Is it even the same woman? Is Mrs Mizzi still alive? Is that a photo her husband has had since their student days, or is it another woman altogether?
June 17, 2014 at 11:44pm
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It looks to me like an older photo taken a long time ago.
“It’s all right, I’m not going to hurt you.”
Same woman. Before and after meeting and marrying Konrad Mizzi.
Contented in upper photo. Bored, sad, and frustrated in the lower photo.
Funny you should say that. I had never heard of Konrad (or Sai) Mizzi previously, but was introduced to them at a wedding a few years ago.
The reason they stuck in my mind was because of his animated, facially-expressive and almost neurotic way of talking, and because she was extremely sad and depressed-looking.
Despite being very well dressed, I had assumed she was just another mail-order bride, who married her husband out of convenience to get a European passport. In fact, I was rather taken by surprise to find out who they were when they began to make the headlines a year or so ago.
I think it’s the same woman. Bear in mind that she’s wearing make-up in the second picture, which can really make a world of difference to some women.
This is the person who was entrusted with Mrs Mizzi’s job, by the previous government. His salary was in the region of Eur3,000.00 monthly.
It’s her, just without makeup.
Definitely the same woman. Identical jawline, “squint” in the left eye, wider parting of the lips on the left side of the mouth; nostrils visible in “full frontal”; spacing between top two incisors; quasi semicircular eyebrows. Too many “coincidences”. Has to be the same person or an identical twin.
Same mole on her right cheek too.
I think it’s her. Look at the slight gap between her front teeth, the cheekbone structure and the overall shape of the face.
She looks fuller in the new photo and I think I agree, she does look younger.
What is going on here? Why are we getting all this mystery around this woman? Does the government itself know where this woman is?
The jaw-line never changes, so one can honestly say that the ladies in question are not one or the same person.
The Opposition is asleep. Water Services makes 5 million euros profit, my foot. Does anyone ask how much the government subvention to the corporation is – is it 12, 15 million?
150 passports sold/being processed – 15 concluded – and they claim €100 million have already been invested into the economy. This figure is wide off the mark. The €1.1 million per applicant includes properly purchase while most applicants are renting property not purchasing.
How much in fees has the government actually derived, minus Henley’s hefty commission? Are the funds being apportioned to the posterity fund as promised, or straight to the government’s coffers to make up for the widening deficit?
Public transport – what’s happening there? How much is the government paying for the new leased buses? Have these buses replaced the UBS buses? I don’t think so. How much is the government still paying the UBS for their buses? Will the subvention increase from 8 million paid to Arriva to 40 million? Has this year’s operating loss been budgeted? How is it being funded?
Power generation: the interconnector should have been commissioned by last March. Has it been commissioned? If so, what is the cost per unit of the electricity purchased? How does this benchmark with the cost of electricity generated by the Delimara plant? If it has not been commissioned yet, why not?
What are the main factors contributing to a significant increase in the deficit? Drop in revenue? increase in expenditure? Which components? Will Malta achieve the 3% target this year, without the revenue from the sale of passports?
And indeed, what about a reaction to Lou Bondi’s package? No reaction by the Opposition to Times of Malta’s revelation? What about Sai Mizzi and all the other iced buns? Or have we given up after the Panini scrap book fiasco?
What’s happening in the army, Ombudsman and all? Why re-employ septuagenarians in the police force? It seems Minister Mallia is in an uncontrollable frenzy.
By all means, let us do away with the Sunday sermons, but I expect to have an effective Opposition at least on a 5-day week.
Please, Dr Busuttil, can we keep the government on its toes?
On public transport, the Opposition is most definitely having a nap. In spite of increased patronage in 2013 (meaning increased customer satisfaction), Government decided to push Arriva out. Madness.
It is glaringly obvious that the three fires on the bendy buses were sabotage. Never having a fire and then having three in one week cannot be a coincidence. It means someone wanted to force a decision on Government to ban bendy buses i.e. sabotage. Why were all the three fires not investigated? Why was the one single report on the fires withheld?
The contract with Arriva was to gradually reduce the government subsidy on public transport over a number of years. Instead Government is spending 30 million euros per year to run the service. The Minister suggested that Government might have to subsides the new operators with more than 40 million euros.
Then we have the Minister going to Spain to negotiate with (read beg) one of the bidders.
Where is the Opposition?
I would ask,” Where are the people?” The Opposition said a lot before the EU elections and no one took notice. The people have to make the first step.
