Nice one, Foundation for National Celebrations…

Published: June 12, 2014 at 11:45am

13th december road

I have just received this photograph and email from somebody I know who works near 13th December Road in Marsa.

I simply had to send you this. The Government has just finished this project and it must have cost us millions.

After two years, the place was finally looking really nice. Flowers and shrubs starting to bloom. We walk in this morning and instead of flowers we find that they have planted this huge billboard.

As you can see from the photo, it was literally planted – flowers removed, irrigation pipes pushed to the side and this monster instead.

This is a shame and disgusting. The project was opened just over two months ago. Did they have a permit to do this to the new flower beds, and if so, who is the idiot who gave it to them.

13 Comments Comment

  1. gorg borg says:

    And it’s not just the government that’s looking bad with this arrogance.

    The co-sponsors listed at the bottom of the billboard, please take note.

  2. Manuel says:

    Well, they don’t give a damn either about the millions spent or the flowers. In their myopic socialist mentality, that was a Gonzi project. So yeah, let them uproot anything just to plant their own propaganda. Kudos, Mr. Bondi.

  3. Rumplestiltskin says:

    Quite literally, the barbarians are back. I expect the environmental NGOs to raise hell about this descration of the environment, both physically and visually. But I’m not holding my breath.

  4. Ivan says:

    Did anyone else notice the ONE logo on this billboard? Was there a call for sponsors from other stations are was ONE, being the PL’s station, asked directly to ‘sponsor’ the event?

  5. CiVi says:

    Permit? They have a 36,000 stronghold. Their frenetic minds translated that as an authorization for them to act as ruthless as it can get, and in all sectors.

  6. Pippa says:

    Probably they did it to spite Gonzi PN.

    It’s the same attitude to the billion of euros in EU funding. Dr. Gonzi managed to get for Malta i.e. for all Maltese citizens. But has any one ever heard Muscat mention what he’s doing with this money so hardly worked for by Dr. Gonzi?

  7. rosie says:

    Herrera maybe?

  8. bob-a-job says:

    ‘who is the idiot who gave it to them’

    The ‘Fool on the Hill’, the one for whom this poster is dedicated presumably.

  9. ken il malti says:

    That billboard poster forms the eye of the Illuminati.

  10. KJD says:

    Since when is the World Cup a ‘national celebration’. What is the remit of the Foundation for National Celebrations?

  11. dg says:

    Minn Gvern li jisma ghal Gvern li jghaffeg…

  12. A. Charles says:

    I would like to add something which we in Marsaskala are suffering from sheer incompetence. During the PN administration, the recycling plant in the area was malodorous free. Now it is so bad that the smell is nauseating and unhealthy. I was told me this is due to the incompetent administration which is applying stringent economies.

  13. aidan says:

    Under that road there is the only tunnel in the world with parking spaces. Joe Mizzi again managed to f**ck a project started by Austin Gatt.

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