Here’s another one who rails against cruelty to animals but who thinks nothing of being cruel to humans

Published: June 26, 2014 at 11:03pm

Deborah Frendo

20 Comments Comment

  1. required says:

    Check out her religious views…live and let live eh?

  2. Christian says:

    Callous, ignorant and regrettably part of a widespread mind-set.

  3. Alfred Vassallo says:

    I don’t understand how this comment fits in with her so-called religion.

  4. Jeff says:

    When Francesco Buhagiar’s (he was head of ministry – prime minister – of Malta between 1923 – 24) wife Elizabetta Said died in January 1916, he married her sister Enrichetta in September 1917.

  5. M says:

    ‘Do no harm’ she says. Does she even know what that means?

    Doesn’t saying things without any proof whatsoever constitute harm? Perhaps she would like to explain which scientific facts she is considering when floating that hypothesis or is it melanin phobia talking?

  6. Not Sandy:P says:

    Deborah Frendo is one of the ugliest people in Lowell’s group on Facebook. She spits hate-filled comments about immigrants and ten switches to her own timeline to preach peace and love, man, but only for animals.

    Wasn’t Hitler also fond of small furry animals, but filled with hate for fellow human beings?

  7. Foggy says:

    She is not only callous and ignorant but she also cannot read accurately. He was the boy’s father not his uncle.

  8. Timon of Athens says:

    What a despicable woman.

  9. Pat Zahra says:

    That this woman should think it odd that she should marry her late husband’s brother just goes to show how singularly uninformed she is.

    When mortality rates were much higher than they are today it used to be common practice in Malta to marry the brother or sister of the deceased spouse, even as recently as the 1950s.

    It was considered preferable for the children to have a step-father or step-mother who was related to them rather than introducing a complete stranger into their lives.

  10. Roby says:

    So her religion is a simple one of live and let live. So then why did she bother commenting in the first place?

    And if her comments are not harmful (not) then they certainly stop way short of being helpful at all.

  11. Sinking Ship says:

    I just hope that Chinchilla she’s holding is not hers. Keeping an animal that’s unable to sweat and which succumbs to overheating in temperatures exceeding 25 deg C, isn’t exactly indicative of someone who cares for the well-being of animals.

    If on the other hand it’s being kept in a 24×7 air-conditioned environment, one might as well state that rodents too are now “Taghna Lkoll”, equally worthy recipients of Joey’s providence.

    My observations of course do not detract from the stupidity of her blatantly obvious racist comments.

  12. Rumplestiltskin says:

    It’s mind boggling how she does not see that she is a living contradiction.

  13. Deborah Frendo says:

    Haha to all the retarded comments who follow this retarded witches blog… someone informed me that she is making me famous on her ‘blog’ .. I literally laughed my ass off reading the comments.. I doubt that any of you retards will understand the difference between a realist and a racist but I consider myself a realist and that is why I said that they most probably had a disease.. might have even been an unknown disease that nobody has heard of yet.. The fact that they were brothers… coincidence ??? Wake up and smell the coffee you bunch if hypocritical dumb asses. My love for animals has nothing to do with my love for my country and that is why I dont want Malta to be taken over by africans! It has nothing to do with being racist. It is a known fact that Malta is already overpopulated and these people carry a lot of diseases. I did at no point say that I wish them any harm, I just dont want them taking over my beautiful island with their culture! Come to Bugibba and see what it has become for yourselves. This was once a beautiful town full of tourists boosting maltas economy.. What is it now? A dirty overpopulated pigsty.

    • David Frendo says:

      Your extremist comments show how childish you are. They are beyond common sense and completely without merit. Your Norman Lowell tone will not get you anywhere in your arguments.

      The pigsty you are referring to is your own self that is when you have let yourself become a pig. Stop being so ridiculously ignorant, selfish, loud and jingoistic. Beware that your racial views can be the result of a delusional symptom of psychotic disorders.

      Moreover, your unskilled socio-ethical behaviour is suffering from illusory superiority.

      You are in fact rating your ability much higher than it is accurate. It’s not your fault, it’s just your meta-cognitive inability is failing you from recognizing your own ineptitude.

      People like you do not deserve to have their comments published on Daphne’s blog or any other respectable website.

      Please learn to read. Denise had the kid with her second husband not her first. Also, marrying brothers is not quite odd. Look up the terms Levirate marriage and Yibbum.

    • Liberal says:

      There is no one more retarded than someone who doesn’t even realise she’s a racist, or is too ashamed to admit it. Oh, but she loves animals. What an idiot.

    • Joe Fenech says:

      I am over a decade into retirement from a small arts-related business that took me round Europe and beyond many years prior to EU accession. When you achieve what I have then, yes, you might want to consider hurling the umbrella insults you’ve made to the entirety of this website’s readers.

      Your aggressive texts – imbued with condescension, mockery, bigotry, clichés and insults – read like the memoirs of a person born at the height of the brutal, colonial 19th century. It is perplexing to see someone so young being so bitter, short-sighted, angry and foolish. Has your family or friends every told you this? Have you ever considered the impact all this might have on your career and future (it certainly would if you were not living in Malta)?

      Seek urgent therapy to overcome your distorted cognition and to help you get to the roots of your anger and general behaviour.

    • Gillian Camilleri says:

      I take objection to the terminology used by Deborah Frendo who I suspect is not fully aware of what retards might refer to.

      Secondly, I very much doubt that she really knows what she is saying and has written in great haste and anger.

      It is never wise to voice one’s opinion when in anger. If this is not the case it is sad to see such venom and malice pouring out so freely from one so young and from someone who seems to be a sweet young lady (photo shown above).

      Perhaps this young lady got carried away – or that is what I would like to think. The alternative does not bear thinking about.

  14. Damian Iriele says:

    “What do you want me to do now? How do you want me to start?”

    Miss Frendo, this was the question the late Basil asked his late elder brother Ikechukwu as he lay in his coffin at the St. Luke’s Hospital morgue in 2007.

    I was there with him. I was also there with a friend today, just the three of us. The difference was, he wasn’t talking this time. My friend and I were doing the talking.

    Yes, I was there to make all the necessary arrangements to take his remains to his mother. Yes, the same mother who received his brother in a box labelled “HUMAN REMAINS”. I was there, Miss Frendo.

    Those questions he asked back then were because he had been in your ”beautiful Island” of Malta for just a few months when his brother suddenly died. Today, we took his remains to the cargo section of DHL/EMIRATES AIRLINES, to be transported home. The same home, the same mother, the same brothers and sisters… as a cadaver.

    Yes, he married his brother’s widow, and we all approved of the relationship. Everyone of us, who knows the situation, the true situation as it is…yes, we all gave our blessing to their marriage and the marriage is blessed with a three-and-a-half year old boy. Basil is his father. There were no children from the first marriage.

    No, Miss Frendo, Basil had no disease. He was cleared of any by the health department. The certificate is with me as I type this piece. Freedom of speech does not mean you should be offensively careless with the facts. If we consider the reactions to your remarks, then I’m sure you will be a little more careful next time.

    When death occurs, people usually forget pressing issues and condole and sympathise with the bereaved family. Both brothers were under 26 when they died. Now don’t you think you are a little heartless here?

    You might probably want to concentrate on your animal campaigns, because with humans you are probably a little distant and unfeeling.

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