Not even capable of being honest and straightforward about what Bridget Jones would have called his mini-breaks

Published: June 30, 2014 at 11:15pm
First, see this

First, see this

Now, see this for the source of the photograph he's passing off as his own

Now, see this for the source of the photograph he’s passing off as his own

And now, see this for a reality check on what that beach is really like right now. The other photograph was taken in winter.

And now, see this for a reality check on what that beach is really like right now. The other photograph was taken in winter.

31 Comments Comment

  1. Nokkla says:

    A deserted beach near Palermo in the summer? Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando must think we’ve never left our village.

  2. Joe Fenech says:

    Pathetic git.

    The health minister, rather than going on about breast-feeding, should be looking into the high rate of personality disorders that exists in Malta.

  3. ciccio says:

    Where is that, Mistra Bay?

  4. Stephen says:

    Once a cheater, always a cheater

  5. rjc says:


  6. Joe Fenech says:

    It seems that mediocrity is synonymous with Heritage Malta.

    Hopefully, that piano will not be ruined by these do-gooders.

  7. S says:

    He’s a chronic liar.

  8. observer says:

    Ghadu ma xebax jaqa’ ghan-nejk, dan in-nofs krejatura?

  9. TinaB says:

    Pulcinell bir-roti.

  10. San Pietru says:

    Guda ma kienx fanfru.

  11. Alan says:

    All this prick is interested in is restaurants, much younger women, photographs of beaches, pocket-dogs and anything but science related.

    He is the typical scientific experiment of a Peter Pan Syndrome gone even more wrong.

    What a materialistic twat.

  12. H.P. Baxxter says:

    You have to wonder what all these middle-aged poseurs were doing before the invention of Facebook. Did they even exist before there was anyone to observe their statuses?

  13. Ara vera basta kullhadd iparla fuq il-Facebook imbaghad hadd ma jaf x’inhu jghid!

  14. Harry Worth says:

    Has JPO ever been honest ?

  15. Peppa Pig says:

    What an unmitigated fraud. As fake as his smooth botoxed forehead.

  16. Pepe` says:

    A friend posted a question on his Facebook timeline. He asked where would you want to be teleported to right now?

    Lara Boffa replied: ‘Heaven’, and continued that she wouldn’t mind not returning.

    Seems like she too has had enough of him, and would rather be dead.

  17. ian says:

    What a little shit.

  18. Tom Double Thumb says:

    Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando shares the same detachment from and ignorance about the common people with Queen Marie Antoinette of France.

    Does he think that everybody has the same cash earnings that he does, or that his Facebook friends can fly off whenever they like to beautiful scenes and pretty beaches in other countries?

    In that case, he is at odds with Marie Louise Coleiro Preca, Yana Mintoff, Silvio Parnis and the Labour Party in general who repeatedly claimed that the Maltese were living in risk of poverty and “mejtin bil-guh.”

  19. Foxy says:

    Is this Sperlonga?

    Thanks Daphne, I was thinking of going there for my holidays this summer, but now you’ve upset everything with the last picture.

  20. Manuel says:

    His dream for Mistra Bay. One day it will come true. It will be his second iced bun from Joey ta’ Kastilja.

  21. P Bonnici says:

    I wonder what sort of patients this man has. I would not trust a dentist with too much time to bother with silly stuff on the internet.

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