Is the Parliamentary Secretary for Competitiveness and Economic Growth actually wearing a BRACELET?
June 11, 2014 at 1:28am
That’s what it looks like. And FAWN SOCKS too.
Incidentally, this looks like it should win some kind of prize for the Kill Me Now Meeting of the Month.
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Hajta deheb.
Tas-sax is-swagger
Some people are superstitious and wear bracelets for protection.
Elvis wore a bracelet.
Elvis was a chav
There is something strange with Herrera, and not just aesthetically. His tics and twitches seem to be a symptom of anxiety.
Wearing such things, and twitching are traits that Jose’ has had since he was very young. The traits also included a slight stammer which he has more or less managed to overcome.
I can’t comment about the beige socks, though at least they’re not white.
The men have fallen asleep while Jose Herrera drones on and the women struggle to stay awake.
I know it makes me look a fool,
But, by Jove, it feels really cool.
And, Daph, don’t try to be wise,
You can stuff your advice.
You now I’ll never ever heed it,
Even if, by Jove, I always need it.
The guy on the left (group photo) has great legs.
Where did this meeting take place? In a showroom? Nothing on the walls or on the table.
Photo is blurred, but it could be a Bio Magnetic bracelet. However it does look out of place, as does the President’s ring on her right hand’s forefinger, which can be seen in most photos of her.
He never takes that one off. It’s made to look like puzzle pieces fitted into each other. Classy.
Ghadu jrida taz-zaghzugh
At least he has on a long sleeved shirt. Gradual progress.
Jose Herrera was recently invited on a local tv show. When the floor manager asked him where he’d like to put his mike pack, he very elegantly replied ‘Tridx tpoggihuli mal-bajd’. Charming.