He would have a chihuahua, wouldn’t he

Published: June 12, 2014 at 11:41pm

chihuahua jeff

22 Comments Comment

  1. M. says:

    Well, he couldn’t exactly walk talk with a Great Dane by his side, could he?

  2. Antoine Vella says:

    It has the face mask of a Rottweiller or a Doberman. But it’s a Chihuahua.

  3. canon says:

    They say dogs look like their owners.

  4. Rosie says:

    A chihuahua makes him look and feel like a bigger man.

  5. bernie says:

    this is one good reason why they shouldn’t be called honorable for ever after

  6. Guda says:

    Inti eligibli ghal-membru tal-klub.

    Qasir u tahxi minn taht.

    Jekk trid naghmluk membri tal kumitat bla responsabilita’ ghax taf int ma tantx nistaw nafdawk. Pero thobb tidher u tahseb li ghandek ras kbira.

  7. Sister Ray says:

    Never thought he’d go monosyllabic.

  8. Spock says:

    Love me , love my dog .

  9. Jonathan says:

    He should have got a labrador. It would have looked like a Great Dane next to him.

  10. Wenzu says:

    Is that his brain floating on the water?

  11. Dumbledore says:

    I don’t think it’s a chihuahua.

    • James says:

      I think that is a Rottweiler.

      [Daphne – Please. It’s a chihuahua. Rottweilers are just a little bigger than that.]

  12. observer says:

    A pocket pet – for a pocket pet owned by……?

  13. Peter. P says:

    I guess he had to make sure he’d remain the alpha male.

  14. helen says:

    JPO III as if one wasn’t more than enough.

  15. Xejn Sew says:

    You know what they say, about dogs resembling their masters.

  16. Joe Fenech says:

    Probably all JPO does all day is stroke his Chihuaha…

  17. Gahan says:

    Kieku JPO ikollu Rottweiler , il-kelb joħroġ dawra lil Jeffrey.

  18. joseph says:

    Lost in words…

  19. silvio says:

    I think it’s very unhygenic to have dogs swim in the same pool used by people.

    On the other hand if Pullicino shares his pool with his dog, it might be unfair for the dog as it might get some disease, like for example, one that is very common in Malta, called opportunism.

  20. gorg says:

    If that chihuahua could talk.

    [Daphne – I don’t think it would have much to say, actually. That particular dentist strikes me as a man with no particular need for a sex life with either gender. I’m quite sure other adult women have made a similar observation.]

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