More violence and aggression: “Summer’s here, so barbecue an African, cut him up in pieces, and feed him to your dogs – but cook him well to kill all the germs.”

Published: June 25, 2014 at 10:09pm

barbecue an immigrant and feed him to the dogs

34 Comments Comment

  1. Not Sandy:P says:

    The conversation continues with advice to feed the flesh to other immigrants if you respect your dog.

  2. M. says:

    He can’t have a very high IQ – he likes playing loom band games on Facebook:

  3. Ian says:

    Someone should really arrest the motherf*ckers for writing such things about other human beings. Doesn’t this constitute ‘fomenting racism’ or something?

  4. Natalie says:

    I know people who will not eat fish because when immigrants drown, they’re eaten by the fish.

    The callousness of some people is incredible.

  5. bob-a-job says:

    Equally worrying.

    ‘The Rapid Intervention Unit within the Police Force, which was established by the Labour Party in government, will soon undergo special training, known as Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT).’

    and now

    ‘The government decided to station soldiers outside ministry buildings “for security reasons”.’

    Why this sudden security?

    Is the government foreseeing riots?

    Has the government been warned about impeding dangers?

    The people have a right to know what’s going on and the newspapers have a duty to ensure that the truth is revealed.

    • Painter says:

      You’re right if you are concerned but I think it is about time Malta has its own SWAT team. And not because of some riot.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        The SAG, now renamed RIU, are already Malta’s SWAT team.

        Manuel seems to be just a trifle too fond of his toy soldiers. He’s forever training them and kitting them out. You have to wonder where the money’s coming from. Is anyone keeping tabs on the budget?

        No, I didn’t mean the Nationalist Party. They’re busy organising a sonk festivill ghall-indipendenza.

    • Jozef says:

      So we get the army patrolling the streets. Nice.

      O zmien helu.

  6. Nana says:

    They claim they have been deprived of their liberty because Malta now has African immigrants. How does this deprive them of their liberty? It is the immigrants who are deprived of theirs.

    They speak as though they have never travelled, never left Malta, never read anything. They don’t know what life is like elsewhere.

    They are afraid of people who are different because of their own insecurities. And the thing is that it is THEY who are inferior, because unlike the immigrants, they have no manners and their educational level and life experience are practically non-existent.

    I say to myself the Maltese should be shipped to other countries to teach them how to interact with foreigners.

    • Painter says:

      “They speak as though they have never travelled, never left Malta, never read anything. They don’t know what life is like elsewhere.”

      They can learn a lot of information about another country, culture or religion if they bother to read its Wikipedia article for 20 minutes. But they don’t, preferring to get their ‘information’ from sensationalist news headlines demonising people overseas – and that’s why many of them portray Muslims as ‘the Other’ and not as people who just have a religion similar to Christianity.

  7. CIS says:

    Shocking. What disgusting mentality.

  8. Antoine Vella says:

    When you look at their Facebook profiles you see ‘normal’ people, typical average Maltese. You would never guess they harbour such sentiments.

    • Felix says:

      It seems these people are “normal” Antoine.

    • Jozef says:

      The moment you go through their friends you’ll find that Peter Floyd and then obviously Lowell.

      Now that they can’t ‘speak out’ they’ll get truck driver Sander and ‘family man’ Borg Crockford to do it for them.

      And how kinky is this Peter Floyd, pity he can’t get himself to turn up his shirt collar. That’d show Norman.

      • Not Sandy:P says:

        Peter Floyd spends rather a lot of time marooned out at sea surrounded by men. One wonders at his motivation for his devoted support to Lowell who seems more and more like a repressed homosexual in deep denial.

  9. Deep throat says:

    Fejn huma l-isqfijiet? Fejn hu Joseph tal-Pushbacks? Fejn hi Michelle Muscat li taghmel il-Concerts Under The Stars At Girgenti For The Dogs and Cats? Tghid lil dawn l-imsieken thobbhom nejjin jew misjurin? Fejn hu Peppi tax-Xarabank & c & c?

