How shameful this is

Published: June 9, 2014 at 1:24pm

Brady Parnis Dalway narawhom gejjing bil laylows

57 Comments Comment

  1. iced bun says:

    How heartless! Who are these Brady Parnis and Keana Magro?

    • Chris M says:

      “It is crucial to note that had the patrol boat remained with the MV Norient Star and not intervened in the other dinghy the loss of lives would have been potentially of 128 persons.”

      What is shameful is that the Maltese & Italians are completely abandoned by the European Commission in this regard.

      It’s OK for the European Commission to preach about human rights, dictate how the immigrants should be rescued and dictate that they should be brought in and kept in Malta and Italy and dictate how long they should remain in detention and even dictate on the conditions of the detention centres, BUT then they won’t lift a finger to help in neither the rescue or the even distribution of the immigrants.

      No, they simply tell us to rescue them, bring them in and keep them. And they think they have the cheek to through money at Italy and Malta thinking that it will shut us up and keep us happy.

      The European Commission is a joke. The United States has done much more for us in terms of rescue operations and taking a share of the burden than the EC has ever done.

      • La Redoute says:

        One distributes condoms and leaflets, Chris M. People are a different matter.

        The European Union has most certainly NOT abandoned Malta. Where do you imagine Malta gets most of the money spent on managing immigration? Not that this government is going to tell you exactly how and where it’s spent.

      • Chris M says:

        @La Redoute

        That is my point,

        The European Commission (or Union, I mix them up) think’s they can solve the problem by throwing money at it and then telling us to bring them in and keep them.

        The money they give us most likely is to be spent on rescuing more and more of them and building bigger and more comfortable housing for them.

        They will probably soon start demanding that the centres that house immigrants have air-conditioning, central heating and satellite television with access to their regional TV channels.

  2. davidg says:

    We do not know what human tragedy is all about until it hits us personally.

  3. Maltri says:

    Brady and Keana are of a superior breed, so they are allowed to mock the distressed while queuing politely at Lidl, with pedigree dog food and cat toys in their shopping baskets.

  4. Paul Vincenti says:

    I am ashamed to say I am Maltese when I see so much hatred towards others.

  5. Manuel says:

    This is the mentality with which Muscat has nurtured the younger generations of this nation. They all feel at home at Labour’s skip.

    • This person says:

      X’ghanda x’taqsam il-politika?!?!?!?

      • La Redoute says:

        You do not know the difference between the European Commission and the European Union, yet you presume to pass judgement on a situation you don’t understand.

        Why let reason get in the way of prejudice?

        It is barely possible to build worse housing dor detainees and for people living in open centres. It follows that any new housing will be equal or better.

        There is nothing wrong in improving on a bad situation but your estimate of demands for air conditioning, central heating and satellite TV is not likely to be a priority when basic amenities, like a sufficient number of toilets, are lacking.

  6. Makjavel says:

    Min jixtieq id-deni lill ghajru, jigi f’daru.

  7. c zerafa says:

    Brady Parnis works at MEPA. He is a customer care officer. And this comment is nothing compared to the other stupidities he writes.

  8. Joe Micallef says:

    Their first name says it all.

  9. Pauline says:

    Why shameful? OK we don’t want them to die at sea but neither do we want them here when Malta has its own poor people. If you don’t believe, just go into villages and towns and see for yourselves. Do you agree that thousands of illegal immigrants drop by on our island and remain here for life??? When Malta was near collapse we fought tooth and nail for our liberties and we remained here on this island while others disappeared from our shores to pastures new. Traitors who were remunerated heavily by a PN Government. Only hypocrits cry shameful.

    • Galian says:

      How dare you compare these people to the ‘poor’ people in Malta? You have no idea what these people go through to try to make a life for themselves after tragic circumstances take away everything they have ever worked for. Try to imagine for a second what it means to be compelled to cross deserts and rough seas just to stay alive. Shame on you!

    • Mark Fenech says:

      Such Facebook posts are not only shameful but also disgusting and devoid of any empathy whatsoever towards fellow human beings. No “buts” or “ifs”. It’s as simple and straightforward as that.

    • La Redoute says:

      Keana Magro wants them to die at sea and she’s not the only one, Pauline, so you’re wrong there.

      Whether poor people exist in Malta is irrelevant to the discussion. Migrants don’t arrive in Malta because there are no people here. They arrive here because they’re escaping hell at home.

      Thousands do NOT spend their whole lives here. Few have spent more than a few months or years, and most of that time was spent in detention.

      If you cherish your liberties, then don’t encourage their suppression by playing along with alarmist fantasies of a fascist and his handbag who have yet to discover a brain cell between them.

