Now we’re lumped with him
June 18, 2014 at 10:00am
Forty-six years in Australia – he emigrated there with his parents, aged 16, in 1967 – and he still speaks terrible broken ‘Maltese English’ with a dreadful ‘Malti li ghamel ftit snin jahdem mas-servizzi’ accent.
How does this happen?
And in almost five decades of living and operating in Australia, he has never become a citizen, despite “applying for it twice”. Didn’t try very hard, did he?
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Wasn’t reasonable suspicion – or actual conviction – of criminal activity the reason his application foe citizenship was refused?
Australia’s government has tried to cancel his visa several times.
You can take the man out of Manikata, but you cannot take Manikata out of the man.
[Daphne – Quite an odyssey, though, I have to say: from birth and upbringing in a cave in rural Malta to convict and millionaire leader of the MC Rebels gang Australia, via a strawberry farm in Horsley Park.]
The title of your post should send ‘alarm’ messages to those of us who do not have the bikie ‘hobby’ – but know about the ‘adventures’ and life-style of those who have.
” In Malta the Rebels are very well established, most likely attributable to the close Maltese and Australian family connections”
I know its from Wiki but doesn’t it just give you a warm, fuzzy feeling especially when earlier on Wiki also talks of another, possibly Maltese, person thus?
”On 18 May 2009, Michael Paul Falzon was sentenced to ten years in prison for the trafficking of a dangerous drug. He produced methamphetamine (speed) in Mackay, Rockhampton and Dalby and used the Rebels to transport and sell it throughout Queensland and South Australia. The drug ring operated from 1999 until 2003 and made at least $1.5 million.”
Yes, we are truly f*ck*d. This gang leader will surely find his way to Muscat’s skip. No doubt about it.
Next up is him being invited to appear on Xarabank for his ‘poor me’ act.
Are we really lumped with him now? I mean does he have the right to stay here despite leaving several years ago and his problems with the Australian Government?
[Daphne – Polza. Alex Vella is a Maltese citizen. Define citizenship. Can the Maltese government throw me out of Malta or bar me from entering on my return? No. Well, for the exact same reasons, they can’t throw Alex Vella out either, or stop him coming in.]
Can’t they exile you though? I’m not a lawyer but it definitely sounds like a plausible solution.
[Daphne – Exile? What century are you living in? That’s a human rights violation. A citizen cannot be refused entry into his or her own state, whatever the circumstances.]
He says he has no record with the police however in this interview a few years ago his own wife states that:
“Vella himself has a police record “as long as the road”, says his wife, Heather. ”
I suppose Australia has the right to select its citizens and let in the country whoever it wants.
Of course they do, and I must say Australia has allowed too much rubbish in through its generous immigration programme.
He NEVER applied for Maltese citizenship, or so this report says. Which version is correct? “A citizen of Malta, and dubbed the Maltese Falcon, Mr Vella has lived in Australia for more than four decades but has never applied for citizenship.
His wife and two sons are Australian citizens.
This is not the first time steps have been taken to stop the Rebels boss from re-entering Australia.
He encountered problems in 2007 after flying to Tokyo to watch his middleweight boxer son, Adam Vella.
While in Japan NSW police reportedly prepared a case for the Immigration Department to refuse the multi-millionaire a new visa to return to Australia. He was eventually allowed return.
Read more:“
Did he return to Malta ‘ghax issa t-tern taghhom’?
I don’t get it, I’m not questioning the Australian authorities decision to cancel his visa or anything which is completely their discretion but has he actually been convicted of any crimes or not?
[Daphne – Yes, he has. But that’s not why he’s been thrown out.]
Probabbilment ghaliex kien kburi li hu Malti. Issa ghalhekk jista joqghod kuntent ghaliex maqbud hawn, fost il-Maltin.
I’m not sure I understand it correctly, but does he owe a million dollars to the tax authorities down under?
It wasn’t my fault at all. My tax agent and lawyer had advised me that if I sold my bikes and cars I didn’t have to pay taxes on them.
“But now we’ve found out that we were very wrong and I’ve got to pay the price. It’s as simple as that.”
You bet you got it all wrong! There is nothing which is for sure in life, except death and taxes!
The other thing we must be told: were Gasol’s stories about its business development in Benin just lies?
What was Gasol really up to in the last few years?
Now that Gasol will cancel its listing from the LSE AIM, it will no longer be required to make public announcements about its business deals, especially those in Malta.
