So why did they appoint him in the first place? The consequences were not hard to predict.

Published: June 30, 2014 at 12:25am

peter paul zammit

They sack John Rizzo immediately they are elected to government. They bring retired police officer Peter Paul Zammit, by then working as a notary, into the police force and simultaneously make him police commissioner.

Instantly, he announces to the press that John Dalli will not be prosecuted. He then sets about providing a catering and waiter service at Girgenti Palace for a conference dinner, with the full collusion and enthusiastic agreement of the Police Minister (ghax niffrankaw il-flus, hi).

And now, apparently, it’s bye-bye Peter Paul.

A government source has been doing some leaking to Malta Today and The Malta Independent: the government isn’t happy with the police commissioner. They don’t say exactly why they’re not happy. He’s committed no resignation offence – he’s just not “delivering”.

That’s odd. I thought he had delivered the one thing he was appointed for, and it’s not catering.

Sounds like a stitch-up to me: if it weren’t a stitch-up, they wouldn’t be briefing against him to the media. They would just ask him to leave and then tell the media in a proper press statement.

I don’t think they’re getting rid of him because he’s not fit for purpose. It’s not as though this government gives the slightest damn about whether any of its appointees is fit for purpose or not.

No. I think they’re getting rid of Peter Paul Zammit because a more influential Taghna Lkoller is agitating for his job. Mr Audrey ‘Labour Billboard’ Harrison, perhaps – the senior police officer who arrested Cyrus Engerer’s father Chris on cannabis offences, because he was so keen to help the evil Nationalists persecute him.

28 Comments Comment

  1. ciccio says:

    So in theory there is still a chance that John Dalli will be prosecuted, once a new Cops Commissioner is in place. Or am I dreaming?

  2. curious says:

    Typical Labour. He did the dirty work for them and now they’re not happy because he’s not delivering. End of the catering service.

  3. Francis Saliba M.D. says:

    It’s the Mintoff saga starting all over again in the police force.

    Mintoff ran through one de Gray, two Bencinis, one Enoch Tonna and one Cachia before he found the one after his own (and KMB’s) heart. That was the Police Commissioner under whose command police torture during interrogations became rampant, unsolved violence by MLP thugs always went unpunished, gazzeted police officers finished in prison for crimes while holding office with the list being topped by the Police Commissioner himself.

  4. Pete Ross says:

    As one grassroots MLP supporter and insider told a friend of mone: Joseph Muscat is a lemon juicer. He first uses you then dumps you into the bin.

  5. canon says:

    Nuxellina must be very disappointed seeing police commissioner Peter Paul Zammit going. She always found him helpful when she needed to jump the queue.

  6. Salvu says:

    “Not delivering” for Labour probably means that he is refusing to do more dirty work.

  7. FGF says:

    Being in “labour” without “delivering” could have nasty consequences.

    • Francis Saliba M.D. says:

      Being in labour without delivering according to the LP evil agenda would have nasty consequences.

  8. Francis Saliba M.D. says:

    Muscat appointed Pietru Pawl Zammit hastily as Commissioner of Police to put a spanner in the police investigation of John Dalli. That having been accomplished, both Dalli and Zammit have served their purpose,they have been squeezed dry like a lemon and both can be safely discarded in the LP skip.

    Next one, please!

  9. Joe Fenech says:

    I am sure no one is really surprised. Labour nominees must deliver what the regime wants them to deliver. If they just fail, or if somebody more likely to deliver is found, they are just ousted and replaced.
    Nothing new. And we never learn! Poor Malta.

  10. aidan says:

    Peter Paul Zammit for chairman of ITS Malta.

  11. Galian says:

    My feeling is that the next commissioner will surely be the person who was initially approached for the post but refused to carry out the orders which Zammit eventually did.

  12. Kalandru says:

    Having hit the ground running, he may have had a bit of time to think since. U Muscat sab li PPZ mhux ‘ahdar’ biz-xejjed ghall-iskopijiet tieghu (sorry, but it sounds so much better in Maltese).

    Now they’ll install a proper stop-at-nothing villain to do their bidding.

  13. Dan il-Gvern hekk… l-ewwel juzak imbghad jarmik.

    Gawdi poplu la trid hekk

    U dan tal-qalba…. ahseb u ara ghalina l-popolin x’hemm lest!

    Guzeppi tal-Mosta
    kullhadd jafni!

  14. bob-a-job says:

    One little dicky bird sitting on a wall,
    Half named Peter, half named Paul.
    Service rendered to us all, now
    Fly away Peter, fly away Paul

  15. Paulus says:

    What about Manuel Mallia’s cousin? Deputy Comissioner Ray Zammit? Seems more likely to me!

  16. WOW says:

    I heard that he was totally against the introduction of the SWAT squad, who will not be under his direct control.He surely remembers the SMU and their achievements.

  17. matt says:

    Malta needs a change in the constitution. The nomination of police commissioner must be approved by the Opposition of the day. So do the chairmanships of government companies.

  18. Mike says:

    My God, can you imagine this man attending NATO meetings? Colleagues round the table would most certainly be impressed with this CV.

  19. bryan says:

    there once was a notary and pete was his name
    when joseph was elected he shot into fame

    but now his work is done
    time left for him there’s none

    bye bye farewell to his iced bun
    time for others to have some fun

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