    • observer says:

      I’m afraid, Pauline, that you haven’t the faintest idea of what you’re talking about.

      I don’t know – and don’t want to either – your age and status in Malta. But from your writing you sound utterly immature and very limited in our outlook on life, international affairs and human problems.

      I’m sure that, were you not, you would be utterly ashamed not only of what Brady and Keana blogged on their face-book, but also – and certainly very much more – of your own comment.

    • Sun Tzu says:

      Traitors remunerated by the PN?

      When was this?

    • silvio says:

      Pauline, judging from what you wrote, you must surely be one of the followers of that other madman Norman Lowell.


      People who speak as you do should be taken care of, as they might be a menace to our society.

      I would rather have a few thousands of those miserable immigrants than the 7,000 or so who think on the same lines as yourself.

  10. Roger says:

    This status seems to be humouristic and a message to get a safe boat but the comment below is a no no comment. They are all people

    • La Redoute says:

      The message pokes fun at the desperation of people who pay and put their lives at risk to reach a place of safety.

  11. Manuel says:

    Mr. Parnis also has listed as one of his likes a group called “Malta l-ewwel u l-Maltin. Favur il-pushbacks u deportazzjoni.”

    One wonders where he got this idea.

    • Manuel says:

      And it is right next to the group “Puttinu cares”. Interesting. As long as those who are suffering are white children, it’s ok. When a child is coloured, we push him or her back, even if they are sick.

      • Roger says:

        Ejja nkunu cari li hemm miktub hi umoristika u gejja min quote tal-gazzetta. Jew issa lanqas cajt ma sirna niehdu :/ il-kumment l-iehor hu dispreggattiv pero l-istatus jaqsmek bid-dahq

      • Not Sandy:P says:


        Actually, no. That comment doesn’t crack me up. But maybe it takes a certain sort of lowbrow mentality to find it humourous.

        The interesting thing is that while the racist loons in that group are more than happy to laugh about and poke fun at other people’s misery, they bounce off the walls at the merest suggestion that they are a) racist and b) ridiculous, though the latter seems to be the greater offence.

  12. Painter says:

    Daphne, I always wanted to share this story with someone. It is long and you can choose not to publish it, I just want to tell it to you.

    I remember back in secondary school (it was either in Form 4 or 5, can’t remember) when some NGO came to our school to talk to all the classes of that form about tolerance and respecting others who are ‘different’ than the rest.

    This particular NGO brought two persons with them, a Maltese man who has a rare disability and has to use an electronic wheelchair, and an African immigrant.

    We gathered in the hall to meet them along with the people of the NGO. First, the man in the wheelchair talked to us about his disability, what he goes through on a daily basis, etc. After he was done, we were allowed to ask him questions.

    Then it was the turn of the immigrant to speak. He talked to us about his journey across the Sahara and what he went through to end up in Malta by using a map displayed by a projector. If memory serves right, I think he was from Somalia. After he finished, we were allowed to ask him questions.

    After a few students asked him a question each, the assistant head (who today is the headmaster of that school) wanted to ask a question too. He asked him why he risked his life and the life of those with him to cross the Sahara and the Mediterranean if it was easier to cross the water and go to the Arabian peninsula, particularly Saudi Arabia.

    He asked him a bunch of other condescending questions which left the immigrant, the NGO members and the students dumbfounded and speechless. But the shocker was when the assistant head was finished, most of the students started to applaud, showing their approval of his bitchiness and arrogance towards the immigrant and the fact that they had heard the same things from the adults at home.

    One of the boys who was there that day applauding the assistant headmaster with the others is usually seen sitting behind Joseph Muscat during a Labour meeting these days.

    Fortunately, a teacher was there with us and she said loudly to the ones clapping: “Le, aqtawha, dawn mhux affarjiet taċ-ċapċip!”. Yes that’s right, a math teacher is more level-headed than an assistant head who ended up as the headmaster today.

    • Chris M says:

      The assistant Head Master asked a valid question.

      • Not Sandy:P says:

        All questions are valid. Some attitudes are not. The assistant headmaster asked that question not for the sake of information but to ridicule and challenge the speaker.

      • Chris M says:

        @Not Sandy:P

        “but to ridicule and challenge the speaker”

        If the speaker can answer the question with a valid answer then there is no ridiculing.

        If not, well I needn’t say anymore.

      • Painter says:

        True, but a good answer would be, because Europe is a better place to live in than some theocracy owned by a billionaire family.

      • Not Sandy:P says:

        @Chris M

        The attempt to ridicule is offensive in itself. Th questioner was the speaker’s host. Do even such basic manners have to be explained nowadays?