The Opposition is just a better version of Labour.
They have the same policies, the same aims, and the same methods.
Deep in their hearts, they are happy to have the country governed by Labour.
canon: The people have been led to believe that Arriva was a disaster. This was achieved through a vicious and orchestrated campaign in PL media and The Times. You cannot expect people who have been subjected to this campaign to suddenly wake up and realize they’ve been conned. It is for the Opposition to lead and also to explain now that the true facts are emerging.
In a nutshell:
Arriva contract : (1) 10 million subsidy per year to be reduced progressively over time (2) fares retained at same levels (3) a radically improved service.
Government-run public transport: (1) Public expenditure reaches 30 million per year.
(Eventual) new operators: (probable outcome) (1) more than 40 million per year subsidy (2) increase in fares (3) a decline in quality of service.
May I suggest you listen to the parliament sittings and hear the questions put by the Opposition and the answers being given by government ministers?
They can never get a straight answer out of them. They either dodge the questions altogether, ask them to put them in writing and send them as emails or the standard answer to anything that looks and smells corrupt with no reply can be given as it will jeopardize national security.
This government who promised transparency in everything is turning out to be the most corrupt, secretive, dictatorial regime Malta has ever had. Next on the agenda would be doing away with general elections as the people have had enough of the election fever. They are starting with the local council elections for now.
And? Are we going to be all Dottore lawyer about it and stop at the PQs?
You people are absolutely incapable of doing politics. You’re in for a very long spell in Opposition.
Silence can drive your worst enemies mad.
Is that how you plan to win the election? Some strategists you are.
And what about the new power station contract? When will this be signed? What is the new date for its completion? Have there been any changes to the winning consortium? Will Siemens have an equity in the consortium? Has the consortium agreed to have the tanker moored in Marsaxlokk only for two years until it is moved offshore? Will the prime minister keep his pledge to resign if the power station is not completed in time?
I don’t think the new owners of BWSC expect to buy energy on behalf of Enemalta from a Siemens powered plant sitting next door.
Not if they just bought 40% of Ansaldo Energia, de facto getting their own turbine maker.
As for completion on time, so Muscat won’t have local council elections March next year, it will be two years to the day.
The bluff is to keep us waiting for a power plant and infrastructure which may plausibly not happen. Which in turn however is why everyone’s waiting, read drop in internal demand.
The kid broke his new toy but won’t say.
Just when you wanted answers to questions and more information, Gasol plc will be cancelling their London Stock Exchange – Alternative Investment Market – listing, giving yet another blow to the transparency about the new gas power station project.
There is something very strange about Gasol, and our government must be made to explain. In particular, who controls African Gas Development Corporation Limited, the majority shareholder of Gasol?
It’s clearly the same woman. One photo is with make up and the other without. I don’t get your point here.
What if she is not in China at all? What if she is somewhere else furthering her studies on our tax dollars?
That Labour have used an older photo of Liang Sai is a tell tale sign that something is definitely NOT right
What tax ”dollars”?
It is definitely the same person and difficult to tell which photo is older – in one she’s made up, in the other she isn’t, but that depends on the occasion for which the photo was taken.
The ‘new’ photo doesn’t reflect the attire expected from a person on such a salary being interviewed about her work.
In the lower one her hairstyle is totally different. That also accounts for differences.
It’s clearly a file photo (the new one) – The Report Company seems to have interviewed half of the new appointees in one batch:
(clearly these interviews were carried out through email or other electronic means)
Benedict Cumberbatch is busy on the set of ‘The Imitation Game’.
You’ll have to make do with his body double Manuel Mallia.
I think Sai Mizzi has been kidnapped or held hostage somewhere where she can keep quiet and not disclose the corrupt deals that went on between her husband (or ex-husband as some are suggesting), Joseph Muscat and the Chinese regime.
She either had a nose job or that is her sister or a relative. It is definitely not the same nose. The nostrils in the ‘striped jumper’ picture are bigger and thicker.
If the picture depicts the same woman or otherwise is beyond the point.
The points, which the Opposition should press on, remain:-
a) has Mrs. Mizzi reported the proceedings of her appointment to Malta Enterprise, following a year of appointment;
b) where can she be contacted;
c) if she ever set foot again in Malta after her appointment in No-Where-Land;
I may add some other questions, but I believe they are deemed personal. Such as,
a) Is her appointment to No-Where-Land a condition for not filing for divorce yet?