Malta’s ambassador to the United States has made it to that country’s AllGov portal, with a very realistic profile

Published: June 9, 2014 at 1:47pm

allgov marisa micallef

15 Comments Comment

  1. Makjavel says:

    In a nutshell, an incompetent turncoat.

    • Eddy Privitera says:

      So she became “incompetent” because she was nauseated with GonziPN and realised so early in the day, Dr. Muscat`s capabilities to get this country moving forward and stop the rot !!!

  2. Pauline says:

    il-bastard taf min hu f’dan il-kaz? Gvern nazzjonalista li poggiha f’kariga gholja malli giet mill-Ingilterra u halla lil min iggieled ghal-liberta’ u qala’ transfers vendikattivi ghal twemminhu, jittewweb. U meta ministru ma qdiehiex mill-koxxa bidlet iz-ziemel, ghax il-qhab imdorrijin jaghmlu hekk.

    • Hussam says:

      Hear hear

    • Cikku says:

      Ma stajtx poġġejtha aħjar Pauline. Ibda minn John Dalli u spiċċa f’din biex ma noqgħodx nagħmel lista twila. Ħa naraw jerġgħux jibgħatu għal Lou Bondi wkoll wara li bidel iż-żiemel. Dan ukoll waqt li f’Malta kien hemm dawk li ġġieldu għal-libertà eċċ eċċ Lou Bondi kien l-Kanada u ġie lura meta telgħu l-PN u malajr sabulu post komdu u lil min ħareġ għonqu ħallewh jittewweb jekk ma warrbuhx. Imma minkejja kollox kien hemm min xorta waħda baqa’ leali u l-prinċipju ma biddlux.

      • Francis Saliba M.D. says:

        And in spite of it all the Nationalist Party is still trying to ascertain the reason for the thousands of “switchers” who voted Labour at the last general election!

    • carlos says:

      Well said Pauline

    • Last Post says:

      U halluna! Wara l-froga kulhadd gharef.

    • Rory says:

      Spot on! This happened everywhere but let’s move on.

      The Nationalists always gave staunch Laburisti important jobs, where they could do serious damage and left its supporters in the lurch, on the pretext of being fair.

      Not that it’s not the right thing to do, but Laburisti will always see magnanimity a sign of weakness.

      The best example is Mario Cutajar, erstwhile head of HR at Heritage Malta, now Principal Perm. Secretary. He was put in charge to handle the absorption of the Malta Centre for Restoration by Heritage Malta.

      Ask how many of the staff there are ex MCR employees, and if any of those still there and who are of Nationalist leaning ever got the jobs which mattered?

  3. Joe Fenech says:

    Is this a sort of The Diplomat’s Onion or something? It’s absolutely hilarious.

  4. observer says:

    I like that bit where we are told that “in 1999, with much fanfare, Micallef switched her political allegiance to the Labour Party at the behest of its leader……now the Prime Minister of Malta”

    Were I a U.S. citizen – even the humblest, and not necessarily the most intellectually gifted, I would just say “Who, and what, the heck?”

    Did Muscat’s ambassadorial choice to the United States think that her entry in the AllGov (everything the US Government really does) would raise an earth-shattering
    round of applause – or, at least, of cosy mirth?

  5. Wilson says:

    “in 1999, with much fanfare, Micallef switched her political allegiance to the Labour Party at the behest of its leader……now the Prime Minister of Malta” i.e. she can be bought or blackmailed. Honey traps work both ways.

  6. gaetano pace says:

    Oh did she carry Joseph on her shoulders to victory ? It is about the only piece of diplomacy that is in her CV. The rest is a school teacher`s morning addressing freshmen, as the Yanks call them. No wonder the article stopped short of writing “Glory Glory Alleluia.”

  7. J Abela says:

    Is this article intended to be satirical or something? Maybe it’s just me, but I’m sensing satire.

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