  13. Not Sandy:P says:

    There’s lots more where that came from:

    A few of them have had their Facebook accounts shut down because of hate posts, but they pop up again with another account using a made-up or fake name.

    Take the time to report this sort of comment or post to Facebook and it’ll disrupt their communication network.

  14. Painter says:

    What happened to that Facebook page which calls out Maltese racists? I think it was called ‘What should we name this page?’ or something. I tried looking for it on Facebook but I couldn’t find it, perhaps it was deleted. These screenshots here should be on that Facebook page.

    • Chris M says:

      That page had numerous reports for harassment.

      It was found to be in violation of the Facebook Community Standards and therefore was deleted.

      • Not Sandy:P says:

        Funny, that. I looked through it a couple of days ago and there was nothing there that anyone hadn’t said about themselves first. Are you saying that they reported the page to Facebook because they felt harassed by their own posts?

      • Painter says:

        Really? Those racists said those things on Facebook publically and someone else is not allowed to take screenshots of them and put them on another Facebook page? So much for Facebook’s policy…

    • Not Sandy:P says:

      Try posting screenshots and links on this one:

      Someone’s already posted a list of people who say they voted for Norman Lowell.

  15. Not Sandy:P says:

    Keana Magro is a housewife from Qormi who’s incensed that a migrant has set up and is running a successful grocery store while her husband has to leave home early for work and comes home late in the evening.

    If she didn’t spend so much of her time on Facebook playing Cafeland, there might be a bit more money to go round and she won’t have to spend her time praying for strong wind so that migrants will drown before arriving here.

  16. Pippa says:

    Did Keana and Brady attend catechism classes? From the way they write I don’t think so. And they didn’t pay much attention during religious education classes at school, either for they don’t know about the greatest commandment of all – Love thy neighbour as thyself.

    And they haven’t come across Jesus’s sermon when He said :”I was hungry and you fed me. I was thirsty and you quenched my thirst “etc etc.
    I suppose they find the PMs words much more to their liking than our Lord’s.

    Our education both civil and religious leaves a lot to be desired.

  17. Not Sandy:P says:

    Brady Pisani and Keana Magro posted those comments in a group operated by VivaMalta.

    Charles Sammut, the group’s administrator, is (was?) the treasurer of the loony party, Imperium Europa, run by Norman Lowell and his bitch.

    There is a Facebook page for VivaMalta, the ‘free speech’ forum run by Arlette Baldacchino, aka Etoile Noir, which lists Charles Sammut’s group as belonging to VivaMalta.

    Anyone in that group is, by direct connection, supporting a fascist racist who advocates infanticide, abortion of black babies (but not white), letting immigrants drown or shooting them at sea, lynching his critics, dissolving Europes’ international borders and installing himself as emperor.

    April 22
    VivaMalta is a Free Speech Forum promoting Pan-European unity. has been founded in 2005, and has so far 633 members, a total of 7118 topics & 120858 posts.
    An average of 300 unique views per day from over 160 countries.

    VivaMalta – Norman Lowell

    Daqshekk ghal Immigrazzjoni llegali &
    Favur il-gvern kontra l-immigrazzjoni illegali

    Youtube Channels:

    Campaign site:
    Keep Spreading the Word!

  18. albona says:

    Keana for Nobel Peace Prize.

  19. white coat says:

    For some it is Facebook while for others it is more of an arsebook. The local Brady bunch belong to the latter group.

  20. C Falzon says:

    Is that actually an armed forces boat or is the AFM emblem just superimposed on the photo?

  21. Lady says:

    Brady Parnis is a turncoat MEPA employee who has recently been given an iced bun by being promoted to an enforcement officer (even though he was an incompetent receptionist) and is spending time with the Labour crowd like Josef Johnny Dalli’s friend.

    • Jozef says:

      From receptionist to enforcement officer, illustrates the attitude this administration has regarding illegalities.

  22. Optimist says:

    Sadly this post wishing drowning is not even the worst of that Facebook page. Here is a good one, where the write claims we are a superior race and have the right to go anywhere and open up Maltese restaurants or grocers anywhere in the world.

    All this because someone opened up a grocery store with an African theme. Louis Sinagra forgets that less than a century ago it was Maltese migrants going to work in Africa and being ridiculed in the press by the French as being sub-human.

    These people on this Facebook page are the first to report other pages and other content. Sadly Facebook acted on their reports. Unfortunately it does not act on ours when we try in vain to close that page down. Daphne we need to act on that page and others likes it that spread hate and that lower our threshold of what should and should not be said in public. The people no longer have shame. What would have been thought of and not spoken of is now spoken and thrown into people’s faces simply because they’re skin colour is slightly darker than ours.

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