Next prediction: Gasol plc will pull down all historic information relating to public announcements to investors and the media from its website shortly.
A wilder prediction: Gasol plc will pull down its website entirely.
Why would Gasol decide to cancel its listing on the London Stock Exchange when it all started to become really interesting? Think about it: The first business deal put together nicely in Malta, the new Dubai (or was it Singapore?) of the Med, where their main customer is Enemalta, in which China has a 30% stake.
For sure, we will miss those public announcements to investors about Gasol’s project in Malta which tended to contradict what the Maltese government was saying here in Malta.
Oh, the Aussie rebel biker. Doesn’t he deserve to have at least one Xarabank reserved to him and his cause? I’m sure HP Baxxter would approve.
And while at it, let’s get Peppi to dedicate one more special edition to collect funds (Maratona ta’ gbir ta’ fondi) for the biker. Kif tista’ ma ccempilx?
He is right to protect his biking hobby. I now expect him to join Lino Farrugia and Joe Perici Calascione of the FKNK in their referendum campaign to protect the “rights, privileges and interests” of “minorities,” while he sojourns here in Malta and his lawyers battle it out against the Commonwealth government down under. He could also perhaps get those lawyers to present a copy of FKNK’s petition in the Australian Parliament in support of his cause, arguing that 100,000 signatures cannot be ignored.
I love Xarabank.
And I can see it now: Alex Vella riding into the studio on his Harley, to the frenzied applause of the pastry-starved audience, as that ghastly Fabri pumps away on his guitar and Joe Azzopardi chews gum.
Then it’s on to some adverts, and then the first question:
“Alex [20 second pause as Azzopardi collects his thoughts]. Alex, x’garalek l-Ostrelja?”
[Followed by a 2-minute incoherent answer, to which Azzopardi adds his incoherent thumbnail sketch of the guest.]
“Allura Alex [20 second pause while Azzopardi chews his hum, looks around the studio with glazed eyes, and remembers some vague record of the “brainstorming session” with the producers.] haw’ ghandna litratt tieghek meta kont tfal. Kemm kellek zmien hemm? Digà liebes flokk ta’ skanetru.”
[On to adverts, followed by that talentless James Bondin, followed by the off-key Fabri, followed by sponsors, followed by a voxpop on “Qatt mort l-Awstralja” [Le hi! / Iva hi nara l’ohti! / Mela hi! Ahna minn Sydney hi! / Eh? / Mela menn. Mort l-Oktoberfest tghidx kemm sirt hara.] followed by a close-up of Azzopardi’s vacant stare.]
And so on for the next four hours. Meanwhile, Maltese businessmen smuggle some more Libyan oil, the civil war in Libya, Syria and now Iraq spreads some more, pushing up the price of that phantom power station, the Chinese invade some more South China Sea islands, and Gasol shareholders dump their stock.
It’s Friday night and all’s well.
Please don’t give them any ideas…
Ok, Baxxter. This is the one edition of Xarabank I will not miss.
I wish we were ‘lumped’ with people of many talents – not this type of talent however.
What a mess.
So any ‘investment’ and public spending with the proceeds shall be subject to a process which efficiency and effectiveness don’t exceed 50%.
Only civil servants on half days and part timers need apply for comprehensive free childcare then.
Note the comment sent in by Nuri Katz.
And that’s just wiki.
What scares me is their 1% antics. And knowing that there is a “1%” motorcycle club in malta which i am assuming is a chapter or whatever they call it of the main Rebels MC (1%) of Australia is seriously worrying.
Given his stature, I wonder what bike he rides. It should be either a Yamaha Bop or a Honda Camino.
He’s in an MC gang cause its something he enjoys?
and the 1% patch? Thats a fake too? Vella did not earn that?
bless him!
[Daphne – Might I remind you that this comments board is neither somebody’s Facebook Timeline nor’s. Communicate properly or leave.]
Its your site … don’t release what you don’t like. i post when i have nothing better to do. if u want to waste time vetting grammer that’s your prerogative. ;)
It takes a thief to catch a thief.
Baqa wicc ta’ Malti rahli mifquh. Probabli ma biddilx id-dieta u baqa jiekol il-pastizzi bhal Joey taghna lkoll.
Grima jew Muscat?
Mhux it-tnejn (minn) ‘taghna lkoll’?