    • Ghar u Kasa says:

      Peppi ta’ Xarabank? Dak tlift il-fiducja kollha li kelli fih jien. F’sena u tlett xhur taf kemm ghamel programmi b’temi politici? Toghddhom fuq id wahda. Id-dibattitu tal mexxejja jigini f’mohhi biss bhalissa! Qabel fuq kull kontroversja kien jaghmel programm! Ibiddel is-suggett minn filghodu ghal filghaxija! Imma forsi din kienet il kundizzjoni biex jibqa’ ghaddej bil-programm…anke jekk kienet wahda siekta u ghalih…u ghalih biss, awtomatika!

    • pier pless says:

      Fejn hu dak il-qassis li mohhu biex jidher? X’ ismu bhallissa? Eh, iva, Fr. Mark Montebello, fejn hu? Ahjar jinkwietha fuq din il-mibeghda flok jitmashan fuq xi bastiment tan-Nato fil-port.

      • Spock says:

        Fr.Mark and I used to be in the same philosophy and divinity classes at St. Aloysius sixth form in the eighties. Believe me when I tell you that he used to exasperate the two distinguished, highly intellectual Jesuits who used to lecture on these two subjects with his inane, garbled, convoluted arguments which made no logical sense at all and were all intended to promulgate Mintoff’s class-hatred and chip – on- the – shoulder stance. After such a session, he would walk smugly out of class thinking that he had ‘shocked’ everyone with his ‘wisdom’. Suffice it to say that we were amused by his utter stupidity and not at all surprised when he failed his Philosophy ‘A’ level .

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      Ghandkom tghidu fejn hu Father Colin ‘problemi tal-qalb’ Apap? Fejn hi l-Madonna ta’ Angelik? Fejn hu Monsignor ‘housekeeper’ Vella Gauci?

      Siehbi Spud faqa’ Facebook bir-rationalist anti-Catholic status updates. Hsibt li qed jesagera, imma issa qed nifhmu.

      • Spock says:

        If you feel like being particularly masochistic, go to one of Fr. Colin Apap’s masses in Marsascala and be prepared for a session of cringing in horror at all the un-Catholic, blatant Labour propaganda he manages to spew out in an hour. His homilies often consist of nothing but gossip where he uses personal problems from his parishioners for their shock value.

  10. Anna says:

    Isn’t there a law against hate crime? This is a genuine question. Can people be prosecuted for hate incitement on Facebook? Surely these frightening, stomach churning posts cannot be allowed. I really despair, there is no trace of humanity in the majority of the population.

  11. Alexander Ball says:

    This is exactly how Nazi Germany started.

  12. sarah says:


  13. silvio says:

    May I suggest to this freak that he tries it first on his mother.

    After all she is the one to blame for what he is today.

    Don’t forget to add some vinegar, as she might have a fishy taste.

  14. Manuel says:

    Where is Patri Mark OP? Is NATO his actual concern and worry? What has he say about these xenophobic and racist comments? Is he ready to risk his neck in protecting these immigrants or he does not like to step on the PM’s toes?

    This is what the Reverend Friar should be talking and writing about, and not politics of convenience. What a shame. Shame on those who express themselves in this racist way and shame on those who are able to do something to change all this and yet remain silent. Shame.

  15. Painter says:

    This is probably the way they think:

    “Dawn in-nies ma ġewx minn pajjiż demokratiku, allura ma ħaqqomx li jipprattikaw id-demokrazzija hawn Malta, għax Malta hi tal-Maltin (bojod) biss u ftit snin oħra ser nibdew naraw il-bandiera tal-Afrika mal-bjut tad-djar u suwed jisirqulna xogħlna!!”

    How nauseating.

  16. observer says:

    I will not call the above ‘comments’ un-Christian, even though they really are – but not simply that.

    I will not call them ‘inhuman’, even though they really are – but not simply that.

    I will not call them ‘criminal’, even though they really are and, as such, punishable by law – but not simply that.

    I will call them ‘bestial’ – which sums it all, as they show a cruel and utterly depraved mind.

    I cannot help remembering what some motorists have printed on their rear window “May God give you twice what you wish for me” – and think just how terrible that ‘twice’ would be for the commentators.

  17. Jozef says:

    I’m sorry guys, but this is pure incitement to violence and hatred on racial grounds.

    No other way to describe it.

  18. Francis Saliba M.D. says:

    This incitement to violent crime based on xenophobia should be squashed by the police forthwith.

    • Not Sandy:P says:

      That can only happen if you file a report. Even then, the police will drag their feet about doing anything.

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