before the MEP elections are now receiving letters confirming that they are, in fact, not eligible. Hearing from colleagues and friends, it seems to be in increasingly common occurrence.

  15. ateu says:

    Nahseb li jekk jitla fuq il-palk jergghu jibbujawlu bhalma ghamlu fil kuncert ta’ Santana. Dakinhar kull meta bdew jgibu lil bla principji Bondi in-nies ta’ Malta Taghna Lkoll bdew imaqdruh u joffenduh, u li keku setghu jmorru ghalih u jillincjawh.

  16. Libertas says:

    That’s typical Lou Bondì – it’s most obviously his idea – and he’ll be right there at the front, full of himself and pulling England supporters’ legs on Saturday and till England gets knocked out.

    The Fondazzjoni Ċelebrazzjonijiet Nazzjonali should be the LAST entity to set up something that glorifies our penchant for support of other countries’ football teams. That should be left to bars and commercial organisations, not the state entity that’s supposed to be celebrating 50 years of independence and 10 years in the EU (Lou knows the rest of the celebrations celebrate nothing).

    I hope they boo him again as they did a couple of years ago. He has joined a very restricted group of people like John ‘Bahamas’ Dalli, Franco ‘Narcissus’ Debono, Jesmond ‘Manwel Dimech Bridge’ Mugliett and Jeffrey ‘Mistra’ Pullicino Orlando – hated by EVERYONE in Malta, whether Nationalist or Labour.


  17. bob-a-job says:

    That looks like a Pop Art poster from ‘Fool on the Hill’.

    How very appropriate.

  18. Unbennant says:

    This government claims that it’s all for the people and stuff, but then it organises a shamless event like this, that’s going to clog up all of Paola for weeks.

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